Joe Biden must resign and leave White House DC

Saying it's handled badly is an understatement. That shit show we've seen for the past two weeks was completely avoidable. It was a massive failure and pure incompetence on behalf of our military leaders and this administration. There is little reason to believe we would be witnessing these events were Trump still president or had somebody other than Biden been elected.
Oh please, Trump has precedent. Do you remember the withdrawal he ordered from Syria? Why on earth would it have been any different in Afghanistan?
The American people aren't buying it, but it certainly won't stop you folks from trying between now and the midterm elections

You mean the reactionary alt right press is trying their best to blame him.

Everyone knows who negotiated our surrender to the Taliban. Trumpyberra even bragged about it in his Ohio Rally.

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
Afghanistan is a humanitarian disaster. It is about people/humans and not just Americans in other countries.

Taliban army (200,000+). Afghanistan captured and over run by Talibans in one month. Joe Biden said Taliban army is 75000. Intelligence failure.
Sheesh..another sock~
Taliban IS the and the same in the count of 200,000. 75,000 estimate of active fighters..sure to go up in the wake of victory~
Deflection is attempting to draw attention away from oneself and put that attention onto another person. All ages may engage in deflection. Children try to deflect blame when they are in trouble for negative actions by pointing out a different negative action that a sibling did
Assigning blame in this case is not deflection. Biden stood up yesterday and accepted responsibility....when there have literally been two decades of mistakes to point out.
Again, Biden was just the unfortunate sap to be last in line and pulled the trigger. It went badly for him. But roots of yesterday had literally been building for two decades.
To single just Biden out is political partisanship at its worst.
President Sippy Cup Joe gave the Taliban the names of potential evacuees!! :death:.

He should resign over this traitorous act alone!!!
The worst thing Biden did was pick Harris.
He picked her, by his OWN admittance, because she is a minority woman. Absolutely NOTHING to do with her abilities or qualifications.
She was - in fact - an affirmative action hire.
And now we are in a national crises.
We have, effectively, Barney Fife running this country. A man who wasn't very qualified before his mental abilities he is not even in charge.
And what if he does eventually resign?? - We get Harris??????????
Fox just reported it.
It's now common knowledge.
Google is your friend shit stain.
I suppose...and i did read on this..which..devoid of polemic, rhetoric and some outright dishonesty--is..that the US was making lists of afghans who were cleared to the airport..and gave those lists to the Taliban..who then checked the people off of the list. No known harm has occurred by these actions.
Biden was asked..and since he knew nothing about the lower level administrative decision..he waffled and refused to deny a 'master list' out there..or that the Taliban had it.
That's it--all the rest is spin.

A working mind is your friend douche-breath~
You're just parroting the latest talking points...pretty much as they are issued...very good response time..tool.
I suppose...and i did read on this..which..devoid of polemic, rhetoric and some outright dishonesty--is..that the US was making lists of afghans who were cleared to the airport..and gave those lists to the Taliban..who then checked the people off of the list. No known harm has occurred by these actions.
Biden was asked..and since he knew nothing about the lower level administrative decision..he waffled and refused to deny a 'master list' out there..or that the Taliban had it.
That's it--all the rest is spin.

A working mind is your friend douche-breath~
You're just parroting the latest talking points...pretty much as they are issued...very good response time..tool.

You're nuts if you believe the Taliban used it for that.
Assigning blame in this case is not deflection. Biden stood up yesterday and accepted responsibility....when there have literally been two decades of mistakes to point out.
Again, Biden was just the unfortunate sap to be last in line and pulled the trigger. It went badly for him. But roots of yesterday had literally been building for two decades.
To single just Biden out is political partisanship at its worst.

Ultimately, I blame Bush and Rumsfeld for changing the game in the first place, but as I stated before, and as most Americans agree, there was no reason for us to be witnessing what we have the last week or so. You can spin that all you want, but you're only convincing yourself. The public thinks otherwise.
Joe Potatohead's incompetency does not quite meet the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" .

That would be him stealing the election. He is definitely guilty of that.

However, him giving out information on the people left behind to the Taliban is treason and is impeachable.
Ultimately, I blame Bush and Rumsfeld for changing the game in the first place, but as I stated before, and as most Americans agree, there was no reason for us to be witnessing what we have the last week or so. You can spin that all you want, but you're only convincing yourself. The public thinks otherwise.
Most of the public wouldn't know a policy if it came up to them and slapped them on the ass. They react to what they see on TV. Hence, the primary reason why the last guy happened. Everyone gets the blame for this debacle.
This is not spin. And it will pass. Again, come see me in three months.
By reducing troop levels to not enough to conduct a withdrawal, and for negotiating with the Taliban without including the Afghan Government, the onus in on the Trumpybear.

President Biden was force to increase troop strength to perform the evacuations.

Did RayGun resign after getting 240+ Marines killed in their barracks in a terrorist attack? Nope.

If a civilian withdrawal had begun earlier in an orderly way, BEFORE Biden removed the last troops, there would have been no mad rush to the gates, people also could have flown out through Baghram air base and there would have been no need for the additional US troops because the Afghan army would not have fallen
If a civilian withdrawal had begun earlier in an orderly way, BEFORE Biden removed the last troops, there would have been no mad rush to the gates, people also could have flown out through Baghram air base and there would have been no need for the additional US troops because the Afghan army would not have fallen

There was a major bungle in the jungle by the Chimp-in-Chief.
Who signed the treaty with the Taliban in February 2020, dumbshit?

A president the Taliban feared and respected. Not some career fool you leftists destroyed our election process to install. The bad people of the world watch our politics and salivate at what you morons do.

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