Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories

Wrong again. Israel should help the Palestinians by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to allow their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.

What " reality"? That the Jewish Majority will always rule within the " borders?" Lol Everyone knows that in the W. Bank the Palestinians are the majority. How are the Palestinians going to deal with the reality that Israel is never going to go back to borders which were never accepted in the first place, be deprived of their religious sites and not allow " Right of Return " which would make the Israelis a minority and destroy it annexing it to " palestine?"Never going to happen :cuckoo:

well, then Israel should just cancel peace talks and declare that they are satisfied with the status quo.
They want more land. They want all of the land. And does anyone think that would even be enough for a Regime like that in Israel? Why have nuclear weapons? The desire is not just for the land of Palestine.

many of them believe that the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, is their "God-given" birthright.

or at least within the borders of Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan.

The fantasy of 'Greater Israel' :: Daniel Pipes

by Daniel Pipes
Washington Jewish Week
July 6, 1989

The Bush administration's first major policy statement on the Middle East was delivered by Secretary of State James Baker on May 22. For the most part, he used standard phrases and recalled traditional American policies. But there was one line at least that was original, even startlingly so. This was Baker's call to Israelis "to lay aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a greater Israel."

Some Israelis responded with alarm at this phrase. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called it "useless." So did some Americans; William Safire called it "inflammatory." But they and many others would have been more upset — indeed, they would be flabbergasted — if they knew the effect Baker's statement had on politicians in the Middle East.

Drawing the border

For Baker and the U.S. State Department, Greater Israel is a shorthand for the Likud Party's desire to retain control of territories captured in the June 1967 war, particularly the West Bank. But in the Arab world and many of the Muslim countries, it means something much grander: Not Israeli retention of the West Bank, but Israeli conquest of a huge area stretching from Egypt to Iran.

This startling definition of Greater Israel derives from God's covenant with Abraham, as described in the Bible. "To your descendants I give this land from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18). Using this text as their proof, Middle Eastern politicians hostile to Israel spread the accusation of Israeli Nile-to-Euphrates expansionism widely and deeply. What is more, they apparently believed it, and many still do.

Egypt: Pres. Gamal Abdel Nasser argued tirelessly that Israelis were "working for the day when the Arab people between the Nile and the Euphrates will be a horde of refugees." He held that the Israelis would never give up this aspiration. "Even if they do not expect to realize their talk today or tomorrow about an Israeli state or a Kingdom of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, they will persevere in this goal until they find an opportunity [to attain it]."

Palestine Liberation Organization: Yassir Arafat tells anyone who will listen about Jerusalem's design for a Greater Israel. In September 1988, he explained to a Playboy interviewer that the two blue lines on the Israeli flag represent the Nile and Eupharates rivers, "and in between is Israel."

The Post shows how Pro Palestinians lie to spread their lies, deceit , and Propoganda. Never met a Pro Palestinian who is capable of telling the truth
There are Zionist fantasies of lands left to conquer and people left to ethnically cleanse from those lands . That is what that last post addresses.

Then, there are words that inspire some of those the last poster calls Pro Palestinians, like these:

You poured out all your blood
You died upon the cross
You are my Jesus who loves me
You are my Father in Heaven
You are the Spirit inside me
You are my Jesus who loves me

I cannot help but think the continuing hope filled struggle of Palestinians for freedom and life and their growing numbers are Testimony of Christ and His death on that cross for every one of us, that includes every Palestinian man and woman and child.
We can see that the l'il sherriKKKins is still suffering from that reading comprehension problem.

The fantasy of 'other lands to conquer' is that of the "Palestininian" proganda-mongers. There is no truth to those assertions which are described above.

As the pious pseudo-pacifist sherri has NOT provided any form of rebuttal to the post above her last rant, we can easily identify her rant as simply one more emotional outburst with no factual content.

Name-calling, foot-stomping, and brandishing one's religious beliefs as a weapon are not proper arguments in any form of debate or discussion. Those tactics simply do not apply here and should be avoided.....along with the demonizing and the gloating which l'il sherriKKKins has also demonstrated.

