Joe Biden - One Man Wrecking Crew


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Joe Biden is wrecking the United States of America. The list is quite long. For starters, his crazy shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline (does anybody know why ?) has got gas prices soaring at the pump. Here in Tampa Florida, prices have jumped 74 cents a gallon (from $1.89 to 2.63 a gallon), in one month.

This incredibly goofy action has resulted in tens of thousands of workers having already lost their jobs, with their union (which endorsed Biden) furious at him. Millions of people in Texas are without electric power and water, as the transition from oil energy to wind and solar progresses. Trouble is, oil was always there. Wind isn't, on windless days, nor is the sun on cloudy days, and at night.

Biden wants to switch the U.S. from being a country that relies on oil and fossil fuels to green energy, like that proposed in the Green New Deal. Bad idea. This is especially terrifying, as liberals call on Biden to cut off the Dakota Access Pipeline, that transports oil across the country. If he follows the calls coming from his party, his callous decision will produce a multitude of unexpected consequences not related to oil, which narrow-minded liberals seem to have never contemplated.

One of those unexpected consequences will be on food prices. Mid-Western farmers will be hit HARD, driving up food prices across the country. Not to mention the crippling move will kill thousands of jobs as well, just like what happened when he shut down the Keystone Pipeline.

So what mitigating factors have Democrats and Biden come up with to reduce the negative impacts of these crazy decisions ? The simple answer is none. In fact, Biden's new immigration policies are sure to escalate these problems to levels never before seen, as Biden is inviting tens of thousands of migrants to enter the country making the demands for food, oil, energy, water, etc much higher, thereby reducing the supply of each, per capita, and in turn increasing the prices of all of them. Click the link to see the informative video, and interesting comments below the article.

Under Trump the US paid the farmers around 100 billions dollars to keep them afloat....You have been paying higher food cost since Trump decided to pay the farmers to exist. Now we will see an increase because the farmers are recovering and prices will inflate like they always do.
Another looney decision from Biden is the OK to have transexual men compete with women in women's sports. Women's sports was hailed as a huge victory for women, by womens' liberation groups not long ago. Now, those womens' sports are about to disappear entirely, as this lamebrain change is killing them completely.

Has there been any outcry from the womens' liberation groups ? I haven't seen/heard any. If there isn't, why not ? This insane idea ought to be at the top of their agenda, if they ever did care about women in the first place.
Under Trump the US paid the farmers around 100 billions dollars to keep them afloat....You have been paying higher food cost since Trump decided to pay the farmers to exist. Now we will see an increase because the farmers are recovering and prices will inflate like they always do.
That is a purely
DODGE. Address the OP, or find another thread.
Another looney decision from Biden is the OK to have transexual men compete with women in women's sports. Women's sports was hailed as a huge victory for women, by womens' liberation groups not long ago. Now, those womens' sports are about to disappear entirely, as this lamebrain change is killing them completely.

Has there been any outcry from the womens' liberation groups ? I haven't seen/heard any. If there isn't, why not ? This insane idea ought to be at the top of their agenda, if they ever did care about women in the first place.
This would never have happened had the women not opened the way via the courts and equal rights demands when they want to play on men's teams and hang out at men only clubs...
Joe Biden is wrecking the United States of America. The list is quite long. For starters, his crazy shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline (does anybody know why ?) has got gas prices soaring at the pump. Here in Tampa Florida, prices have jumped 74 cents a gallon (from $1.89 to 2.63 a gallon), in one month.

This incredibly goofy action has resulted in tens of thousands of workers having already lost their jobs, with their union (which endorsed Biden) furious at him. Millions of people in Texas are without electric power and water, as the transition from oil energy to wind and solar progresses. Trouble is, oil was always there. Wind isn't, on windless days, nor is the sun on cloudy days, and at night.

Biden wants to switch the U.S. from being a country that relies on oil and fossil fuels to green energy, like that proposed in the Green New Deal. Bad idea. This is especially terrifying, as liberals call on Biden to cut off the Dakota Access Pipeline, that transports oil across the country. If he follows the calls coming from his party, his callous decision will produce a multitude of unexpected consequences not related to oil, which narrow-minded liberals seem to have never contemplated.

One of those unexpected consequences will be on food prices. Mid-Western farmers will be hit HARD, driving up food prices across the country. Not to mention the crippling move will kill thousands of jobs as well, just like what happened when he shut down the Keystone Pipeline.

So what mitigating factors have Democrats and Biden come up with to reduce the negative impacts of these crazy decisions ? The simple answer is none. In fact, Biden's new immigration policies are sure to escalate these problems to levels never before seen, as Biden is inviting tens of thousands of migrants to enter the country making the demands for food, oil, energy, water, etc much higher, thereby reducing the supply of each, per capita, and in turn increasing the prices of all of them. Click the link to see the informative video, and interesting comments below the article.

