Joe Biden wants to drive the USA off a fiscal cliff with his liberal policies.

You no problem with the budget busting Tax Cuts of P01135809. He added trillions to the national debt.
It's MY fucking money assholes, MINE! I earned it. I already pay multiple times my fair share. Why don't you worthless deadbeats get off your ass and work a couple jobs and pay YOUR share.
$$$ is printed by the government.
You don't pay in federal reserve notes, they issued, to the government for services rendered,
Your shit belongs to them, DUMBASS.
Still no link to the Constitution saying everything belongs to the government.

You are still losing, Moron.
It's MY fucking money assholes, MINE! I earned it. I already pay multiple times my fair share. Why don't you worthless deadbeats get off your ass and work a couple jobs and pay YOUR share.

It may appear that way. In reality all money belongs to the Federal Reserve.

Taxation is the method they choose to get back the debt that people owe. Every dollar you get must be repaid immediately. This allows the money to flow more freely than gold certificates or silver certificates. This is how our fiscal policy works in the United States. It has been that way since 1913. Butt sitting and laziness is irrelevant. Money doesn’t belong to anybody whether they are hard working or lazy.
The money we give to the Government? So if somebody gives you money, it's not really yours?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

The federal reserve are not aggressive collectors. They loan the money to the United States government. Then the government uses those dollars as a medium of exchange so that citizens will be encouraged to conduct trade. You really should educate yourself. If the government didn’t use Federal Reserve Notes taxation would be very difficult legally. All money printed after 1913 belongs to the Federal Reserve. It is ok if you don’t believe me. You can always research it but then you wouldn’t be allowed to believe what you feel to be true anymore. Nevermind. Don’t research it. Just believe what feels good to you. Damn the truth.

I honestly don’t mind it when people are ignorant but when people choose to be ignorant it bothers me a lot more. So if you don’t do your research on how federal reserve notes work then your ignorance bothers me but I reckon I’ll live.
That ploy was made even worse by "voodoo economics", Reagan's economic policy of lowering taxes and raising spending. GW Bush copied Reagan, having seen the price his dad made in opposing that economic policy.

The last time there was any economic sense in Washington was back when Clinton was President and the GOP held the Congress.
Clinton fought it tooth and nail. Then later lied and claimed credit for it.
It may appear that way. In reality all money belongs to the Federal Reserve.

Taxation is the method they choose to get back the debt that people owe. Every dollar you get must be repaid immediately. This allows the money to flow more freely than gold certificates or silver certificates. This is how our fiscal policy works in the United States. It has been that way since 1913. Butt sitting and laziness is irrelevant. Money doesn’t belong to anybody whether they are hard working or lazy.
You are a moron.

The federal reserve are not aggressive collectors. They loan the money to the United States government. Then the government uses those dollars as a medium of exchange so that citizens will be encouraged to conduct trade. You really should educate yourself. If the government didn’t use Federal Reserve Notes taxation would be very difficult legally. All money printed after 1913 belongs to the Federal Reserve. It is ok if you don’t believe me. You can always research it but then you wouldn’t be allowed to believe what you feel to be true anymore. Nevermind. Don’t research it. Just believe what feels good to you. Damn the truth.

I honestly don’t mind it when people are ignorant but when people choose to be ignorant it bothers me a lot more. So if you don’t do your research on how federal reserve notes work then your ignorance bothers me but I reckon I’ll live.
More lies and bullshit.
It may appear that way. In reality all money belongs to the Federal Reserve.

Taxation is the method they choose to get back the debt that people owe. Every dollar you get must be repaid immediately. This allows the money to flow more freely than gold certificates or silver certificates. This is how our fiscal policy works in the United States. It has been that way since 1913. Butt sitting and laziness is irrelevant. Money doesn’t belong to anybody whether they are hard working or lazy.
My God seek a refund on your public education.
My God seek a refund on your public education.

Money used to say “Silver Certificate”. Give me a public education right now in front of everybody. Why did they change the wording to “Federal Reserve Note”?

Or be a lying sack of shit and don’t explain to me in front of everybody why the wording changed. I know which one you are going to choose. You are going to not educate me publicly in front of everybody as to why the wording on dollar bills was changed.

You are just going to run and hide which will prove that I am right. Aren’t you?
Silver Certificate


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