Joe Rogan is Right, Wall Street Journal: Pfizer/Moderna COVID Shots Cause Myocarditis

Yours, on display.
T-cells are NOT white blood cells, but what produces white blood cells.
A T cell is a type of lymphocyte. T cells are one of the important white blood cells of the immune system and play a central role in the adaptive immune response.

T cell, also called T lymphocyte, type of leukocyte (white blood cell) that is an essential part of the immune system. T cells are one of two primary types of lymphocytesB cells being the second type—that determine the specificity of immune response to antigens (foreign substances) in the body.
The mRNA injections contain no antibodies at all, but just reprogram our ribosomes to produce spike proteins.
The vaccine stimulates your body's antibodies.

Excess spike proteins are detected as debris, and that stimulates the lowest possible immune response, the release of antibodies into the blood.
The lowest?
Then why is it the first into the bloodstream to fight an infection?
Releasing antibodies into the blood can NOT at all end covid infections,
It may, it may not end it but antibodies fight covid.
since covid can not survive in the blood at all, and has nothing to do with the blood.

White blood cells rush to sites of injury and infection to coordinate immune responses that help the body recover from accidents and illness, which could range from bleeding to pneumonia. After assessing blood samples from patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), researchers from Yale University found neutrophil activation and production – white blood cells responding to infection – revealed biological clues about patients who later developed severe reactions to COVID-19.

The physicians started their study by assessing blood samples from 49 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in April 2020.

How did they detect covid in blood if it can't survive in blood?
You are so wrong about the flu that you have to be an idiot. Flu is NOT one virus strain, but hundreds of different ones we just give the same name to.
NO, shit dumbass.
I never stated there was one strain of flu.
The flu does not mutate each year.
Sure, Dr. Rogan.

One of influenza virus’s main weapons is actually a double-edged sword.

The virus’s ability to rapidly mutate lets it escape from the immune system’s memory and explains why people can be repeatedly re-infected with flu – unlike measles or polio.

“We usually think of the flu virus’s ability to mutate and evolve as a bad thing for us,” Bloom says. It lets the virus jump from one species to another and evade the defenses provided by the flu vaccine. But, he says, “mutating has a downside for the virus, too.”

Before immune cells respond, though, infected cells – usually lung cells – have to detect the virus and let nearby cells know. If the immune system has seen a particular strain before, even in the form of a vaccine, it quickly remembers how to fight it. If the virus has mutated too much since the last infection, the body will need extra time. That’s how the virus’s high mutation rate hampers the body’s defenses, Bloom says.

But it doesn’t explain the variation seen in the severity of people’s infections, he says. Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
We just try to predict which of the viruses we call flu will be around the next winter, and we usually guess wrong.
An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a new influenza A virus that is very different from current and recently circulating human seasonal influenza A viruses. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, making it possible on very rare occasions for non-human influenza viruses to change in such a way that they can infect people easily and spread efficiently from person to person.
I have never run into anyone as ignorant about epidemiology and the immune system, as you.
You're even dumber than Dr. Rogan or the dentist.
It is ignorance like yours that has kept this epidemic going for over 2 years.
A rational person would have admitted your mistakes over 1.5 years ago.
You're delusional, you don't even know the basics.
So, you regurgitate, dentists, podcasters and FOX.
Yours, on display.

A T cell is a type of lymphocyte. T cells are one of the important white blood cells of the immune system and play a central role in the adaptive immune response.

T cell, also called T lymphocyte, type of leukocyte (white blood cell) that is an essential part of the immune system. T cells are one of two primary types of lymphocytesB cells being the second type—that determine the specificity of immune response to antigens (foreign substances) in the body.

The vaccine stimulates your body's antibodies.

The lowest?
Then why is it the first into the bloodstream to fight an infection?

It may, it may not end it but antibodies fight covid.


White blood cells rush to sites of injury and infection to coordinate immune responses that help the body recover from accidents and illness, which could range from bleeding to pneumonia. After assessing blood samples from patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), researchers from Yale University found neutrophil activation and production – white blood cells responding to infection – revealed biological clues about patients who later developed severe reactions to COVID-19.

The physicians started their study by assessing blood samples from 49 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in April 2020.

How did they detect covid in blood if it can't survive in blood?

NO, shit dumbass.
I never stated there was one strain of flu.

Sure, Dr. Rogan.

One of influenza virus’s main weapons is actually a double-edged sword.

The virus’s ability to rapidly mutate lets it escape from the immune system’s memory and explains why people can be repeatedly re-infected with flu – unlike measles or polio.

“We usually think of the flu virus’s ability to mutate and evolve as a bad thing for us,” Bloom says. It lets the virus jump from one species to another and evade the defenses provided by the flu vaccine. But, he says, “mutating has a downside for the virus, too.”

Before immune cells respond, though, infected cells – usually lung cells – have to detect the virus and let nearby cells know. If the immune system has seen a particular strain before, even in the form of a vaccine, it quickly remembers how to fight it. If the virus has mutated too much since the last infection, the body will need extra time. That’s how the virus’s high mutation rate hampers the body’s defenses, Bloom says.

