Jodi Arias Penalty

i am for justice and decency. persecution is always wrong.

Again, here is the definition for persecute/persecution:

subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, esp. because of their race or political or religious beliefs.
"his followers were persecuted by the authorities"
synonyms: oppress, abuse, victimize, ill-treat, mistreat, maltreat, tyrannize, torment, torture; martyr

How, exactly, has Jodi been persecuted?

If you are truly for justice, then how can you say Jodi doesn't need to be punished for murdering Travis?

If you were truly for decency, you've failed miserably. Jodi is not, by definition, a decent person either. Definition:

behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
"she had the decency to come and confess"
synonyms: propriety, decorum, good taste, respectability, dignity, correctness, good form, etiquette; morality, virtue, modesty, delicacy
"standards of taste and decency"
courtesy, politeness, good manners, civility, respect;
consideration, thoughtfulness, tact, diplomacy
"he didn't have the decency to tell me"
i think she deserves a suspended sentence out of fairness. at least the toilet situation is resolved.

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 4h

The toilet finally stopped flushing. Is the Colorado River now down to a trickle?

i hope she is eating well. she needs to keep her spirits up in trying times.
What we see in Sarah's responses is the exact reason why the American Justice System isn't fair.

Because of bias like this.

This is why only a tinsy tiny amount of women are convicted and placed on death row, particularly white women. Worse if they're attractive. Jodi fits all of the criteria to get leniency no matter how guilty she is.

For some reason Sarah has an undying sympathy for Jodi and it's not shakable. It's not based on the facts, it's just based on her emotion, what she feels for Jodi, that she PERCEIVES as the real victim here. However, all the evidence shows that Jodi is most certainly NOT the victim.

There are millions and millions of American men and women just like Jodi who simply feels sympathetic to criminals that fit the Jodi Arias profile.

I'm 123% certain that were it another perp under the exact same circumstances, folk like Sarah would be sitting on the other side of the fence begging for the government to pull the switch.

i am for justice and decency. persecution is always wrong.
How is or has Jodi A. been persecuted? Or how are you defining persecution? Whichever applies most.
What we see in Sarah's responses is the exact reason why the American Justice System isn't fair.

Because of bias like this.

This is why only a tinsy tiny amount of women are convicted and placed on death row, particularly white women. Worse if they're attractive. Jodi fits all of the criteria to get leniency no matter how guilty she is.

For some reason Sarah has an undying sympathy for Jodi and it's not shakable. It's not based on the facts, it's just based on her emotion, what she feels for Jodi, that she PERCEIVES as the real victim here. However, all the evidence shows that Jodi is most certainly NOT the victim.

There are millions and millions of American men and women just like Jodi who simply feels sympathetic to criminals that fit the Jodi Arias profile.

I'm 123% certain that were it another perp under the exact same circumstances, folk like Sarah would be sitting on the other side of the fence begging for the government to pull the switch.

i am for justice and decency. persecution is always wrong.
How is or has Jodi A. been persecuted? Or how are you defining persecution? Whichever applies most.

she is being persecuted for fighting against abuse.

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias

"Let us keep our mouths shut and our pens dry until we know the facts." - anton j carlson
i am for justice and decency. persecution is always wrong.
How is or has Jodi A. been persecuted? Or how are you defining persecution? Whichever applies most.

she is being persecuted for fighting against abuse.

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias

"Let us keep our mouths shut and our pens dry until we know the facts." - anton j carlson

Tell your stupid girlfriend that we already know the facts.

She slaughtered Travis like an animal. And admitted to same in open court.

And as far as your stupid "abuse" claim, neither you nor her have ever provided one iota of proof that she was "abused".
What I remember from the trial, is that Jodi abused the family pets, a dog and a cat, when she was younger. It's a known fact that most murderers abused animals before moving on to people.

New Jodi Arias Trial Sidebar Conversations Revealed

"Animal abuse is not just the result of a minor personality flaw in the abuser—it is a symptom of a deep mental disturbance. Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty toward animals rarely stop there; many of them move on to their fellow humans.

The FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appear in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers." Read more: Human Abuse Linked to Cruelty to Animals | Cruel Practices | Companion Animals | The Issues | PETA

"research exists which delves into the childhood characteristics of serial murderers. Using social learning theory, some of these studies present supporting evidence for a link between childhood animal cruelty and adult aggression toward humans." From Animal Cruelty to Serial Murder: Applying the Graduation Hypothesis

We could go on, to when Jodi turned into a stalker, manipulator, thief, murderess, etc. Jodi was not the one abused; she abused others.
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You had better hope she doesn't squeeze you in anger during one of your conjugal visits.
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You had better hope she doesn't squeeze you in anger during one of your conjugal visits.

