Joe Biden must resign and leave White House DC

How clever of you not to address BlindBoo's point of what Biden inherited, a half thought through plan of getting out of Afghanistan after releasing thousands of Taliban from prison and reducing troop strength to next to nothing. Where as if we were to stay we'd have to bring back in thousands for the long term and break the deal that was previously made. A deal mind you that left the Afghanistan government out of the loop.

And you managed to deflect away form those points by talking about deflection? Don't jump over any fences with those balls you're dragging around, ok?
[Biden] also admitted that [he] would have still pulled troops from Afghanistan without former President Donald Trump's deal to get everyone out by May 1 – in a reversal of his repeated finger-pointing at his predecessor for the chaos.
If Biden would just keep his mouth shut he might not continually fuck up your bullshit excuses.​
[Biden] also admitted that [he] would have still pulled troops from Afghanistan without former President Donald Trump's deal to get everyone out by May 1 – in a reversal of his repeated finger-pointing at his predecessor for the chaos.
If Biden would just keep his mouth shut he might not continually fuck up your bullshit excuses.​
Neat. But we're not living in 'what if' land, are we? Trump left Afghanistan in a very tenuous place. We couldn't stay there with just 1,500 troops and we couldn't add more and break our agreement with the Taliban without provoking more war. Nobody wants more war and you'd be just another asshole criticizing the escalation.
Neat. But we're not living in 'what if' land, are we? Trump left Afghanistan in a very tenuous place. We couldn't stay there with just 1,500 troops and we couldn't add more and break our agreement with the Taliban without provoking more war. Nobody wants more war and you'd be just another asshole criticizing the escalation.
Biden would have done what Biden did regardless of anything that came before.

Biden's plan... Biden's responsibility... Biden's failure.

Any questions?
Biden would have done what Biden did regardless of anything that came before.

Biden's plan... Biden's responsibility... Biden's failure.

Any questions?

You're simply wrong. The previous president set the troop levels, signed a deal to leave and let loose 5k prisoners and not including the Afghan government. That is what Biden inherited. I'm not saying Biden doesn't have any blame in how this is going but I certainly don't think Trump is off the hook for putting us in a bad position.
You're simply wrong. The previous president set the troop levels, signed a deal to leave and let loose 5k prisoners and not including the Afghan government. That is what Biden inherited. I'm not saying Biden doesn't have any blame in how this is going but I certainly don't think Trump is off the hook for putting us in a bad position.
And yet the Taliban didn't begin their offensive until AFTER Biden announced HIS intention to withdraw.

The Timeline begins in May... the Taliban begins laying siege to outlying provinces and then the roads that led to Kabul. The military and intelligence services sounded the alarm that Kabul and the Afghan government could fall within a month....this is July 8th...

The Defense secretary's comments contradict what Biden said last month.

'Your own intelligence community has assessed that the Afghan government will likely collapse,' a reporter said to the president during the July 8 press conference.

Biden fired back by saying, 'That is not true.'

'They did not reach that conclusion,' the president insisted, which appears to be inaccurate based on Austin's comments.

Biden willfully lied about the situation and the intelligence assessment... Biden didn't modify the plan... Biden didn't warn American civilians and allies... Biden didn't even formulate a contingency plan to deal with a worst case scenario.

And due to the lies... the refusal to accept the intelligence assessment outlining the deteriorating situation...the utter lack of basic contingency planning... the callous disregard for the welfare of American's and Allies in-country... the overarching lack of leadership is what determined the catastrophic failure of Biden's withdrawal.
Remember Trump and the Kurds!


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