Joe Biden Takes a Leisurely Bike Ride as Maui Burns (VIDEO)

What an uncaring person Biden is. He lacks compassion. He lacks empathy. Trump would have already flown out to Hawaii to offer support and compassion to the ones who have lost their loved ones. This is just pathetic on Biden's behalf.

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What an uncaring person Biden is. He lacks compassion. He lacks empathy. Trump would have already flown out to Hawaii to offer support and compassion to the ones who have lost their loved ones. This is just pathetic on Biden's behalf.

Yep, POTUS Biden is taking a leisurly bike ride as Trump soils himself waiting for DA Willis to nail his beclowned ass with a RICO indictment. :dance:
That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it BooBoo? You expect him to grab a fire hose, and join the crowd? The distraction of a presidential visit, with all the security and hoopla that goes with it is the last thing they need right now. Grow up.
honestly now...does anybody expect anything from poor old hapless JOey....he isnt even good at hiding his coke
Biden should not go to Maui. He didn't go to East Palestine. He shouldn't go to Maui. He should go back to Ukraine. That's who pays him.

Good. It was Commiefornias fault. They didn't take care of clearing away brush like they should have. They were a tinderbox ready to go up and then they want taxpayers to bail them out when it happens.

No different than liberal homeowners who don't insure their houses and then want taxpayers to give them money to rebuild when their house burns down.

Sorry, shoulda foregone that Iphone 25 to pay for a year of homeowners insurance.

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