What a pity she is so completely unwilling to discuss the actual topic! But then, given her OP was misleading, deceptive and gloating in a particularly ghoulish fashion - it's no surprise.
The fantasy of 'Greater Israel' :: Daniel Pipes

by Daniel Pipes
Washington Jewish Week
July 6, 1989

The Bush administration's first major policy statement on the Middle East was delivered by Secretary of State James Baker on May 22. For the most part, he used standard phrases and recalled traditional American policies. But there was one line at least that was original, even startlingly so. This was Baker's call to Israelis "to lay aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a greater Israel."

Some Israelis responded with alarm at this phrase. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called it "useless." So did some Americans; William Safire called it "inflammatory." But they and many others would have been more upset — indeed, they would be flabbergasted — if they knew the effect Baker's statement had on politicians in the Middle East.

Drawing the border

For Baker and the U.S. State Department, Greater Israel is a shorthand for the Likud Party's desire to retain control of territories captured in the June 1967 war, particularly the West Bank. But in the Arab world and many of the Muslim countries, it means something much grander: Not Israeli retention of the West Bank, but Israeli conquest of a huge area stretching from Egypt to Iran.

This startling definition of Greater Israel derives from God's covenant with Abraham, as described in the Bible. "To your descendants I give this land from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18). Using this text as their proof, Middle Eastern politicians hostile to Israel spread the accusation of Israeli Nile-to-Euphrates expansionism widely and deeply. What is more, they apparently believed it, and many still do.

Egypt: Pres. Gamal Abdel Nasser argued tirelessly that Israelis were "working for the day when the Arab people between the Nile and the Euphrates will be a horde of refugees." He held that the Israelis would never give up this aspiration. "Even if they do not expect to realize their talk today or tomorrow about an Israeli state or a Kingdom of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, they will persevere in this goal until they find an opportunity [to attain it]."

Palestine Liberation Organization: Yassir Arafat tells anyone who will listen about Jerusalem's design for a Greater Israel. In September 1988, he explained to a Playboy interviewer that the two blue lines on the Israeli flag represent the Nile and Eupharates rivers, "and in between is Israel."

The Post shows how Pro Palestinians lie to spread their lies, deceit , and Propoganda. Never met a Pro Palestinian who is capable of telling the truth

sorry, but Daniel Pipes is a liar, a fraud, and a pig.

Many Israelis do seek a Greater Israel, from the Sea to the River...and more.

It is Lebensraum with a Levantine accent.

"Well, worry no more. It turns out we’re there already. Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population*report*from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the*West Bank*and*Gaza*in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."


Gaza is not controlled by Israel.... Get it straight
"Israel controls its borders, airspace and sea. Israel decides what goes in or out, and who goes in or out. While the people of Gaza control what happens inside, they have no access to the rest of the world. The closest analogy to Gaza is a 'large jail' or 'concentration camp'. The people of Gaza have the freedom to move around inside their jail, but they are always at risk of being attacked by the Jailers, as Israel has been killing people in Gaza almost daily, even after the ceasefire took effect."
Who controls the Gaza Strip? - Yahoo! Answers
It's aboslutely vital that Israel controls the airspace and water in Gaza. Otherwise, Hezbollah would send them sophisticated weapons, which they will of course use to kill Israeli civilians.

UN We Still Consider Gaza Occupied

Security Council Resolution 1860, 1/2009 confirms

General Assembly Resolution 12/20/2010 confirms and also mentions East Jerusalem as Occupied

Until a Resolution is passed by Security Council changing the status of Gaza, UN will continue to view Gaza Strip as part of OPT
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The fantasy of 'Greater Israel' :: Daniel Pipes

by Daniel Pipes
Washington Jewish Week
July 6, 1989

The Bush administration's first major policy statement on the Middle East was delivered by Secretary of State James Baker on May 22. For the most part, he used standard phrases and recalled traditional American policies. But there was one line at least that was original, even startlingly so. This was Baker's call to Israelis "to lay aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a greater Israel."

Some Israelis responded with alarm at this phrase. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called it "useless." So did some Americans; William Safire called it "inflammatory." But they and many others would have been more upset — indeed, they would be flabbergasted — if they knew the effect Baker's statement had on politicians in the Middle East.

Drawing the border

For Baker and the U.S. State Department, Greater Israel is a shorthand for the Likud Party's desire to retain control of territories captured in the June 1967 war, particularly the West Bank. But in the Arab world and many of the Muslim countries, it means something much grander: Not Israeli retention of the West Bank, but Israeli conquest of a huge area stretching from Egypt to Iran.

