Jews, Democrats, and Death

Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
You are not following history when writing the first four paragraphs.

There is the Arab League, which has pledged NO peace, No Recognition of Israel and NO Negotiations with Israel. The famous NOs.

The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."[1]

No, means NO in Muslim Arab language.

They have been offered 95% of what they had asked for and Arafat turned around and did not even say no, he simply walked away.

Olmert offered about the same. Same result. NO.

I will say it again: The Palestinians have never wanted peace with Israel, because as Muslims.....They want ALL of Israel.

The Muslims, aka the Hashemite, were gladly given 78% of the Mandate in 1922 without deserving it as they had moved into the area of Transjordan only a few years before due to being kicked out of Arabia. Gaza was given up in 2005.

20% is what is left for the Jewish People out of their ancestral territory. The Muslims cannot allow the Jews to have even 1%.

When looking at history, one comes to understand what is going on over there. It is not a Israel-Palestinian conflict, but a Muslims against Jews conflict.
I am not seeing much future for any Jews in their new “ Marxist hell hole utopia “
Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
You are not following history when writing the first four paragraphs.

There is the Arab League, which has pledged NO peace, No Recognition of Israel and NO Negotiations with Israel. The famous NOs.

The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."[1]

No, means NO in Muslim Arab language.

They have been offered 95% of what they had asked for and Arafat turned around and did not even say no, he simply walked away.

Olmert offered about the same. Same result. NO.

I will say it again: The Palestinians have never wanted peace with Israel, because as Muslims.....They want ALL of Israel.

The Muslims, aka the Hashemite, were gladly given 78% of the Mandate in 1922 without deserving it as they had moved into the area of Transjordan only a few years before due to being kicked out of Arabia. Gaza was given up in 2005.

20% is what is left for the Jewish People out of their ancestral territory. The Muslims cannot allow the Jews to have even 1%.

When looking at history, one comes to understand what is going on over there. It is not a Israel-Palestinian conflict, but a Muslims against Jews conflict.
To be fair : Israel only controlled some lands in Egypt , Lebanon , Syria., Jordan for a short time
. Now the West Bank has always been their land but it has several million Arabs

Jerusalem is the biggest prize and that is secured
I am not seeing much future for any Jews in their new “ Marxist hell hole utopia “
Another ignorant saying.

The Soviet Union wanted Israel to be communist in 1948. Israel rejected that idea.

There is nothing Marxist about Israel, it is simply something some people like to repeat out of some Jew hating sites, books or people who like to think that it is actually true.
Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
You are not following history when writing the first four paragraphs.

There is the Arab League, which has pledged NO peace, No Recognition of Israel and NO Negotiations with Israel. The famous NOs.

The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."[1]

No, means NO in Muslim Arab language.

They have been offered 95% of what they had asked for and Arafat turned around and did not even say no, he simply walked away.

Olmert offered about the same. Same result. NO.

I will say it again: The Palestinians have never wanted peace with Israel, because as Muslims.....They want ALL of Israel.

The Muslims, aka the Hashemite, were gladly given 78% of the Mandate in 1922 without deserving it as they had moved into the area of Transjordan only a few years before due to being kicked out of Arabia. Gaza was given up in 2005.

20% is what is left for the Jewish People out of their ancestral territory. The Muslims cannot allow the Jews to have even 1%.

When looking at history, one comes to understand what is going on over there. It is not a Israel-Palestinian conflict, but a Muslims against Jews conflict.
To be fair : Israel only controlled some lands in Egypt , Lebanon , Syria., Jordan for a short time
. Now the West Bank has always been their land but it has several million Arabs

Jerusalem is the biggest prize and that is secured
Israel never controlled any Egyptian land.

Egypt captured Gaza in 1948, just as Jordan captured Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem also in the 1948 Arab started war.

In 1967 the Arab states tried again and lost those lands to Israel.

What land did Israel ever have from Syria?

The Lebanese asked Israel for help. Israel's mistake was to help.

