Joe Biden Claims That He Was At Ground Zero The Day After The Attacks

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Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Yeah, maybe it's just as well that he went to Alaska as much as I hate to say it. This man is an embarrassment to our country and to the families of the ones lost in 9/11. Who knows what all kind of nonsense that he would have said at the ceremonies that took place today and it is a somber occasion, not one to be mocked. The world is laughing at us the other 364 days of the year, (non-leap year anyways) we don't need this one.

WATCH: Biden claims without evidence he was at Ground Zero on day after 9/11 attacks
Yeah, maybe it's just as well that he went to Alaska as much as I hate to say it. This man is an embarrassment to our country and to the families of the ones lost in 9/11. Who knows what all kind of nonsense that he would have said at the ceremonies that took place today and it is a somber occasion, not one to be mocked. The world is laughing at us the other 364 days of the year, (non-leap year anyways) we don't need this one.

WATCH: Biden claims without evidence he was at Ground Zero on day after 9/11 attacks
If only they could of pulled his crumpled old body from the ruins of the twin towers. I might of believed ole Joe then....

Joe Biden Claims That He Was At Ground Zero The Day After The Attacks​

Funny that Trump didn't see the lying sack of shit there!

Fake outrage for a 22nd anniversary. Got a log of where Trump was every 9/11 of his term?
This is just one more filthy ass lie from Potatohead.

His little attempt to get stolen valor.

We see it at least once a week. Sometimes more often than that.

The next thing we will hear from him is that his son Beau was there on 911 and died of cancer caused by the toxic fumes.

The pathetic sonofabitch is an embarrassment.

This is what we get when we allow the Democrats to get away with stealing an election.
I listened to Biden's speech from Alaska today. It is no secret I am not a supporter of his. I heard him read his speech and was pleased he didn't fuck it up. That said, I didn't hear him say when he was at ground zero, I just heard him say afterwards. If I remember right, for weeks afterwards, almost all the senators and representatives went to all three sites.
I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I heard him speak of the unity after that attack, and I think in that context we might should cut the old codger a little slack.
I listened to Biden's speech from Alaska today. It is no secret I am not a supporter of his. I heard him read his speech and was pleased he didn't fuck it up. That said, I didn't hear him say when he was at ground zero, I just heard him say afterwards. If I remember right, for weeks afterwards, almost all the senators and representatives went to all three sites.
I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I heard him speak of the unity after that attack, and I think in that context we might should cut the old codger a little slack.
Sorry. Can’t cut Biden any slack. Just as with his breathing, Biden’s lies, falsehoods and deceit, are so natural to him that it is automatic and done without regard to even a shred of personal integrity.

He’s a serial plagiarist with a history that dates back 40 or so years.

Obviously, most of the media chooses to ignore it, largely because they operate in the same manner. The Democrats are willing accomplices to what the pretend President, a man for whom they voted, is doing because they are enablers. It’s much like a Cult with a code of silence.
Sorry. Can’t cut Biden any slack. Just as with his breathing, Biden’s lies, falsehoods and deceit, are so natural to him that it is automatic and done without regard to even a shred of personal integrity.

He’s a serial plagiarist with a history that dates back 40 or so years.

Obviously, most of the media chooses to ignore it, largely because they operate in the same manner. The Democrats are willing accomplices to what the pretend President, a man for whom they voted, is doing because they are enablers. It’s much like a Cult with a code of silence.
But he did make a respectful 9/11 speech without fucking it up.....this statement about ground zero excluded. He certainly was in better shape in Alaska than he was yesterday in Vietnam.
Actually I'm not sure if they're considered lies because Joe doesn't know night from day.
There’s a lot to that. Compared to just a couple of years ago, he does seem detached from reality. These “episodes” he has where he seemingly forgets where he is or why he’s there are routine, now.
None of you can show Biden saying that. You just show FOX News claiming he did.

Do you understand the difference? Probably not.

Video of him saying it is in this link

WATCH: Biden claims without evidence he was at Ground Zero on day after 9/11 attacks

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