JFK Assassination: Doesn't it seem strange???

Jesse Ventura makes good points...

I said that OSWALD could not have made those shots IN THE TIME FRAME WITH THAT RIFLE...

8 guys just got off the shots...you saw the video, right?

Are you going to state that a man you never met so you have no first hand knowledge of, who was at least familiar with the weapon--he owned the bloody thing, could not have hit a target 2 out of 3 times on a clear day when the target was moving in what almost amounts to a straight line at 10-15 mph?

If so, you should read more books; start with Dr. Seuss because you have very little real world knowledge about the subject matter.

8 Snipers...
Also, the doctor who worked on Kennedy said that the shot came from the front and ballistics evidence says it all...
can you say dodge? i knew you could..
I am bringing the facts...
I am sorry, but you cannot dismiss the books I listed. I have read many...including the terrible killing Kennedy...
I am not dodging
I am bringing the facts...
I am sorry, but you cannot dismiss the books I listed. I have read many...including the terrible killing Kennedy...
I am not dodging


Detail for us what you think happened in Dallas on that day. I'm not asking for names but feel free to provide them if you want.

Just tell us what you think happened and, in reasonable detail, support it with evidence.
They were not familiar with the weapon in the video...homeslice just keeps digging his hole.
well he is 17 !

Seventeen? Now it makes some sense.

I remember doing report on the exact same subject on my IBM PC jr. way back in the day. Outside of my bedroom window was a small tree--very tall but the trunk was never more than 6 inches round at the time. When the wind blew it would hit my window. After finishing my stunning expose that was sure to overturn long-held beliefs about the entire cover-up (giggle), I heard a noise. I was just sure "they" were coming to get me to silence my work. I made 3 copies on a 5.25" floppy disk and hid two of them where I knew they would never look; under my mattress and inside an album cover (Queen News of the World) if I recall. I didn't sleep a wink that night and turned in my masterpiece the next day.

My 3:45 cancelled on me...

I remember seeing a movie called "Executive Action". If you never saw the movie what happens at the end is that they show in what I could only term "Yearbook style" small photographs (like these)


At the beginning only one photo in the middle is shown but the camera pans back to reveal 24 photographs or however many it was. A very somber voice comes on and says in the 3 years after JFK was killed, all of these folks died. An actuary showed that the odds were something like a jillion to one or something of them all being dead. Anyway, when you put that in my head with the sound of a tree limb hitting my window...I figured I was a goner.

Later on, I realized that taking any group of random middle aged people and forecasting that they would all be dead within 3 years would be a jillion to one or something like that so big whoop.

The movie itself billed itself as being one that would "clear the air" about the JFK assassination. Leonard Maltin opined that it was better at "clearing theaters" and it was a terrible flop.

The only bit of truth in the entire movie was when an Oswald double (yup--the movie actually had a fake Oswald) told someone that if he was going to give the world an enema, he'd stick the nozzle in Dallas.
9-11 shit for brains says the limo driver did it. like its something new duh...........

go see Dealey Plaza. I did. answers a lotta Q's
They were not familiar with the weapon in the video...homeslice just keeps digging his hole.
well he is 17 !

Seventeen? Now it makes some sense.

I remember doing report on the exact same subject on my IBM PC jr. way back in the day. Outside of my bedroom window was a small tree--very tall but the trunk was never more than 6 inches round at the time. When the wind blew it would hit my window. After finishing my stunning expose that was sure to overturn long-held beliefs about the entire cover-up (giggle), I heard a noise. I was just sure "they" were coming to get me to silence my work. I made 3 copies on a 5.25" floppy disk and hid two of them where I knew they would never look; under my mattress and inside an album cover (Queen News of the World) if I recall. I didn't sleep a wink that night and turned in my masterpiece the next day.

My 3:45 cancelled on me...