Judea and Samaria does have Arabs living in it, just as in Israel, because Jews do not do as the Muslims do.
The Muslims ethnically cleansed Gaza of Jews in 1920. TransJordan in 1925. Hebron in 1929 and Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948.

When Israel got some of that back in 1967, it did not do the same, but hoped for peace.

Still hoping.

As far as the topic of the thread goes, democrats are not against Israel, or Jews. Two Muslims against Israel does not the party make.

The Republicans have several groups which are totally against Jews, like the Nazis, Skinheads, KKK, Qanon, and some evangelical groups which are only for Israel because of a belief that Jesus will be coming back.

I will take the Democrats who give human rights, voting rights, women's rights and many other rights, to the Republicans who have only been taking all those rights away, at least for the past 40 years.

Not to count all of the Republicans who keep dreaming of having slavery back. That is the only way many Republicans can look at the African population in America. As slaves, people who are beneath them, not having rights to vote, etc, etc (look at all of the voting restriction laws being passed in so many US states, now)

Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Why did he do the things he did for Israel?
For the Evangelical and Jewish votes.
He got most of the Evangelicals to vote for him, but it was not the same with the Jewish voters.
Last edited:
I am not seeing much future for any Jews in their new “ Marxist hell hole utopia “
Another ignorant saying.

The Soviet Union wanted Israel to be communist in 1948. Israel rejected that idea.

There is nothing Marxist about Israel, it is simply something some people like to repeat out of some Jew hating sites, books or people who like to think that it is actually true.
Sorry , I meant the USA !!!
Jews are being used as the “ useful idiots “ and will be cast away
I am not seeing much future for any Jews in their new “ Marxist hell hole utopia “
Another ignorant saying.

The Soviet Union wanted Israel to be communist in 1948. Israel rejected that idea.

There is nothing Marxist about Israel, it is simply something some people like to repeat out of some Jew hating sites, books or people who like to think that it is actually true.
Sorry , I meant the USA !!!
Jews are being used as the “ useful idiots “ and will be cast away
One could same the same about Jews living anywhere in the world. All we need to do is look at the endless anti Jewish attacks, be it in the USA, Canada, Europe.

Jews should not have to move from where they live because of Jew hatred. Only because they want to do so. The thing is to fight the misinformation and delegitimization of Israel, BDS, etc.

The USA is not a Marxist utopia. Where did you get that idea? Why such a label?
I am not seeing much future for any Jews in their new “ Marxist hell hole utopia “
Another ignorant saying.

The Soviet Union wanted Israel to be communist in 1948. Israel rejected that idea.

There is nothing Marxist about Israel, it is simply something some people like to repeat out of some Jew hating sites, books or people who like to think that it is actually true.
Sorry , I meant the USA !!!
Jews are being used as the “ useful idiots “ and will be cast away
One could same the same about Jews living anywhere in the world. All we need to do is look at the endless anti Jewish attacks, be it in the USA, Canada, Europe.

Jews should not have to move from where they live because of Jew hatred. Only because they want to do so. The thing is to fight the misinformation and delegitimization of Israel, BDS, etc.

The USA is not a Marxist utopia. Where did you get that idea? Why such a label?
The trend is the USA is becoming the new Soviet Union
Few examples
1) entire media is leftist propagandist of the DNC
2) 24/7 racist hate by the media , Hollywood and tv against whites
3) endless indoctrination of our youth in schools
4) biggest welfare state on the planet

USA is becoming a Marxist hell hole
I am not seeing much future for any Jews in their new “ Marxist hell hole utopia “
Another ignorant saying.

The Soviet Union wanted Israel to be communist in 1948. Israel rejected that idea.

There is nothing Marxist about Israel, it is simply something some people like to repeat out of some Jew hating sites, books or people who like to think that it is actually true.
Sorry , I meant the USA !!!
Jews are being used as the “ useful idiots “ and will be cast away
One could same the same about Jews living anywhere in the world. All we need to do is look at the endless anti Jewish attacks, be it in the USA, Canada, Europe.

