Jilted boyfried shoots two and himself at mall

Starting to notice, and become irritated by how the media always portrays victims of gun violence as perfectly innocent. In targetted shooting incidents where somoene gets pissed enough to come after ya with a gun and murder you, how likely is it really that you're entirely innocent? Like the kids who get bullied then gun down their tormentors? Maybe if we took bullying more seriously and did something about it when we first learned of it, this shooting wouldn't then have happened. But if we're hanging out kids to dry and be bullied mercilously, then we're more to blame than they when their bottles fill up and they go off. Instead of rushing to denounce the means with which these crimes occur, let's pause and consider the motive first.

Is murder justifiable? Yes it is as wars constantly prove. But being justifiable doesn't mean it's also legally excusable if justified. Murder's always a crime no matter what. But there are legitimate reasons to kill. Before we blame the gun and act like we have no earthly idea why it happened let's be more about honesty and understanding than making political hay out of a gun involved incident while ignoring everything else.
This is what happens when people start believing they have a right to have anything they want. Did he have a right to pursue happiness? Didn't having this girl as his girlfriend make him happy? Doesn't he have a right to love whoever he wants? He loved her. She and her new boyfriend were denying Aguilar his civil rights. He was unhappy and someone had to pay.
This is what happens when thinking goes out the window. You are overlooking the fact that she had rights too. Your rights end where anothers' begins.

Dude, I think the needle on your sarcasm detector is busted. You might want to click it with your finger and free it up.
This is what happens when people start believing they have a right to have anything they want. Did he have a right to pursue happiness? Didn't having this girl as his girlfriend make him happy? Doesn't he have a right to love whoever he wants? He loved her. She and her new boyfriend were denying Aguilar his civil rights. He was unhappy and someone had to pay.
This is what happens when thinking goes out the window. You are overlooking the fact that she had rights too. Your rights end where anothers' begins.

You are not understanding an individual concept of what their rights are. The girl was violating Agular's civil rights, she deserved to be punished. It's no longer a situation of your rights end where another's begin. People are deprived of their rights all the time if the right they are trying to enjoy is hurtful to someone else.
Starting to notice, and become irritated by how the media always portrays victims of gun violence as perfectly innocent. In targetted shooting incidents where somoene gets pissed enough to come after ya with a gun and murder you, how likely is it really that you're entirely innocent? Like the kids who get bullied then gun down their tormentors? Maybe if we took bullying more seriously and did something about it when we first learned of it, this shooting wouldn't then have happened. But if we're hanging out kids to dry and be bullied mercilously, then we're more to blame than they when their bottles fill up and they go off. Instead of rushing to denounce the means with which these crimes occur, let's pause and consider the motive first.

Is murder justifiable? Yes it is as wars constantly prove. But being justifiable doesn't mean it's also legally excusable if justified. Murder's always a crime no matter what. But there are legitimate reasons to kill. Before we blame the gun and act like we have no earthly idea why it happened let's be more about honesty and understanding than making political hay out of a gun involved incident while ignoring everything else.
Murder, by definition, is unjustified. Homicide is not always murder.
If the store owners were armed maybe the idiot wouldn't have killed both of them

Being defenseless is the problem

Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it. After all, 'an armed society is a polite society', right?

Life on Planet Bizzaro... :cuckoo:

And if you buy that line I've got a tractor trailer full of sham-wows and Kevin Trudeau books for sale.

It's a poignant comment on our gun-obsessed culture that the store employee had only to say "Shooter- call police!" and everyone in earshot knew what was going on.

YEah he yelled call the police and then got fucking shot.

Why do you want honest hard working law abiding people to be defenseless?

Your dishonestly sleazy implication can go bugger itself. Why do you want them to be in a war zone in the first place, and then intensify it?
This is what happens when people start believing they have a right to have anything they want. Did he have a right to pursue happiness? Didn't having this girl as his girlfriend make him happy? Doesn't he have a right to love whoever he wants? He loved her. She and her new boyfriend were denying Aguilar his civil rights. He was unhappy and someone had to pay.

Latest news is there is no connection between the shooter and the victims.

Although one of the victims lives in the same town as the suspect, police said there was no immediate connection between the two. At a Sunday evening news conference, McMahon said police have interviewed family and associates but have found “no known relationship between the victims and our shooter.”