Drama queen. Give him some time, we will see.
Under Trump the US paid the farmers around 100 billions dollars to keep them afloat....You have been paying higher food cost since Trump decided to pay the farmers to exist. Now we will see an increase because the farmers are recovering and prices will inflate like they always do.
That is a purely View attachment 460365 DODGE. Address the OP, or find another thread.
The Keystone pipeline has over 700,000 gallons of crude sent through it annually. The Keystone XL is the one that you are trying to reference.

The Xl will transfer tar sands crude that is a heavy sludge oil that is used for asphalt and will be shipped overseas to places like China...China invested over 15 billion into the tar sand deposits that they are fracking to pump in XL to send to China. So this XL crude will not affect prices for gasoline one penny.
And this is different than the last fours years?
What an idiotic question.
It's exactly the opposite of the last 4 years, where Trump got the pipelines pumping, made the US the # 1 energy producer in the world, and LOWERED gas prices from $4.00/gallon to less than $2.00/gallon.

When you have no idea what you're talking about, you should stay out of a thread.
Joe Biden is wrecking the United States of America. The list is quite long. For starters, his crazy shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline (does anybody know why ?) has got gas prices soaring at the pump. Here in Tampa Florida, prices have jumped 74 cents a gallon (from $1.89 to 2.63 a gallon), in one month.

Have you noticed dipshit Biden is destroying oil, gas, and coal jobs BEFORE delivering his green replacement jobs? Biden if you are listening stop being a dick.
And this is different than the last fours years?
What an idiotic question.
It's exactly the opposite of the last 4 years, where Trump got the pipelines pumping, made the US the # 1 energy producer in the world, and LOWERED gas prices from $4.00/gallon to less than $2.00/gallon.

When you have no idea what you're talking about, you should stay out of a thread.
Gas spiked in May of 2020 but you said nothing. It has been rising all through 2020 and you said nothing...Only for a month has Joe been president and now it's the end of the world....The last increase was due to the winter storms in Texas shutting down refineries and oil pumps in the field.
Joe Biden is wrecking the United States of America. The list is quite long. For starters, his crazy shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline (does anybody know why ?) has got gas prices soaring at the pump. Here in Tampa Florida, prices have jumped 74 cents a gallon (from $1.89 to 2.63 a gallon), in one month.

Have you noticed dipshit Biden is destroying oil, gas, and coal jobs BEFORE delivering his green replacement jobs? Biden if you are listening stop being a dick.
When job losses get as high as Trump's then you can complain...
This would never have happened had the women not opened the way via the courts and equal rights demands when they want to play on men's teams and hang out at men only clubs...
NO!!!!! There is no connection of that. I haven't even heard of that before. You sure you didn't just make it up ? If what you say ever happened, it was tiny-miniscule compared to what is happening to womens' sports right now, and it is yet another DODGE on your part, avoiding the point of the post.

No matter what had occured before, Biden is creating a disaster for women sports, period. Another Biden blunder. We might be better off with the average 12 year old as president.
Joe Biden is wrecking the United States of America. The list is quite long. For starters, his crazy shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline (does anybody know why ?) has got gas prices soaring at the pump. Here in Tampa Florida, prices have jumped 74 cents a gallon (from $1.89 to 2.63 a gallon), in one month.

Have you noticed dipshit Biden is destroying oil, gas, and coal jobs BEFORE delivering his green replacement jobs? Biden if you are listening stop being a dick.
When job losses get as high as Trump's then you can complain...

Shut up leftist scum, blue collar union workers and families are losing their jobs because Biden is a dick.
This would never have happened had the women not opened the way via the courts and equal rights demands when they want to play on men's teams and hang out at men only clubs...
NO!!!!! There is no connection of that. I haven't even heard of that before. You sure you didn't just make it up ? If what you say ever happened, it was tiny-miniscule compared to what is happening to womens' sports right now, and it is yet another DODGE on your part, avoiding the point of the post.

No matter what had occured before, Biden is creating a disaster for women sports, period. Another Biden blunder. We might be better off with the average 12 year old as president.
You have never heard of the women's liberation movement in the 1970's? Sorry I thought you knew stuff...There is a female kicker on a college football team and she played in high school. She plays for Vanderbilt.

Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller becomes the first woman to score in a Power Five college football game. Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller smiles to cheers for her in the stands on Saturday. (CNN) Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller has made history on the college football field again.
Vanderbilt kicker Sarah Fuller becomes the first woman to score in a Power Five college football game

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