Jews should not have to move from where they live because of Jew hatred. Only because they want to do so. The thing is to fight the misinformation and delegitimization of Israel, BDS, etc.

The USA is not a Marxist utopia. Where did you get that idea? Why such a label?
The trend is the USA is becoming the new Soviet Union
Few examples
1) entire media is leftist propagandist of the DNC
2) 24/7 racist hate by the media , Hollywood and tv against whites
3) endless indoctrination of our youth in schools
4) biggest welfare state on the planet

USA is becoming a Marxist hell hole
You are reading and/or watching too much Right wing media which is highly influenced by Russian media, which does it with one purpose. Why would you be promoting what the Russians want Americans to believe?

Nothing wrong with being against White Supremacy which has been the dominant since the first ship arrived on the Continent's shores.
Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
You are not following history when writing the first four paragraphs.

There is the Arab League, which has pledged NO peace, No Recognition of Israel and NO Negotiations with Israel. The famous NOs.

The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."[1]

No, means NO in Muslim Arab language.

They have been offered 95% of what they had asked for and Arafat turned around and did not even say no, he simply walked away.

Olmert offered about the same. Same result. NO.

I will say it again: The Palestinians have never wanted peace with Israel, because as Muslims.....They want ALL of Israel.

The Muslims, aka the Hashemite, were gladly given 78% of the Mandate in 1922 without deserving it as they had moved into the area of Transjordan only a few years before due to being kicked out of Arabia. Gaza was given up in 2005.

20% is what is left for the Jewish People out of their ancestral territory. The Muslims cannot allow the Jews to have even 1%.

When looking at history, one comes to understand what is going on over there. It is not a Israel-Palestinian conflict, but a Muslims against Jews conflict.
To be fair : Israel only controlled some lands in Egypt , Lebanon , Syria., Jordan for a short time
. Now the West Bank has always been their land but it has several million Arabs

Jerusalem is the biggest prize and that is secured
Israel never controlled any Egyptian land.

Egypt captured Gaza in 1948, just as Jordan captured Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem also in the 1948 Arab started war.

In 1967 the Arab states tried again and lost those lands to Israel.

What land did Israel ever have from Syria?

The Lebanese asked Israel for help. Israel's mistake was to help.

Judea and Samaria does have Arabs living in it, just as in Israel, because Jews do not do as the Muslims do.
The Muslims ethnically cleansed Gaza of Jews in 1920. TransJordan in 1925. Hebron in 1929 and Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948.

When Israel got some of that back in 1967, it did not do the same, but hoped for peace.

Still hoping.

As far as the topic of the thread goes, democrats are not against Israel, or Jews. Two Muslims against Israel does not the party make.

The Republicans have several groups which are totally against Jews, like the Nazis, Skinheads, KKK, Qanon, and some evangelical groups which are only for Israel because of a belief that Jesus will be coming back.

I will take the Democrats who give human rights, voting rights, women's rights and many other rights, to the Republicans who have only been taking all those rights away, at least for the past 40 years.

Not to count all of the Republicans who keep dreaming of having slavery back. That is the only way many Republicans can look at the African population in America. As slaves, people who are beneath them, not having rights to vote, etc, etc (look at all of the voting restriction laws being passed in so many US states, now)

Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Why did he do the things he did for Israel?
For the Evangelical and Jewish votes.
He got most of the Evangelicals to vote for him, but it was not the same with the Jewish voters.
Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Well until his daughter married someone of the Jewish faith and he eventually became president and then it became political faith to get votes.

He still lost about 2% of the Jewish vote. So even being a pro Israeli president is not enough. I would guess that it is already a given so they can vote on other issues instead.

2020^Biden (D)76--
2020^Trump (R)22--
2016Clinton (D)7148
2016Trump (R)2446
Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
You are not following history when writing the first four paragraphs.

There is the Arab League, which has pledged NO peace, No Recognition of Israel and NO Negotiations with Israel. The famous NOs.

The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."[1]

No, means NO in Muslim Arab language.