No known relationship between Maryland mall shooter, victims: cops - U.S. News

Tell me, if I walk into a mall and start hitting people with a baseball bat, am I batman?

No it shouldn't but it happens in the US.

Happens in other countries too. No one thinks it SHOULD happen. Duh. Your point?

Look at the other photos at the link. If "you" don't care about innocent people being mowed down and the heartbreak of the families, do you care about how much these shootings cost the tax payers, the merchants?

Of course people care. That doesn't mean your plan to punish law abiding firearm owners makes any more sense. It doesn't.

And note that the armed guards didn't do a whole lot of good

Did someone ever suggest that armed guards would prevent any and all acts of a madman? Didn't think so.

Something else to consider: The 'gun free zone' didn't do a whole lot of good.
Three dead after gunman opens fire in suburban Baltimore mall food court | Mail Online




A Zumiez employee named Chris told WBAL radio that the gunman came out from inside a dressing room and aimed a single-barrel shotgun at the girl behind the counter and 'dropped her.'

'I hit the ground, I heard the other shot to the white male employee,' Chris recalled, saying he began crawling on his hands and knees in a scramble towards the exit.

'I scrambled past his body, got outside the store... heard two more shots and yelled ’shooter call the police!' he said, adding that not a single word was exchanged between the gunman and his victims.

'The first two were more like booming bangs,' Jan Ring told WNEW. 'And then the other two were definitely clearer shots.

'We saw a couple dead bodies,' she added, beginning to cry. 'One person was shot in the head laying there dead.'....

.... The shooter was so heavily armed a bomb squad had to be brought in to disarm the man before officials can approach and identify him, McMahon explained.

'This shouldn’t happen in our community, this shouldn’t happen in any community,' he lamented.
No it shouldn't but it happens in the US.

Look at the other photos at the link. If "you" don't care about innocent people being mowed down and the heartbreak of the families, do you care about how much these shootings cost the tax payers, the merchants?

And note that the armed guards didn't do a whole lot of good.

If you have a problem with this I suggest you take it up with the idiot that told people to fire a shotgun instead of getting a scary looking assault rifle.
Why do you want them to be in a war zone in the first place, and then intensify it?

Why do you wish to allow thugs and crazies, who will NEVER follow your rules and regulations, to have free reign over the good citizens you intend to disarm? Stated differently, why would you want to give the bad guys the edge???
Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it. After all, 'an armed society is a polite society', right?

Life on Planet Bizzaro... :cuckoo:

And if you buy that line I've got a tractor trailer full of sham-wows and Kevin Trudeau books for sale.

It's a poignant comment on our gun-obsessed culture that the store employee had only to say "Shooter- call police!" and everyone in earshot knew what was going on.

YEah he yelled call the police and then got fucking shot.

Why do you want honest hard working law abiding people to be defenseless?

Your dishonestly sleazy implication can go bugger itself. Why do you want them to be in a war zone in the first place, and then intensify it?

So you'd rather have honest hard working law abiding people be unarmed and defenseless when they are violently attacked.


Carrying a weapon does not intensify violence. Using a weapon in self defense does not intensify violence.

And it seems to me that gun free zones are more like war zones where only the bad guys actually shoot people while the good law abiding people get to be targets.
Why do you want them to be in a war zone in the first place, and then intensify it?

Why do you wish to allow thugs and crazies, who will NEVER follow your rules and regulations, to have free reign over the good citizens you intend to disarm? Stated differently, why would you want to give the bad guys the edge???

Where in the fuck did I ever say that?

YEah he yelled call the police and then got fucking shot.

Why do you want honest hard working law abiding people to be defenseless?

Your dishonestly sleazy implication can go bugger itself. Why do you want them to be in a war zone in the first place, and then intensify it?

So you'd rather have honest hard working law abiding people be unarmed and defenseless when they are violently attacked.

No. Not OK. You don't get to manufacture other people's opinions; you get to manufacture your own. That's it. I'd rather have people not violently attacked in the first place. But that's inevitable as long as we have a national gun fetish.

Your dishonestly sleazy implication can go bugger itself. Why do you want them to be in a war zone in the first place, and then intensify it?

So you'd rather have honest hard working law abiding people be unarmed and defenseless when they are violently attacked.

