Jimmy Carter made the Soviet Union Crumble to its knees, my friends, not Reagan...he pushed American values of democracy where Soviets couldnt compete

“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

He also gave Iran over to Muslim theocracy
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

Wow. Carter became great at what he does AFTER being president. He was a no good piece of shit while president. He couldn't run the economy and was horrible at national security. Even his own party tried to oust him from his second term run.
'B...b...but Trump...'
View attachment 737723

What a pathetic attempt to distract from your parroting a disgraced Liberal sexual predator forced from office just to attempt to gaslight others with one of the dumbest claims ever made on USMB.

i'm just pointing
If you listen to Al Frakens podcast your not only a contrarian you’re also a moron.
i listen to both sides, including stuff you like, and everyone likes
For all the brainwashed sheep who keep falling for the cia media whst they have spinned for decades of carter being the worst president ever answer me these questions.,did Carter start any wars?

No,was he the president thst got us into world war one,was he the president thst got us into World War Two,did he get us into the Korean War,the Vietnam war,Afghanistan,Iraq, also how is a president who cleaned up the corruption of the cia firing the evil drug lord George bush,servant of the cia,and installing stansfield Turner who immediately cleaned house firing all covert operators of the cia which is why we stayed out of wars,make him the worst president ever especially sense after carter left,Reagan came in and got the war machine started again firing Turner replacing him with William Casey who got the cia back to its dirty covert war operations again,never mind Reagan had more people in his administration indicted than any other president ever as well as creating a debt worse than all presidents combined yet you all are all trying to tell the op thst a president thst kept us out of war and stood up to the evil cia was worse than all the presidents who got us into those wars I mentioned as well as being worse than all presidents starting with the gipper all the way up to bush 2? :cuckoo:

Beam me up Scotty,there are no intelligent life forms on this planet.:uhoh3:
More revisionist history from the left. Carter wrecked the economy & pushed price controls.
Hardly "American values". He created a mess that Reagan cleaned up as he confronted the USSR.
The Democrat enablers were just useful idiots to the commies.

BTW, both Vindman's are massive POS that should be stripped of all rank, privileges & retirement benefits before being court marshalled as known lying traitors.
Pope John Paul 2nd & Lech Walesa did more to take down the USSR then that shitheel Reagen ever thought of, but his asskissers in the GOP made sure he got all of the credit. And of course the stooooopid believed it.

If Hinckley didn't pump lead into Ronny he would have been impeached over Iran/Contra.
“When I was in the White House, I was confronted with the challenge of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and I had 30,000 nuclear weapons that could destroy the entire earth and I had to maintain the peace.” - Jimmy Carter

I wish to pay hommage to one of America's finest statesmen. President Jimmy Carter understood that the Soviet Union was on the wrong side of history and decided to confront it where it had to lose: on civil and human rights

/———/ Jimma Cluster Fuck Carter.
The main reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed are:

1. The war in Afghanistan - supported by the Carter administration
2. The Polish Solidarity movement - supported by the Reagan administration
3. The Chernobyl crisis - Not caused or influenced by any U.S. Administration
4. The general feeling by the people of the Soviet Union that they were tired of Communism, sick of the cold war and had no respect for their communist leadership - Not caused or influenced by any U.S. Administration

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