They have been offered 95% of what they had asked for and Arafat turned around and did not even say no, he simply walked away.

Olmert offered about the same. Same result. NO.

I will say it again: The Palestinians have never wanted peace with Israel, because as Muslims.....They want ALL of Israel.

The Muslims, aka the Hashemite, were gladly given 78% of the Mandate in 1922 without deserving it as they had moved into the area of Transjordan only a few years before due to being kicked out of Arabia. Gaza was given up in 2005.

20% is what is left for the Jewish People out of their ancestral territory. The Muslims cannot allow the Jews to have even 1%.

When looking at history, one comes to understand what is going on over there. It is not a Israel-Palestinian conflict, but a Muslims against Jews conflict.
To be fair : Israel only controlled some lands in Egypt , Lebanon , Syria., Jordan for a short time
. Now the West Bank has always been their land but it has several million Arabs

Jerusalem is the biggest prize and that is secured
Israel never controlled any Egyptian land.

Egypt captured Gaza in 1948, just as Jordan captured Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem also in the 1948 Arab started war.

In 1967 the Arab states tried again and lost those lands to Israel.

What land did Israel ever have from Syria?

The Lebanese asked Israel for help. Israel's mistake was to help.

Judea and Samaria does have Arabs living in it, just as in Israel, because Jews do not do as the Muslims do.
The Muslims ethnically cleansed Gaza of Jews in 1920. TransJordan in 1925. Hebron in 1929 and Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948.

When Israel got some of that back in 1967, it did not do the same, but hoped for peace.

Still hoping.

As far as the topic of the thread goes, democrats are not against Israel, or Jews. Two Muslims against Israel does not the party make.

The Republicans have several groups which are totally against Jews, like the Nazis, Skinheads, KKK, Qanon, and some evangelical groups which are only for Israel because of a belief that Jesus will be coming back.

I will take the Democrats who give human rights, voting rights, women's rights and many other rights, to the Republicans who have only been taking all those rights away, at least for the past 40 years.

Not to count all of the Republicans who keep dreaming of having slavery back. That is the only way many Republicans can look at the African population in America. As slaves, people who are beneath them, not having rights to vote, etc, etc (look at all of the voting restriction laws being passed in so many US states, now)

Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Why did he do the things he did for Israel?
For the Evangelical and Jewish votes.
He got most of the Evangelicals to vote for him, but it was not the same with the Jewish voters.
Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Well until his daughter married someone of the Jewish faith and he eventually became president and then it became political faith to get votes.

He still lost about 2% of the Jewish vote. So even being a pro Israeli president is not enough. I would guess that it is already a given so they can vote on other issues instead.

2020^Biden (D)76--
2020^Trump (R)22--
2016Clinton (D)7148
2016Trump (R)2446
Trump has done more for Israel than any person in US history along with Truman
You ignoramus
Israeli foreign aid relates to the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to developing countries to alleviate and solve economic and social problems through its international cooperation program of technical assistance, based on its own recent and ongoing experience in developing human and material resources. Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, established as an agency of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 1958 and known by its Hebrew acronym, MASHAV, is the primary vehicle for providing this aid.[1]

In the 1970s, Israel broadened its aid agenda by granting safe haven to refugees and foreign nationals in distress from around the world. Since the 1980s, Israel has also provided humanitarian aid to places affected by natural disasters and terrorist attacks. In 1995, the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel Defense Forces established a permanent humanitarian and emergency aid unit, which has carried out humanitarian operations worldwide. In addition to providing humanitarian supplies, Israel has also sent rescue teams and medical personnel and set up mobile field hospitals in disaster-stricken areas worldwide.[2]

(full article online)

They both receive aid.

Israeli has received 102,435 million in military aid and 32,338 million in economic aid over the years just from the US

Trump with Kushner whispering in his ear did cut aid to Palestinians, Kushner tried to push for all aid to be cut.

I tried to find the total for Palestinian aid but have given up on that.