I remember seeing a movie called "Executive Action". If you never saw the movie what happens at the end is that they show in what I could only term "Yearbook style" small photographs (like these)


At the beginning only one photo in the middle is shown but the camera pans back to reveal 24 photographs or however many it was. A very somber voice comes on and says in the 3 years after JFK was killed, all of these folks died. An actuary showed that the odds were something like a jillion to one or something of them all being dead. Anyway, when you put that in my head with the sound of a tree limb hitting my window...I figured I was a goner.

Later on, I realized that taking any group of random middle aged people and forecasting that they would all be dead within 3 years would be a jillion to one or something like that so big whoop.

The movie itself billed itself as being one that would "clear the air" about the JFK assassination. Leonard Maltin opined that it was better at "clearing theaters" and it was a terrible flop.

The only bit of truth in the entire movie was when an Oswald double (yup--the movie actually had a fake Oswald) told someone that if he was going to give the world an enema, he'd stick the nozzle in Dallas.
wow an ibm pc!
when I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL pocket calculators were the high tech device and some people still had 8 trac players and hadn't made the switch to the much cooler cassette players.
A friend of mine did a 12 page report on the jfk assassination in pen and a three ring binder.
he was absolutely sure the masons did it.
he got an f..
9-11 shit for brains says the limo driver did it. like its something new duh...........

go see Dealey Plaza. I did. answers a lotta Q's

We have a conference there in early Feb...gonna go there and to the OKC Memorial on my own time. Does anyone know if Memphis has any thing for the MLK assassination? I was thinking about driving over to Memphis and down to Selma
9-11 shit for brains says the limo driver did it. like its something new duh...........

go see Dealey Plaza. I did. answers a lotta Q's

We have a conference there in early Feb...gonna go there and to the OKC Memorial on my own time. Does anyone know if Memphis has any thing for the MLK assassination? I was thinking about driving over to Memphis and down to Selma
the hotel he was killed at is now a museum...
My grandfather was a Marine in the Korean War in that era... He sucked at shooting. Oswald earned the rank of marksman...that's the lowest acceptable. Also, the gun could have NEVER fired all those shots and the ballistics evidence proves that
false! several tests have been done and debunked that claim, whether or not you believe it.

After trying many many times with expert snipers...

dawgshit lies as always.No sniper has ever been able to duplicate oswalds feat under the same circumstances.snipers tried it back in 67 and only one did it after the THIRD try and they were doing it AFTER the tree that obstructed oswalds view was cut down and did it against a moving target and like you said,after trying many times.thats not the same circumstances.:cuckoo:
Even you have doubts!
Many many times to get ONE set that fits the time frame...

We can sit hear yelling false at each other with our thumps up are ass waiting for judgment day without accomplishing anything more than evading boredom temporarily, but we could provide links to facts and accomplish something. That is why, before talking a man so uneducated in the JFK Assassination I will recommend reading "Who Really Killed JFK" by Dr. Jerome Corsi, "They Killed our President" by Jesse Ventura or "Rush to Judgement" by Mark Lane...

agents liek dawgshit and candyass never read books that dont go along with the official version so your wasting your time posting books you recommend.
Jesse Ventura makes good points...

I said that OSWALD could not have made those shots IN THE TIME FRAME WITH THAT RIFLE...

its already been proven that he could not do it.

post #117 on this page proves that so does this video porve that there were multiple shooters there that day.Post #117 and this video closes it that oswald was innocent and there were multiple snipers.eveything else said on this thread is all irrelevent.

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Jesse Ventura makes good points...

I said that OSWALD could not have made those shots IN THE TIME FRAME WITH THAT RIFLE...

its already been proven that he could not do it.

post #117 on this page proves that so does this video porve that there were multiple shooters there that day.Post #117 and this video closes it that oswald was innocent and there were multiple snipers.eveything else said on this thread is all irrelevent.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j35UxRKDW-s]The Day The Dream Died JFK Conspiracy Documentary - YouTube[/ame]


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