Joe Biden is facing a crisis of competence


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Joe Biden is facing a crisis of competence​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Chris Cillizza
(CNN)At the heart of Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign was a single word: competence.
After four years of Donald Trump's incompetence in, well, everything, the Biden argument was that the country badly needed a steady hand on the tiller -- someone who had been there and done that. Someone who didn't need training to do the job. Someone who was exactly the opposite of the guy currently in office.
And it worked. Rather than see Biden's age -- he's 78 -- as a negative, plenty of voters believed his decades of experience were what the country needed in the post-Trump era. Knowing how the federal bureaucracy worked mattered. So did having good relationships with world leaders. And having seen everything there was to see on both the domestic and foreign policy fronts.
Seven months into his first term, however, Biden is faced with nothing short of a crisis of that competence, beset on a number of fronts with developments that it appears all of his experience and know-how didn't prevent.

Predictably, the Quisling media led especially the Communist News Network brings former president TRump into the most incompetent acts of Joey Xi Biden's failed and fraudulent president of seven months.
Will they describe this dastardly decision and act by Bai Dung as a "Fiery But Peaceful insurrection"? This is not an intelligence failure of our Alphabet Agencies, it is solely the incompetent, demented acts of Joey Xi Bai Dung and his handlers.....
American Pravda is in damage control overdrive trying to spackle over this gaping hole. They are working angles, diverting, alibi making, and tap dancing around this bomb crater for Juuuuuuuust long enough to push it in the corner and finally off of the news page.
Look for anything on Afghanistan to go away QUICKLY.
Senile, clumsy, inadequate, idealistic creeps like him can only wing it for so long before getting well and truly found out.

Even the BBC in the UK, on their main webpage earlier this afternoon were claiming he's made a balls of it and he's losing support. That's says it all.
That this was put out there by CNN illustrates how screwed we are with this president.

Joe Biden is facing a crisis of competence​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Chris Cillizza
(CNN)At the heart of Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign was a single word: competence.
After four years of Donald Trump's incompetence in, well, everything, the Biden argument was that the country badly needed a steady hand on the tiller -- someone who had been there and done that. Someone who didn't need training to do the job. Someone who was exactly the opposite of the guy currently in office.
And it worked. Rather than see Biden's age -- he's 78 -- as a negative, plenty of voters believed his decades of experience were what the country needed in the post-Trump era. Knowing how the federal bureaucracy worked mattered. So did having good relationships with world leaders. And having seen everything there was to see on both the domestic and foreign policy fronts.
Seven months into his first term, however, Biden is faced with nothing short of a crisis of that competence, beset on a number of fronts with developments that it appears all of his experience and know-how didn't prevent.

Predictably, the Quisling media led especially the Communist News Network brings former president TRump into the most incompetent acts of Joey Xi Biden's failed and fraudulent president of seven months.
Will they describe this dastardly decision and act by Bai Dung as a "Fiery But Peaceful insurrection"? This is not an intelligence failure of our Alphabet Agencies, it is solely the incompetent, demented acts of Joey Xi Bai Dung and his handlers.....
CNN is railing on Biden and rightly bringing up Trumps part in this stupid decision. Biden needs to own it.
Biden asscheek lickers are still in denial.

The "Biden Blob" is the worst blunder American voters have ever made (or not made)

As usual, they voted with their emotions excuse.
Is it time to impose the 25th Amendment...
Is it "better the devil you know than the devil you don't,"?
All of this incompetence is starting to look highly purposeful and competent. And efficient.

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