It is know that they do not get military aid. I would suspect that the aid they did receive is far less than what was given to Israeli.
The Military aid that Gaza and the PA comes from Iran and Hezbollah mostly via tunnels that even Egypt has destroyed in an attempt to make them stop the attacks on Egypt itself.

Most Muslim countries have stopped donating to Gaza and the PA having become aware in the past 10 years, or so, that the Palestinians want nothing to do with any peace with Israel.

Iran wants the destruction of Israel, and uses Hamas and Hezbollah as it main methods of achieving that objective.

Any help to the Palestinians by the EU or the USA, etc, attempts to have nothing get to Hamas, but again and again that does not happen.

The money is wasted on tunnels towards Israel and Egypt, buying anything to make rockets aimed at Israel.

These are some of the reasons why the US and others should stop helping the Palestinians, until the leaders come to the conclusion that they won't have the power to attack Israel anymore and will have to come to the table, as Egypt and Jordan did.

The difference between Egypt and Jordan....and the Palestinians is that the leaders of those countries cared about how their people were affected by all the wars against Israel, which left those countries in economic jeopardy .

The Palestinians, on the other hand, keep being given money, and more money and more things.
Yes, the people are suffering and dying in order to destroy Israel, but the leaders do not care.

The question is does Palestinians want peace and most would say yes

IF you add peace with Israel then some will say no

IF you ask Israelis do they want peace then they would say yes

If you ask if they want peace with Palestinians then they would say no

That is the situation which is the hate and mistrust from both sides.

Foreign players will play on that and fed on that mistrust. Until both sides can agree that they each have a right to exist then their never will be peace.

So that requires a leader who will be highly unpopular but see a goal that must be achieved.
You are not following history when writing the first four paragraphs.

There is the Arab League, which has pledged NO peace, No Recognition of Israel and NO Negotiations with Israel. The famous NOs.

The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit, which was convened in the wake of the Six-Day War in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."[1]

No, means NO in Muslim Arab language.

They have been offered 95% of what they had asked for and Arafat turned around and did not even say no, he simply walked away.

Olmert offered about the same. Same result. NO.

I will say it again: The Palestinians have never wanted peace with Israel, because as Muslims.....They want ALL of Israel.

The Muslims, aka the Hashemite, were gladly given 78% of the Mandate in 1922 without deserving it as they had moved into the area of Transjordan only a few years before due to being kicked out of Arabia. Gaza was given up in 2005.

20% is what is left for the Jewish People out of their ancestral territory. The Muslims cannot allow the Jews to have even 1%.

When looking at history, one comes to understand what is going on over there. It is not a Israel-Palestinian conflict, but a Muslims against Jews conflict.
To be fair : Israel only controlled some lands in Egypt , Lebanon , Syria., Jordan for a short time
. Now the West Bank has always been their land but it has several million Arabs

Jerusalem is the biggest prize and that is secured
Israel never controlled any Egyptian land.

Egypt captured Gaza in 1948, just as Jordan captured Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem also in the 1948 Arab started war.

In 1967 the Arab states tried again and lost those lands to Israel.

What land did Israel ever have from Syria?

The Lebanese asked Israel for help. Israel's mistake was to help.

Judea and Samaria does have Arabs living in it, just as in Israel, because Jews do not do as the Muslims do.
The Muslims ethnically cleansed Gaza of Jews in 1920. TransJordan in 1925. Hebron in 1929 and Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948.

When Israel got some of that back in 1967, it did not do the same, but hoped for peace.

Still hoping.

As far as the topic of the thread goes, democrats are not against Israel, or Jews. Two Muslims against Israel does not the party make.

The Republicans have several groups which are totally against Jews, like the Nazis, Skinheads, KKK, Qanon, and some evangelical groups which are only for Israel because of a belief that Jesus will be coming back.

I will take the Democrats who give human rights, voting rights, women's rights and many other rights, to the Republicans who have only been taking all those rights away, at least for the past 40 years.