No. Not OK. You don't get to manufacture other people's opinions; you get to manufacture your own. That's it. I'd rather have people not violently attacked in the first place. But that's inevitable as long as we have a national gun fetish.


For one most of our gun crime is confined to urban areas and is gang related.

We do not have a gun problem in this country. we have a gang problem in our major cities.

And when you can tell me how you intend to stop people from being violently attacked you let me know.

Until then I'll keep my gun.
So you'd rather have honest hard working law abiding people be unarmed and defenseless when they are violently attacked.

No. Not OK. You don't get to manufacture other people's opinions; you get to manufacture your own. That's it. I'd rather have people not violently attacked in the first place. But that's inevitable as long as we have a national gun fetish.


For one most of our gun crime is confined to urban areas and is gang related.

We do not have a gun problem in this country. we have a gang problem in our major cities.

And when you can tell me how you intend to stop people from being violently attacked you let me know.

Until then I'll keep my gun.

You keep whatever you like and fester your fantasy fetish, but you do NOT tell me what my own opinions are, dishonest hack.
Got it?
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No. Not OK. You don't get to manufacture other people's opinions; you get to manufacture your own. That's it. I'd rather have people not violently attacked in the first place. But that's inevitable as long as we have a national gun fetish.


For one most of our gun crime is confined to urban areas and is gang related.

We do not have a gun problem in this country. we have a gang problem in our major cities.

And when you can tell me how you intend to stop people from being violently attacked you let me know.

Until then I'll keep my gun.

You keep whatever you like but you do NOT tell me what my opinions are.
Got it?

If you are for keeping people unarmed then you are for leaving them defenseless.

There is no other reason to disarm law abiding people.
For one most of our gun crime is confined to urban areas and is gang related.

We do not have a gun problem in this country. we have a gang problem in our major cities.

And when you can tell me how you intend to stop people from being violently attacked you let me know.

Until then I'll keep my gun.

You keep whatever you like but you do NOT tell me what my opinions are.
Got it?

If you are for keeping people unarmed then you are for leaving them defenseless.

There is no other reason to disarm law abiding people.

Yeah, you've already established your shallow intellect. We get that. Who said anything about "disarming"?
Hey, who needs to read when you can just make it up, right?

Dishonest hack. :fu:
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You keep whatever you like but you do NOT tell me what my opinions are.
Got it?

If you are for keeping people unarmed then you are for leaving them defenseless.

There is no other reason to disarm law abiding people.

Yeah, you've already established your shallow intellect. We get that. Who said anything about "disarming"?
Hey, who needs to read when you can just make it up, right?

Dishonest hack. :fu:

Did you not respond to my post where I said if the owners were armed maybe they'd not be dead with this?

Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it. After all, 'an armed society is a polite society', right?

Now If I take that statement to mean you don't think the owners should have been armed you would call that inference incorrect?

What about the remark obviously meant sarcastically that an armed society is a polite society?

If my inference is that you actually believe that an unarmed society is more polite you would call that wrong as well?

You see you gave your opinion in your statements I did not make them up. You just don't know the meaning of the words you vomit onto the page.
Spiderman, I am surprised you can function in society. YOU are scared to death. How many times have you been robbed and attacked? Just curious.

And did you ever think about moving to a safer locale?
Spiderman, I am surprised you can function in society. YOU are scared to death. How many times have you been robbed and attacked? Just curious.

And did you ever think about moving to a safer locale?

Wanting to be able to defend myself does not equal being scared.

And to answer your question I have to ask do you mean beaten by a drunk foster parent or a criminal?

The answer to both is yes.

I lost count of the foster home shit but I was quite viciously attacked when I was younger.

Two assholes robbed and beat me quite severely. I still have a 3 in scar on my temple as a souvenir.

I will not be a victim again so I do carry when I feel the need.

But I do not carry to protect anyone else. I am in no hurry to be a vigilante or to shoot anyone. The fact is no one who knows me has any idea that I have a carry permit or what kind f weapons I have.

So you see I am not afraid I am prepared. Tell me are you afraid of getting into a car accident because you fasten your seat belt or do you call that prudence?
Does anyone beside me notice how certain posters, when refuted or challenged with facts, instantly become confrontational? :(

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