Joe Biden made his cabinet the most diverse ever


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
What does it say for a leader who selects people based on their race & sex orientation as opposed ability? A clue might be a lessor effective admin, never mind Biden has dementia. Biden was no more than a seasoned politician when he was cognitive. Today he's?

I wonder why he had to check his watch to say morning or afternoon for a noon address? Looked a little dramatic to me too, what you say? A few months into this someone needs to ask him what day, month and season it is, ask me how I know why that's important dementia. Be great if he learned the names for the people he's choosing, but that's asking a lot.

KMA global warming, the left's greatest story of victim roles of all, or at least second their pitch on blacks. People are going to get rich off a farce, just as we made China, Gates and Bezos types rich under Clinton through Obama policies cutting the middle class and small business. Maybe a good start is Democrat California clean their forests instead? Nah, too busy paying benefits on waste.
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Fake News CNN, and others, celebrating Buttplug as the “first openly gay Cabinet member”, while ignoring Trump’s appointment of Richard Grenell

His cabinet is not reflective of America. It is reflective of the edge of America. These men and women believe they are going to turn us into la la land. That is not going to happen. We can be nicer to each other. But apparently they didn't get the message as much as they condemn the deplorables. Using ethnic, cultural and gender class warfare has worked for them. Wait until they find out the emperor has no clothes. We all will.
Gone are the days when suitability for position was based on competence. I recently rode on RTD and the driver was a black African immigrant that couldn't speak English. Sped through stop lights. Missed stops. Couldn't communicate with passengers AND as luck would have it, his identical twin brother was behind and acted as a crude interpreter. Yeah for diversity!
What does it say for a leader who selects people based on their race & sex orientation as opposed ability? A clue might be a lessor effective admin, never mind Biden has dementia. Biden was no more than a seasoned politician when he was cognitive. Today he's?

I wonder why he had to check his watch to say morning or afternoon for a noon address? Looked a little dramatic to me too, what you say? A few months into this someone needs to ask him what day, month and season it is, ask me how I know why that's important dementia. Be great if he learned the names for the people he's choosing, but that's asking a lot.

KMA global warming, the left's greatest story of victim roles of all, or at least second their pitch on blacks. People are going to get rich off a farce, just as we made China, Gates and Bezos types rich under Clinton through Obama policies cutting the middle class and small business. Maybe a good start is Democrat California clean their forests instead? Nah, too busy paying benefits on waste.
Biden and his diverse Cabinet serve the same set of rich capitalists as Trump, Clinton, and Bush served:

Biden's Cabinet: a Return to Ruling Class Politics -

"Capitalism’s never-ending imperialist oil and resource wars and sanctions kill millions.

"Its COVID-19 pandemic now kills 3,000 Americans daily. Its global warming climate crisis threatens near-term mass extinction and daily catastrophes.

"Its repeated and deepening economic depression cycles render increasing tens and hundreds of millions jobless and hopeless.

"With this in mind, let’s have a look at what the 'lesser evil' Democrats have in store for working people."
Gone are the days when suitability for position was based on competence. I recently rode on RTD and the driver was a black African immigrant that couldn't speak English. Sped through stop lights. Missed stops. Couldn't communicate with passengers AND as luck would have it, his identical twin brother was behind and acted as a crude interpreter. Yeah for diversity!

OT I was in Chicago, false alarm, about 25 firemen stood their with their thumbs up their asses for 1/2 hr. Half looked like they'd have trouble saving themselves. Short and overweight was well represented, and they were clearly diverse.
The poor demented man is trying desperately to rebuild the Obama cabinet....except he's not too fond of blacks so he's having serious problems.

The next 4 years are going to be the most fucked up years in modern American history.

AOC and ALL their people will despise him and fight him every step of the way.
The Conservative Right will despise him and fight him every step of the way.
Blacks won't like him. He's already pissed on BLM.

Fairly certain they won't allow him to be at the controls more than 6 months.
They already talked about the plan to eliminate him. Pelosi.
Gone are the days when suitability for position was based on competence. I recently rode on RTD and the driver was a black African immigrant that couldn't speak English. Sped through stop lights. Missed stops. Couldn't communicate with passengers AND as luck would have it, his identical twin brother was behind and acted as a crude interpreter. Yeah for diversity!

Yup. Diversity doesn't mean competent. If I remember correctly Barry's cabinet was diverse and they weren't worth a flying fuck. This cabinet will be just as bad.
Gone are the days when suitability for position was based on competence. I recently rode on RTD and the driver was a black African immigrant that couldn't speak English. Sped through stop lights. Missed stops. Couldn't communicate with passengers AND as luck would have it, his identical twin brother was behind and acted as a crude interpreter. Yeah for diversity!

Yup. Diversity doesn't mean competent. If I remember correctly Barry's cabinet was diverse and they weren't worth a flying fuck. This cabinet will be just as bad.

Actually, President Obama's Cabinet was predominately Caucasian.

In fact, at one Washington Correspondents' dinner, Conan O'Brien (dang, he is funny!) gently mocked the President for that fact.

To me, what is surprising is that President Biden has NOT appointed more non-Caucasians to his Cabinet. I assume that he wants to signal to the (shrinking) Caucasian majority that he is not turning the country over to BLM.
Gone are the days when suitability for position was based on competence. I recently rode on RTD and the driver was a black African immigrant that couldn't speak English. Sped through stop lights. Missed stops. Couldn't communicate with passengers AND as luck would have it, his identical twin brother was behind and acted as a crude interpreter. Yeah for diversity!

Yup. Diversity doesn't mean competent. If I remember correctly Barry's cabinet was diverse and they weren't worth a flying fuck. This cabinet will be just as bad.

Actually, President Obama's Cabinet was predominately Caucasian.

In fact, at one Washington Correspondents' dinner, Conan O'Brien (dang, he is funny!) gently mocked the President for that fact.

To me, what is surprising is that President Biden has NOT appointed more non-Caucasians to his Cabinet. I assume that he wants to signal to the (shrinking) Caucasian majority that he is not turning the country over to BLM.

That may be but he sure touted it as the most diverse cabinet in history along with his transparent administration. LOL
Well, let's see how they do.

We do know the Trumpsters will hate everything they do, anyway. They could be anything and it wouldn't matter.
Why do you think that is, Mac?

Are you assuming Trump supporters will act like Democrats have in the past four years?

Yes, you are.
Well, let's see how they do.

We do know the Trumpsters will hate everything they do, anyway. They could be anything and it wouldn't matter.
Why do you think that is, Mac?

Are you assuming Trump supporters will act like Democrats have in the past four years?

Yes, you are.
I'm assuming you'll continue to behave the same way you usually do.


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