Not to count all of the Republicans who keep dreaming of having slavery back. That is the only way many Republicans can look at the African population in America. As slaves, people who are beneath them, not having rights to vote, etc, etc (look at all of the voting restriction laws being passed in so many US states, now)

Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Why did he do the things he did for Israel?
For the Evangelical and Jewish votes.
He got most of the Evangelicals to vote for him, but it was not the same with the Jewish voters.
Trump himself is against Jews. Ask any of the people who ever worked for him.

Well until his daughter married someone of the Jewish faith and he eventually became president and then it became political faith to get votes.

He still lost about 2% of the Jewish vote. So even being a pro Israeli president is not enough. I would guess that it is already a given so they can vote on other issues instead.

2020^Biden (D)76--
2020^Trump (R)22--
2016Clinton (D)7148
2016Trump (R)2446
Trump has done more for Israel than any person in US history along with Truman
You ignoramus

Israel has done more for itself that anyone else, or any other country. Because it must.
Netaniahu was already bringing a lot of African and Asian countries in diplomatically.
What Trump did was good, but it was self serving and not because he likes Jews or Israel.
Marrying a corrupt man like her father does not mean that Trump now likes Jews. Ask Michael Cohen, and all the other people who worked for him, on how he talked and probably still talks and thinks about Jews. His father was also antisemitic. That is where he learned it from. Ask Barbara Res who worked for him for 15 years.

Wanting Jewish votes is not the same as respecting Jews or Israel.

What he did for Israel was a means to an end. Votes.
Yet, even as Trump argues that he is working in the interests of Jewish people, anti-Semitic attackshave accelerated over the last three years. Much of it has been blamed on President Trump’s use of philosemitism. As Joshua Shanes, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies at the College of Charleston, noted, “while the president pledges to combat anti-Semitism, he often indulges in these long-standing anti-Semitic tropes himself.” Pence has also been criticized for engaging in philosemitism; during the vice-presidential debate with Senator Kamala Harris, Pence suggested that President Trump could not possibly be antisemitic because of his “Jewish grandchildren.”

In a recent article for the USAPP blog, one of the authors of this article, Shyam K. Sriram, commented on the decline in refugee admissions under President Trump compared to past presidents. In conjunction with our findings here, we see a larger pattern within Trump’s rhetoric focused on creating a moral panic about Jews, Jewish immigrants, and immigrants as a whole. This is in steep contrast to the presidencies of Truman, Carter, Clinton, and Reagan who played a more pivotal role in supporting the Jewish American experience and connecting it to global and domestic crises.

(full article online)

  • Some American Jews are sharply condemning President Donald Trump's remarks that Israel is "your country" as anti-Semitic.
  • "We really appreciate you, we love your country also and thank you very much," Trump said during a call with American Jewish leaders on Wednesday.
  • "It's really important that we separate out American Jews and Israel — we are not one in the same. It's anti-Semitic to suggest that we are," said Sophie Ellman-Golan, a progressive Jewish strategist.
  • The outrage comes as Trump has made attempts to rally support from Jewish voters, which some have dismissed as "pandering" to his own base.

  • President Donald Trump reportedly said Jews "are only in it for themselves" and "stick together" after a call with Jewish lawmakers.

  • The president privately made the comments to senior officials in his administration, according to a report from The Washington Post.

(full article online)

Among the rioters who stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, was a white man with long graying hair and a thick white beard. Emblazoned on his hooded sweatshirt, pictured in several photographs from the insurrection, were the words, "Camp Auschwitz." Beneath the reference to the Holocaust concentration camp that killed 1.1 million people during World War II was an image of a skull with the phrase "Work brings freedom," a translation of the German words that were etched into the gates of the camp.

The man in the sweatshirt, Robert Packer, was far from the only rioter driven by anti-Semitism. The insurrection drew a wide range of Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and QAnon conspiracy theorists whose falsities are built in part on anti-Semitic tropes. "It was an ugly weave of kindred historic hatreds still alive in the United States," Rabbi Menachem Creditor, the Pearl and Ira Meyer Scholar in Residence at the UJA-Federation of New York, told Insider.

(full article online)


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