Joe Biden, Hunter’s Laptop & Media Lapdogs


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden, Hunter’s Laptop & Media Lapdogs
Joe Biden, Hunter's laptop & media lapdogs: Goodwin (
5 Apr 2021 ~~ By Michael Goodwin

On a corner of my desk, there is a small pile of newspaper clips, notes and documents. They date back to last October and are part of the scandalous information contained on a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden.
Normally I would have thrown the papers away or stored them by now. But I kept them handy because I knew the day would come when they would be needed again.
Friday was that day.
In a TV interview, Hunter effectively conceded for the first time the laptop was his, opening the door to a new round of scrutiny about his foreign business scams and influence peddling. This time, the door must stay open until America gets the truth.
Thanks to The Post’s dogged work last fall, it was obvious the laptop was Hunter’s. But because Democrats and their media mouthpieces tried to hide the truth, e-mails revealing suspicious conduct of the man who is now president have never been fully examined and explained.
That was a dog whistle for Big Media, which tried to debunk stories about the shocking content. Even when Tony Bobulinski, a decorated former Naval officer, came forward to say he was the CEO in a deal involving the Biden family and Chinese energy officials, that he talked with Joe Biden about the deal and that Joe was to get a secret 10 percent cut, Big Media looked the other way.
That was a second dog’s whistle, this one for Big Tech, with Facebook and Twitter promptly blocking The Post’s reports during the stretch run.
But karma is a funny thing, and Hunter’s comments Friday to CBS during a book tour bring the laptop back into play. While I’m not naive enough to assume The New York Times, CNN and Twitter will suddenly become anything other than leftist shills, they no longer have a monopoly on the information many Americans get.
Moreover, as president, Biden cannot hide as easily as he did last year. Press conferences provide journalists opportunities to ask him directly about his role in Hunter’s deals.

Justice demands that the owners and employees of the colluding Quisling MSM be held accountable for their crimes against the American people.
So far, all we’ve gotten are lies, deception and disinformation since Joey Xi claimed the laptop “a Russian plant” during a presidential debate. He had help in concocting that claim, from 50 former intelligence leaders, including the odious John Brennan, saying that the contents smelled like Russian disinformation.
The laptop is replete with evidence of illegalities committed by Hunter Biden. It shows both political corruption and sexual crimes against underage girls. The FBI has had possession of the laptop for at least a year and a half. Surely, even Inspector Clouseau could have ascertained that the emails were genuine and the videos weren't doctored. Yet...nothing.
It's apparent that the FBI led by Wray and the DOJ now led by Garland will allow this glaring criminal evidence to disappear, just as Anthony Weiner's (Carlos Danger's) and Debbie Wasserman's laptops have disappeared once the FBI took possession.

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