This startling definition of Greater Israel derives from God's covenant with Abraham, as described in the Bible. "To your descendants I give this land from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18). Using this text as their proof, Middle Eastern politicians hostile to Israel spread the accusation of Israeli Nile-to-Euphrates expansionism widely and deeply. What is more, they apparently believed it, and many still do.

Egypt: Pres. Gamal Abdel Nasser argued tirelessly that Israelis were "working for the day when the Arab people between the Nile and the Euphrates will be a horde of refugees." He held that the Israelis would never give up this aspiration. "Even if they do not expect to realize their talk today or tomorrow about an Israeli state or a Kingdom of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, they will persevere in this goal until they find an opportunity [to attain it]."

Palestine Liberation Organization: Yassir Arafat tells anyone who will listen about Jerusalem's design for a Greater Israel. In September 1988, he explained to a Playboy interviewer that the two blue lines on the Israeli flag represent the Nile and Eupharates rivers, "and in between is Israel."

The Post shows how Pro Palestinians lie to spread their lies, deceit , and Propoganda. Never met a Pro Palestinian who is capable of telling the truth

sorry, but Daniel Pipes is a liar, a fraud, and a pig.

Many Israelis do seek a Greater Israel, from the Sea to the River...and more.

It is Lebensraum with a Levantine accent.

Sorry, but you are a Pro Palestinian Liar, fraud and a Pig. Document what " steps" Israel has taken in the past to do this.
Starting in 1947, they started out taking land beyond the land set aside for the Jewish State in Partition Plan. They ethnically cleansed over 500 Palestinian villages, they wiped them off the map. In 1967, they began occupying what is known as OPT. They took the Golan Heights, they took the Sinai, they took Sheeba Farms. For 18 years they occupied lands in Lebanon up to the Litani River.
Sorry, but you are a Pro Palestinian Liar, fraud and a Pig. Document what " steps" Israel has taken in the past to do this.

hey, what's with the personal attacks? I offend you somehow?

Pipes has been shown to be a liar and a fraud, and a bigot.

Israel has spread its settlements through the Golan and the West Bank, proving their program for Lebenraum in der heilege land is real.
Sorry, but you are a Pro Palestinian Liar, fraud and a Pig. Document what " steps" Israel has taken in the past to do this.

hey, what's with the personal attacks? I offend you somehow?

Pipes has been shown to be a liar and a fraud, and a bigot.

Israel has spread its settlements through the Golan and the West Bank, proving their program for Lebenraum in der heilege land is real.

Daniel Pipes gave facts. You don't like them but resort to name calling instead? Just using the names you used. Israel has control of those areas because of the 67 War that the Arabs initiated. Still doesn't prove your " claim" that Pipes is a liar, fraud, and a bigot. When it comes to Israel, glad to know the Arabs aren't bigoted . They just want the Country to cease existing; that is all .
Daniel Pipes gave facts. You don't like them but resort to name calling instead? Just using the names you used. Israel has control of those areas because of the 67 War that the Arabs initiated. Still doesn't prove your " claim" that Pipes is a liar, fraud, and a bigot. When it comes to Israel, glad to know the Arabs aren't bigoted . They just want the Country to cease existing; that is all .

Daniel Pipes is a public figure, not a member of this forum.

do not call me names again or I will report you.

his claims regarding the Arabs being all immigrants, has been proven to be lies and fraud.
Daniel Pipes gave facts. You don't like them but resort to name calling instead? Just using the names you used. Israel has control of those areas because of the 67 War that the Arabs initiated. Still doesn't prove your " claim" that Pipes is a liar, fraud, and a bigot. When it comes to Israel, glad to know the Arabs aren't bigoted . They just want the Country to cease existing; that is all .

Daniel Pipes is a public figure, not a member of this forum.

do not call me names again or I will report you.

his claims regarding the Arabs being all immigrants, has been proven to be lies and fraud.

Sorry, but you are a Pro Palestinian Liar, fraud and a Pig. Document what " steps" Israel has taken in the past to do this.

hey, what's with the personal attacks? I offend you somehow?

Pipes has been shown to be a liar and a fraud, and a bigot.

Israel has spread its settlements through the Golan and the West Bank, proving their program for Lebenraum in der heilege land is real.

Desribing your behavior accurately is not making a personal attack.

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