Jim DeMint for President..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I honestly don't know much about him other than he's South Carolina's U.S. Senator, he's a Tea Party favorite and he pisses Democrats off..

What's the feeling out there?
He is usually pretty good. Is he in or is this just speculation?

I just wanted to get a general feel from others..

I've heard him speak several times now and I'm always impressed with what he has to say.
There must be some dirt on him but I've heard very little on that...
I honestly don't know much about him other than he's South Carolina's U.S. Senator, he's a Tea Party favorite and he pisses Democrats off..

What's the feeling out there?

You know, I like him very much, too, but he just doesn't have the charisma to go up against the teleprompter reader.....ya know...just sayin. We have to have a candidate with some force, strength, experience and great communication skills. I like Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and others for that but they don't have it all. Donald Trump has the fire, but not very sure on his record. He might be a RINO. :eusa_whistle:
Ah yes, the Obamacare debate... it worked out so well for the American people.. they just loved what happened there....:lmao:

On Friday, on a "Conservatives for Patients Rights" conference call with conservative activists dealing with health care reform, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., said, as Ben Smith at Politico reported, "If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

You should expect to hear that quote this week from the White House as they use it to rally their troops, a White House official tells ABC News.

White House Plans to Use DeMint's "Waterloo" Quote to Rally the Troops - Political Punch
He's great on the economy and on the constitution. He is a short man which is a physical fault when standing in a debate with Obama who's, what, 6-2? Jim is more valuable where his is now, in the US Senate.
He's great on the economy and on the constitution. He is a short man which is a physical fault when standing in a debate with Obama who's, what, 6-2? Jim is more valuable where his is now, in the US Senate.

Where he's doing great things for the country like.....?

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