Joe Biden Solves Afghan Crisis

I should hope so but they started to late. This should have been done months ago and I prey they can get all of the Americans and Afghans out.
No reason to

The US has evacuated over 80,000 people
Impressive by any measure
There is no reason to "evacuate" anyone. You bring people back in an orderly fashion from Bagram Air Base starting months ago. Bagram can be defended easily and has a huge perimeter that is open for kilometers. That is why it was built. It isn't in the middle of a congested urban area. The Taliban is acting like our TSA agents. This was Biden's decision to pull our military out of Bagram. CENTEM commander: this is beyond pathetic.
There is no reason to "evacuate" anyone. You bring people back in an orderly fashion from Bagram Air Base starting months ago. Bagram can be defended easily and has a huge perimeter that is open for kilometers. That is why it was built. It isn't in the middle of a congested urban area. The Taliban is acting like our TSA agents. This was Biden's decision to pull our military out of Bagram. CENTEM commander: this is beyond pathetic.

Easy Peasy INSIDE the perimeter

But Biden couldn’t assure the safety of those outside the perimeter after Aug 31
Easy Peasy INSIDE the perimeter

But Biden couldn’t assure the safety of those outside the perimeter after Aug 31

Quid Pro destroyed the safety of everyone with his cowardly surrender.

{The day 13 American service members and an unknown number of Afghans were killed by suicide bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan, President Joe Biden was 25 minutes late to address the nation in a roaming speech marked with labored breathing and a few choked-up moments.}

Joe Biden, do the right thing - resign.
Joe "Quid Pro" Biden, after wandering the halls of the White House for 4 1/2 hours trying to remember why he was there, addressed the nation through the party controlled press and assured us that there have been no deaths in Afghanistan and absolutely no Americans are stranded.

This was a little too much for some of the less obedient lap dogs in the DNC press pool who later pressed spokes troll Gin PaSnarky to clarify.

It turns out that Resident Biden has a brilliant plan that will make at least a few of the words he spoke true.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a press conference today, Biden assured the world that he would get every American out of Afghanistan. When asked how he would do this, he explained that on the pull-out date of August 31st he will simply revoke the American citizenship of every American who hasn't shown up at the Kabul airport yet.

"Voila! An elegant solution! Knock on wood, no malarkey!" he said to a stunned press. "If you haven't fought through 12 checkpoints of terrorist thugs and shown up at the airport by the deadline, I guess you don't want to be an American! Boom! No American left behind! Real simple, Jack!"

Biden then began hitting on a female reporter in the front row before forgetting where he was and walking aimlessly into the crowd.}

You sure he don't have a democRat squad made up of taliban, assorted traitors, criminals, and perverts hunting them down and killing them?
You sure he don't have a democRat squad made up of taliban, assorted traitors, criminals, and perverts hunting them down and killing them?

I'm not actually sure where the location of the Squad is at the moment...

taliban, assorted traitors, criminals, and perverts...... Yep, that's the Squad alright.


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