Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

He re-opened the case right before the election, which is why Trump won in the first place. Cheer up. Incompetent Republican lawyers have always been to dumb to conquer that Hill in court. Republican lawyers are notorius for not being able to win in court. Look at the Trump history. He's had the lousiest lawyers imaginable, time after time, including in front of Trump judges or the supreme court with 3 member appointed by him and a conservative majority.

That is not factual.
I understand that you were told to repeat that, but it is not true.
What I understand is that he couldn't make a case for a criminal referral to congress, so he decided to fling a few personal attacks in there.

He talked to the man for all of five hours, when the President was busy dealing with the aftermath of the 10-7 attack on Israel.

I think I'd have had other things on my mind, too.
Those are not personal attacks they are all obvious to any objective person.
So you didn't hear the Colorado lawyer get rebuked for not answering questions?
I heard everything, but nothing to write home about. The guy was pretty good, even if the Supremes did not agree. I have sat juries, and heard the courtroom arguments (if you could call them that) of Rudy, and that chick (both of whom had their legal credentials burnt to a crisp), not to forget the chick that just lost Trump another $83,000,000. Those hacks, neither you nor I would ever hire if in trouble.
If I had a case, the Colorado guy was sharp enough. He just didn't have the case, but represented as well as possible in the highest court in the land. I'd try him in a heartbeat, if in that state.
That is not factual.
I understand that you were told to repeat that, but it is not true.
Really???? What part isn't true? Donny still lost the popular vote, even after it was re-opened. If it had not been reopened, he probably wouldn't have made it.,,But, like I said, no loss.
I did, right here dummy:

I suggest you do as well. It's language is plain enough for even a shitty ass lawyer like yourself to understand.
I already shared it, you jerkoff. And unlike you, I understood what I read.

You don't.

You're too stupid to breath.

Deny away:

"He [Biden] did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?')," Hur wrote.

The special counsel continued: "He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died," which was in 2015. "And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him."

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For example, Hur wrote, Biden "mistakenly said he 'had a real difference' of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Eiden cited approvingly" in a memo to then-President Barack Obama.

Hur also wrote that Biden had "diminished faculties and faulty memory" both when talking to his ghostwriter and in his interviews with the special counsel's team -- the kind of language to which Biden's lawyers and Biden himself later sharply objected.
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I already shared it, you jerkoff. And unlike you, I understood what I read.

You don't.

You're too stupid to breath.

If you "understood" that Biden was somehow found to be unfit to stand trial then you clearly didn't.

words "unfit" or "incompetent" appear in the document exactly zero times.

The word Jury is used exactly 51 times.

You know what JURY means? It at very least means competency to stand trial.

You can now go back to being a completely incompetent lawyer.
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Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"​

Joe Biden is just a well-meaning man, just as Hillary Clinton did not understand what she was doing was wrong as Sec of State and intended no harm, but Donald Trump is a dictator who tried to take over this country, a danger to democracy itself who is a greater threat to this nation than 9/11 itself!
And Nicki Haley will SWEAR to it!!!
Joe Biden is just a well-meaning man, just as Hillary Clinton did not understand what she was doing was wrong as Sec of State and intended no harm, but Donald Trump is a dictator who tried to take over this country, a danger to democracy itself who is a greater threat to this nation than 9/11 itself!
And Nicki Haley will SWEAR to it!!!


They are a parody of a parody.​
Joe Biden is just a well-meaning man, just as Hillary Clinton did not understand what she was doing was wrong as Sec of State and intended no harm, but Donald Trump is a dictator who tried to take over this country, a danger to democracy itself who is a greater threat to this nation than 9/11 itself!
And Nicki Haley will SWEAR to it!!!
And the SC is a hack with an axe to grind because he couldn't prove that there was evidence to prosecute Biden.

Have another shit sandwich, loser.
That's what they say when Biden touches and sniffs very young girls without their permission and against their will. "He's old". "He's harmless". Yeah. Tell that to the girls he molested on camera no less. Look at their faces.
No thank you. I know how much you need your vitamins. 🥪

Meanwhile, once again, every investigation, campaign and charge against Trump
is going nowhere flat, while we all know that if nothing else,
Joe Biden's legacy will end in a feeble whimper. :auiqs.jpg:

Joe was always destined for mediocrity.
And Trump was always destined for prison.

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