Joe Biden Is the Brezhnev of DEI - He’s transforming the federal government into an ideological weapon.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A miserable couple of years under this installed man is getting even worse.

He is filling the bureaucracy with embedded leftoids who once the attain a certain level can almost never be removed as the eat away at the remains of the Republic while very well paid indeed.

Joe Biden basically just created a Five-Year Plan for the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion across a huge swath of government agencies.

In a push for so-called equity so shockingly far-reaching that, not so long ago, a woke diversity officer wouldn’t have attempted it at even the most progressive liberal-arts college, Biden is making the federal government a frank instrument of a racialized radicalism.

Issued late last week, Biden’s latest executive order will empower ideological shock troops to distort federal policy across the board.

Lest there be any mistake, Section 4 of the order is titled, “Embedding Equity into Government-wide Processes.” The administration’s policy, according to the order, is “to advance an ambitious, whole-of-government approach to racial equity and support for underserved communities.”

Biden already handed down Executive Order 13985, or Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, on his first day in office, but this time he isn’t fooling around.

The new order, like so much of the Left’s projects in 21st-century America, is equally sinister and parodic.


Why do you old people fear losing what you don't have?


A recent epidemic of airline near misses deserves both attention and reflection.
In mid-December, a San Francisco-bound United Airlines Boeing 777-200 airliner, just a little over a minute after taking off from Maui, Hawaii, suddenly dived. It lost more than half its altitude and came within 800 feet of crashing into the Pacific Ocean before pulling up.

About a month later, an American Airlines jet crossed the runway at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport just as a Delta Air Lines plane was accelerating for takeoff. The two aircraft nearly collided.

Then in February, a FedEx cargo jet at the Austin, Texas, airport just missed crashing into a Southwest Airlines airliner by a mere 100 feet.

The same month an American Airlines Airbus A321 was being towed out of the gate at Los Angeles International airport, and smashed into a bus carrying passengers between terminals, injuring five.

The Federal Aviation Administration in January canceled all flight departures from the United States for two hours due a computer safety system collapse. Thousands of additional flights were canceled, many for over 24 hours.

Many of the major airlines have established racial and gender quotes for government pilot training programs. United Airlines has set quotas to ensure half of its trainees will be minorities or women. Since 2013, the FAA has been lowering standards for air traffic control qualifications to achieve de facto race and gender quotas.

In sum, our government is playing with our lives as it prefers diversity, equity and inclusion over ensuring the best qualified employees are hired on the basis of racially and gender-blind competitive tests and experience.

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