Joe Scarborough Calls Trump A ‘Far Graver Threat’ To America Than 9/11 Attackers


well we know he isn't a journalist, so he is but a tv nobody.

He use to be a good Conservative Congressman from North Florida. He was instrumental in getting the Bill of Impeachment against Slick Willy.

However, hookers and blow turned him to the dark side.

The real threat to this country is the Left taking away our liberty in order to fund their welfare state. If Joe would pull his head out of Mika's ass he would be telling America that.
funny what money does to the soul. My soul is protected.

Liberalism/Progressivism is all about using the government to steal money from the people that earn it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is the real threat to this country.

Joe knew that at one time but it is apparent that Mika's pussy and that nice fat paycheck MSNBC gives him each week has him all confused now.
dumbos embrace an amoral skank-in-chief who embraces KGB while demonizing US State Department.

you dolts are going down in history as the most useful idiots ever. :eusa_clap:

It is draining the swamp of despicable assholes, Moon Bat. That is a good thing. We need it badly.

Obama has already gone down in history as the worst President this country ever had and Crooked Hillary as the worst candidate for President ever.


Joe Scarborough has lost what little mind he has left...the man has become


Obama in 8 years:
- Financed/supplied/armed/trained/aided/protected/dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists
- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Protected Human Traffickers, Violent Illegal Gangs, and violent Illegals
- Horrible Economy, unemployment
- Violated both Constitution and Rule of Law
- Ruled in Contempt of Court Twice, in Violation of the Constitution several times
- Illegally spied on Americans, the media US Senators, and USSC Justices
- Illegally targeted / used the IRA against Americans
- Set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA
- 1st US Credit Rating mark-down
- Ransoms paid for American hostages
- Violent Rhetoric inspired a political assassination attempt against GOP politicians
- Violent rhetoric inspires attacks on women and children supporting their President....
- Promises to Putin to be more 'flexible'
- Refused to 'rock the boat' to demand the US stop be taken advantage of by NATO, China, etc...
- Allowed North Korea to acquire missile technology to strike the US with its nukes
- Aided our enemies: Gave Russia Uranium, Crimea, and permission to interfere in the US for 2 years
- Orchestrated a treasonous conspiracy to control the outcome of the 2016 election

Trump in 2 Years
- Strongest economy is DECADES
- Most Americans working EVER
- Lowest Unemployment in Decades
- Lowest unemployment for minorities IN RECORDED HISTORY
- Fewer Americans dependent on Food Stamps, Welfare, Unemployment...and Democrats
- Brought jobs Obama said were gone forever back home
- More Jobs
- More full-time jobs
- Raises / higher pay
- Bonuses
- Higher Home Values
- Highest Consumer Confidence in Decades
- Americans held abroad brought home without paying ransoms
- Tougher stance on Russia than Obama
- Historic meeting with North Korean Leader - stopped missile testing
- Got NATO to pay its fair share for THEIR defense
- etc....

Scarborough, like most Liberals / snowflakes, have lost their damn minds, and it is only getting worse as time goes by....all of this WINNING Trump is doing for the benefit of the American people can not console them. Instead they wake up every morning praying the country will experience a turn for the worse so the Democratic Party will benefit.

Joe Scarborough Calls Trump A ‘Far Graver Threat’ To America Than 9/11 Attackers


You are the one who has lost your mind. You and every Trump supporter. Trump is not helping Americans, he is hurting them.

The fact is that the economy has been recovering for a long time. When Obama took over, unemployment was around 9.5%. Trump inherited a unemployment rate of 4.7%. The unemployment rate has continued to drop under Trump. Naturally as the unemployment rate drops, the rates for sub-groups have dropped. NEITHER Trump or Obama are responsible.

Companies started reshoring their production when Obama was in the White House. However again Obama had nothing to do with it. The fact that Carrier is making do with less workers shows Trump's ideas are not working. Wages are not rising any faster under Trump than they did under Obama. Companies will not allow wages to get out of control despite the billions they are receiving under the tax cuts.

Trump's trade policies are hurting Americans. It has become harder for Americans to buy homes because of tariffs on Canadian lumber. Harley Davidson has moved their overseas production overseas to compete. Small businesses are being hurt by tariffs on steel and aluminum. Now consumers are likely to pay the price on everything from shower curtains to a mouse.

The fact is that there is need out there. The reason food stamp use went up was because Obama recognized the need. Republicans have told people to drop dead. Food banks have seen no drop in demand for food. Of the top 10 states for food insecurity, 8 are states that are under complete Republican control and 2 have split control.

Despite stronger economy, many Americans still need help with food

The agreement for NATO countries to increase defense spending was reached under Obama.

Trump's rhetoric has led to attacks on journalists. Remember the newsroom shooting in Annapolis. Also hateful rhetoric is being used against Americans of Hispanic descent.

Trump has not been tough on Russia. He has been dragged kicking and screaming into placing new sanctions on Russia. Obama was forced to place sanctions on Russia despite his desire for better relations with Russia. He didn't have to be dragged kicking and screaming.
Trump is not helping Americans, he is hurting them.

like what?
Liberalism/Progressivism is all about using the government to steal money from the people that earn it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is the real threat to this country.


sure sure sure, social security and medicare is a big bad boogeyman to you dolts.

but that KGB thug who actually idolizes communist dictators..?? HE is a swell guy trump gets along with!

and nancy pelosi...? SHE is your feared "enemy" ! :laugh:

what a bunch of stoopid pricks trumptards really are...

QUOTE="easyt65, post: 20760254, member"]
You are the one who has lost your mind. You and every Trump supporter. Trump is not helping Americans, he is hurting them.

Blah, blah, blah...SSDD.