I think that's just what she wants to happen! :eusa_whistle:
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You do realize that Jodi admitted to pretty much killing the family dog, don't you? You must have been asleep during that part. You must have also fallen asleep during the rest of the trial as well, since you seem to think she's done nothing wrong her entire life. You are what is called an 'enabler'.
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You do realize that Jodi admitted to pretty much killing the family dog, don't you? You must have been asleep during that part. You must have also fallen asleep during the rest of the trial as well, since you seem to think she's done nothing wrong her entire life. You are what is called an 'enabler'.

accidents can happen. i poke my cat in the tummy all the time and he likes it. he turns over on his back and starts to play. next thing i will hear is jodi watched horror movies. dont we all?
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You do realize that Jodi admitted to pretty much killing the family dog, don't you? You must have been asleep during that part. You must have also fallen asleep during the rest of the trial as well, since you seem to think she's done nothing wrong her entire life. You are what is called an 'enabler'.

none of us are perfect. let none of us cast the first stone.
thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You do realize that Jodi admitted to pretty much killing the family dog, don't you? You must have been asleep during that part. You must have also fallen asleep during the rest of the trial as well, since you seem to think she's done nothing wrong her entire life. You are what is called an 'enabler'.

accidents can happen. i poke my cat in the tummy all the time and he likes it. he turns over on his back and starts to play. next thing i will hear is jodi watched horror movies. dont we all?

You poke your cat in the tummy? What a co-incidence. Your little friend Psycho Jodi poked Travis in the tummy multiple times with a knife.

The two of you seem to have common interests. So you have that going for you.

Which is nice.
You do realize that Jodi admitted to pretty much killing the family dog, don't you? You must have been asleep during that part. You must have also fallen asleep during the rest of the trial as well, since you seem to think she's done nothing wrong her entire life. You are what is called an 'enabler'.

accidents can happen. i poke my cat in the tummy all the time and he likes it. he turns over on his back and starts to play. next thing i will hear is jodi watched horror movies. dont we all?

You poke your cat in the tummy? What a co-incidence. Your little friend Psycho Jodi poked Travis in the tummy multiple times with a knife.

The two of you seem to have common interests. So you have that going for you.

Which is nice.

that doesnt even make sense.
accidents can happen. i poke my cat in the tummy all the time and he likes it. he turns over on his back and starts to play. next thing i will hear is jodi watched horror movies. dont we all?

You poke your cat in the tummy? What a co-incidence. Your little friend Psycho Jodi poked Travis in the tummy multiple times with a knife.

The two of you seem to have common interests. So you have that going for you.

Which is nice.

that doesnt even make sense.

Your love for a foul murderess doesn't make sense.

thats just a bunch of babbling from a persecutor.

The judge re-reads Alyce’s notes which say that Jodi “poked at the cat and slapped the dog” and in the judge’s opinion, didn’t rise to the level of “torturing a pet.”

Martinez: “…but she also squeezed the cat out of anger… she also squeezed the cat very tight, too tight, out of anger.”

thats it?

You do realize that Jodi admitted to pretty much killing the family dog, don't you? You must have been asleep during that part. You must have also fallen asleep during the rest of the trial as well, since you seem to think she's done nothing wrong her entire life. You are what is called an 'enabler'.

accidents can happen. i poke my cat in the tummy all the time and he likes it. he turns over on his back and starts to play. next thing i will hear is jodi watched horror movies. dont we all?

What she admitted to doing to the family pets was no accident; it was intentional and meant to do lethal harm to them because she was taking her anger out on them. What she did to Travis was intentional and meant to kill him as well. She enjoyed killing her family's pet dog, abusing the family cat, and enjoyed killing Travis.
I must have been watching something else because I don't remember her ever saying she killed the dog, accidentally or intentionally?

What she said was that she had kicked it and it ran away. The rest is interpretation and for any of you to be stating things as if they are fact is inaccurate.,d.cGU

RE-read what I wrote. Put 2+2 together, from where she admitted to kicking the dog and hurting the cat. That dog didn't just run away. Anyone that thinks that isn't seeing the overall picture. To take Jodi's word that the dog wasn't killed and just ran off is to believe her lies.
PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona judge is refusing to require jurors in the next phase of the Jodi Arias trial to reveal their Twitter usernames so their accounts can be monitored for communications about the case.

Motion on Arias jurors? Twitter handles denied | WildAboutTrial

I bet Psycho Murderess only wanted the Twitter handles so she could add them to her feed, and try to sell them her "art". :eusa_whistle:

It'd also give her more info on them so she can stalk them online.
Psycho Murderess is thwarted again.

Jodi Arias’ sentencing phase retrial will remain in Phoenix after a judge denied a second motion from defense attorneys to move the case because of intense publicity.

The 33-year-old was convicted of murder in May in the 2008 death of boyfriend Travis Alexander in his suburban Phoenix home

Judge: Jodi Arias retrial to stay in Phoenix

When will she learn that court is not Burger King, and she will not get things HER way? :dunno:

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