Jews that do not stand for Israel. JROC, need a little help here.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Just curious, how does that sit? Do not mean to make so many threads that seemingly attack Jews. No, it is me pointing out that those that are not standing with Israel and always vote in the anti-semitic left wing Democrats, are not really Jews.

Not in deed anyway.
i got a problem

i like individual jews

i like the men i encountered

i love the women i encountered

i like the rabbis

i don t like the state of israel
well every woman was likable and lovable

and every man likable

and every rabbi was smart
Are wetbacks that don't support immigration reform bad people? Are the wetback haters?
i got a question

did israel learn the holocaust is bad for israel

or the holocaust is bad for all people ?
whats the diffrence between a nazi and a israeli `?

a nazi puts a jew into a concentration camp

a israeli puts a palestinian into a concentration camp

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