But it doesn’t explain the variation seen in the severity of people’s infections, he says. Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a new influenza A virus that is very different from current and recently circulating human seasonal influenza A viruses. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, making it possible on very rare occasions for non-human influenza viruses to change in such a way that they can infect people easily and spread efficiently from person to person.

You're even dumber than Dr. Rogan or the dentist.

You're delusional, you don't even know the basics.
So, you regurgitate, dentists, podcasters and FOX.

The common meaning of "white blood cell" is a killer cell that is generated and released into the blood stream, to hunt down and destroy invading pathogens. T-cells are not at all like that. They stay in the bone marrow and other places, and produce killer cells when needed. I have never before heard anyone call T-cells "white blood cells" because they act so differently. However, technically speaking, if T-cells can generate "white blood cells", then they logically have to have all the DNA instructions of a "white blood cell".

A T cell is a type of lymphocyte. T cells are one of the important white blood cells of the immune system and play a central role in the adaptive immune response. T cells can be distinguished from other lymphocytes by the presence of a T-cell receptor (TCR) on their cell surface.

T cells are born from hematopoietic stem cells,[1] found in the bone marrow. Developing T cells then migrate to the thymus gland to develop (or mature). T cells derive their name from the thymus.[2] After migration to the thymus, the precursor cells mature into several distinct types of T cells. T cell differentiation also continues after they have left the thymus. Groups of specific, differentiated T cell subtypes have a variety of important functions in controlling and shaping the immune response.

One of these functions is immune-mediated cell death, and it is carried out by two major subtypes: CD8+ "killer" and CD4+ "helper" T cells. (These are named for the presence of the cell surface proteins CD8 or CD4.) CD8+ T cells, also known as "killer T cells", are cytotoxic – this means that they are able to directly kill virus-infected cells, as well as cancer cells. CD8+ T cells are also able to use small signaling proteins, known as cytokines, to recruit other types of cells when mounting an immune response. A different population of T cells, the CD4+ T cells, function as "helper cells". Unlike CD8+ killer T cells, the CD4+ helper T (TH) cells function by further activating memory B cells and cytotoxic T cells, which leads to a larger immune response. The specific adaptive immune response regulated by the TH cell depends on its subtype, which is distinguished by the types of cytokines they secrete.[3]

Regulatory T cells are yet another distinct population of T cells that provide the critical mechanism of tolerance, whereby immune cells are able to distinguish invading cells from "self". This prevents immune cells from inappropriately reacting against one's own cells, known as an "autoimmune" response. For this reason, these regulatory T cells have also been called "suppressor" T cells. These same regulatory T cells can also be co-opted by cancer cells to prevent the recognition of, and an immune response against, tumor cells.

The mRNA injections do stimulate the production of antibodies, but only because the excess spike proteins they produce are detected as excess debris. The spike proteins produced by the mRNA injections are not detected as invading pathogens, because they are not invading pathogens.
Real vaccines do contain real pathogens, so than create the memory of that type of pathogen, so that then there is the ability of the immune system to better detect and identify that pathogen forever.
Antibodies is not the normal means of fighting infection.
Antibodies are small and mindless, only good for cleaning up specific debris or latching on to particular dangers.
The main immune system response comes from things like killed white blood cells, phages, cytokines, and larger immune system components that have the ability to differentiate between good and bad targets much better.
Antibodies are NOT the first immune response, and usually are the last, to do clean up.
The only reason the mRNA injections stimulate antibody response first, is that they do not simulate any sort of pathogen attack at all.

And no, covid has nothing to do with the blood.
The ONLY time any covid debris has been detected in the blood is after a cytokine immune system attack on a covid infection in the lungs, as caused internal hemorrhaging. Only then does some covid debris get into the blood stream. But it is ALWAYS immediately killed by the blood. No covid can survive in the blood. No one has ever become infected with covid from blood transfusions from people infected with covid. So that is why no covid testing is done at blood donation sites. It can not spread infection through blood. Some dead covid debris can be in the blood, but that is all.

And you are still totally wrong about flu. It does not and can not rapidly mutate. When there are different variants or strains of any virus, they pre-exist. They likely have been around for millions of years. Mutations are random damage to DNA or RNA proteins, and almost always fatal to even a virus. The ONLY other thing that people incorrectly call mutation, that does exist, is actually when 2 different virus variants inject their DNA or RNA into the nucleus of the same host cell. When that happens, then new viable combinations are possible immediately. But that is NOT at all a mutation. It is much more similar to a hybridization.
Dr. Bloom is WRONG to use the word "mutation". That is NOT what is happening.

All one needs to know can be read in history books.
The proper way to deal with an epidemic can easily be read about, like the way General Washington ended the smallpox threat to the Continental Army in 1777. And that is to deliberately speed up the initial infection spike, through deliberate infection of those most likely to survive. Its called "Variolation".
It is not vaccination with a dead virus, because that was not invented for another 25 years.
This was deliberate infection, in order to create enough recovery immunity to achieve herd immunity.
And that ends any epidemic quickly.
And ending it quickly saves the most lives.
Read it your self.

And no, I do not get any information from the sources you suggested. I read the Lancet, MedPage Today, New England Medical Journal, history books, etc. I am not an expert, but also can not be wrong.

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