Yes, it must be HORRIBLE for all those Americans to be off of Food Stamps, Welfare, and Unemployment.
The hell they must be going through having jobs, BETTER jobs, higher pay, and bonuses.
What a bastard, lowering unemployment rates to the lowest in decades / EVER - the poor people!

Thank you for the 'Nancy Pelosi Echo Chamber' BULLSHIT about how the raises and bonuses people are getting are just 'crumbs' and how all of this WINNING is bad for America.

Sweetheart, EVERYONE knows all of this WINNINFG is only bad for 1 group of people - DEMOCRATS. The self-serving elitist 'dictator-wanna-be's who want to raise taxes, take away higher salaries, eliminate bonuses, send manufacturing companies packing - back over seas where Obama declared they would stay forever, and force Americans in droves back onto Unemployment, Welfare ,and Food Stamps - dependent on the Democrats again who would then RULE every aspect of their lives again.

WINNING is bad for DEMOCRATS. Schumer already declared Liberals and snowflakes are 100% committed to undermining all the good the GOP and Trump have done and try to do, and they have done everything - and continue to do everything they can do - to undermine this president and the success this country is experiencing right now.

Spare us the Pelosi BS!
Liberalism/Progressivism is all about using the government to steal money from the people that earn it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is the real threat to this country.


sure sure sure, social security and medicare is a big bad boogeyman to you dolts.

but that KGB thug who actually idolizes communist dictators..?? HE is a swell guy trump gets along with!

and nancy pelosi...? SHE is your feared "enemy" ! :laugh:

what a bunch of stoopid pricks trumptards really are...

so you got nothing
QUOTE="easyt65, post: 20760254, member"]
You are the one who has lost your mind. You and every Trump supporter. Trump is not helping Americans, he is hurting them.

Blah, blah, blah...SSDD.

Yes, it must be HORRIBLE for all those Americans to be off of Food Stamps, Welfare, and Unemployment.
The hell they must be going through having jobs, BETTER jobs, higher pay, and bonuses.
What a bastard, lowering unemployment rates to the lowest in decades / EVER - the poor people!

Thank you for the 'Nancy Pelosi Echo Chamber' BULLSHIT about how the raises and bonuses people are getting are just 'crumbs' and how all of this WINNING is bad for America.

Sweetheart, EVERYONE knows all of this WINNINFG is only bad for 1 group of people - DEMOCRATS. The self-serving elitist 'dictator-wanna-be's who want to raise taxes, take away higher salaries, eliminate bonuses, send manufacturing companies packing - back over seas where Obama declared they would stay forever, and force Americans in droves back onto Unemployment, Welfare ,and Food Stamps - dependent on the Democrats again who would then RULE every aspect of their lives again.

WINNING is bad for DEMOCRATS. Schumer already declared Liberals and snowflakes are 100% committed to undermining all the good the GOP and Trump have done and try to do, and they have done everything - and continue to do everything they can do - to undermine this president and the success this country is experiencing right now.

Spare us the Pelosi BS!
dude, wonder why they don't just give all of their money to the government? I think that is what they really want and what the koolaid vendor asked for.
Trump hasn’t made you act like a fool. You did that on your own

trump has made his apologists act like fools. own it. :eusa_clap:
I agree, that people actually voted for obammy was very foolish and corrected when trump ran. Now the progressives are batshit crazy cause they can't comprehend what happened and now have trump derangement syndrome. sad!!! thanks for pointing that out.

You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes you to say stupid things like you just did.
Trump is not helping Americans, he is hurting them.
like what?
Better jobs
Higher Wages
Most Americans working ever
Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history
Factories Obama said would never come back are coming back
Trade deals that actually benefit the US are getting done
Higher home values
Record Stock market....

You know - all those 'CRUMBS'! :p
Trump hasn’t made you act like a fool. You did that on your own

trump has made his apologists act like fools. own it. :eusa_clap:
I agree, that people actually voted for obammy was very foolish and corrected when trump ran. Now the progressives are batshit crazy cause they can't comprehend what happened and now have trump derangement syndrome. sad!!! thanks for pointing that out.

You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes you to say stupid things like you just did.
see it's your eyes playing tricks, you just understand stupid and don't understand logic. so I understand your dilemma.
These Moon Bats tell you they support democracy but they only do it up until the time that it interferes with their filthy socialist agenda. Then they hate it and try to undermine it.

you assholes pretend to support the USA yet you do everything to undermine our venerated institutions.

ps your post make NO SENSE. :eusa_clap:

Makes a lot of sense when you understand what a failure and embarrassment that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama was to this country.

I support making this country great again. Obama fucked up this country big time by increasing poverty, decreasing family income, tremendously increasing debt and having dismal economic growth.

If Scarborough had any sense he would be spending his time reminding everybody of the Democrat failures and corruption.

And ignoring Republican corruption.
As Nike and Kaepernick say, 'Believe in and stand for something even if it means you will lose everything!'

That should be the DNC's Mid-Term and 2020 Presidential campaign slogan. :p
These Moon Bats tell you they support democracy but they only do it up until the time that it interferes with their filthy socialist agenda. Then they hate it and try to undermine it.

you assholes pretend to support the USA yet you do everything to undermine our venerated institutions.

ps your post make NO SENSE. :eusa_clap:

Makes a lot of sense when you understand what a failure and embarrassment that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama was to this country.

I support making this country great again. Obama fucked up this country big time by increasing poverty, decreasing family income, tremendously increasing debt and having dismal economic growth.

If Scarborough had any sense he would be spending his time reminding everybody of the Democrat failures and corruption.

And ignoring Republican corruption.
dude, wonder why they don't just give all of their money to the government? I think that is what they really want and what the koolaid vendor asked for.
Jc, my friend....

Liberals don't believe in giving THEIR money to the government. They believe in taking YOUR money and giving it to the government. :p

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