Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.
September 16, 2021

Because God can NOT be defeated and Jesus is God.

Jesus is the Word and "In the beginning was the Word
and . . . the Word was God" {John 1:1} . . .

. . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and He can not
be defeated by Sin, Satan, and Satan's sad selfish self-seeking sapiens.

Would you please seize . . . upon this mighty truth:

Jesus is NOW the most powerful Person in the Universe. John 13:3
John 3:35 John 5:22 Col. 2:9-10 Matt. 28:18 1 Cor. 15:24-25

And He was there when . . .

The Holy Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Spirit} created Andromeda, a galaxy
41,631,870 miles in diameter {67 kiloparsecs} which is only one of a few
hundred billion galaxies in the Universe ~ by the way Andromeda has an
estimated one trillion stars.

Speaking of stars . . .

Astronomers estimate there are between 30 to 70 billion trillion stars in the
Universe. The Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit created it all.

So? So They are powerful. They can not be defeated.

"Now wait just a minute", objected Frail Christian Pessimist, "the Father, the Lord
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lose the War For The World. They fail to Christianize
the world, and defeat evil, before Jesus returns."

Then out spake Braveheart the man of God, "So, Frail, you teach that Jesus and
His Great Commission fails?"

"Yes", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "Jesus' command to His Christian Church
to go and make disciples of all nations will fail."

"But consider this.", replied Braveheart the man of God, "When Jesus commanded
His Christian Church to carry out His Great Commission, He said 'All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to me. THEREFORE go and make disciples
of all nations' and He added 'surely I am with you always to the very end of the age'"

"Where in the Bible does Jesus say all that?", asked Frail Christian Pessimist.

""Matthew 28:16-20", replied Braveheart the man of God.

"Moreover", continued Braveheart the man of God, "Jesus' death on The Cross
and His Resurrection, has NOW defeated all His Enemies, and Sin, and Satan
and . . .

. . . Jesus NOW sits at the right hand of the Father God Almighty, so Jesus NOW
has ALL power to win the War For The World.

"I base my beliefs about the future on what the newspapers say", replied Frail
Christian Pessimist, "and the news headlines say the world is growing more and
more evil all the time."

"So Evil, not Jesus, wins the War For The World?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"Yes, that's exactly right. You are correct", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

"Are you saying that Jesus is a Loser?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"I fear the worst", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

{A wise man once asked:
Can we trust newspapers and news headlines to tell us the truth? Do you, reader,
trust newspapers to tell you the truth?}

"By the way I'm curious, what are your favorite news sources?", asked Braveheart the
man of God.

"I read the news headlines every day on the Internet", replied Frail Christian Pessimist,
"and I listen to the cable news networks a lot. I particularly like Fox News."

"But the Bible is our source", replied Braveheart the man of God, "and all Scripture is given
by inspiration of God {2 Timothy 3:16-20} . . .

. . . and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us . . .

. . . this means . . .

. . . we can successfully carry out our Lord Jesus' Great Commission command, to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"No! We can not do that", replied Frail Christian Pessimist. "Evil is more powerful than Good,
and the Good loses the War For The World. I'm not giving up my newspapers."

Elsewhere on the battlefield . . .

Lieutenant Pale Grasshopper: "Look General, our Christian Army is taking heavy losses
everywhere along our front, on both our flanks, and in our center. We're losing the battle,
sir, and we must speedily retreat right now, General."

General John Strongfaith: "Stand firm. Stay calm. Be strong. Get a hold of yourself
Lieutenant Grasshopper. Have faith in God. Hold on. Take courage. Our heavy casualties
only serve to make our army battle-hardened which makes us stronger. We know how this
war ends. We win it. This Christian Army gradually destroys all it's enemies {1 Cor. 15:24-25}.
Therefore we fight it on out to the end. So advance the entire line forward right now, and do it
with a glad heart."

Back to Braveheart . . .

Braveheart the man of God speaks:

"There is world-changing power in The Blood of The Cross.

There is world-changing power in Jesus' Resurrection.

The Bible says Jesus 'was declared the Son Of God WITH POWER by the Resurrection from the
dead' {Philippians 2:8-9} . . .

. . . and shortly after His Resurrection, Jesus boldly proclaimed that 'All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on earth' {Matthew 28:18}


So Jesus commanded His evangelizing Great Commission SOON AFTER His Resurrection. Why
is this important? Because of the huge enormous power of His Resurrection to change the world.

We have Victory in Jesus! Jesus NOW has the power to empower His Christian Church to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"Evil is strong and the Christian Church will fail to successfully carry out Jesus' Great Commission",
replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

Braveheart the man of God, in kindness and with compassion now said to Frail Christian Pessimist:

"Frail, I leave you with these Christian victory thoughts: There is no power on this earth that can defeat
the power of The Cross and the power of Jesus' Resurrection . . .

. . . that now empowers Jesus' Christian Church to successfully carry out His Great Commission to
go and make disciples of all nations . . .

. . . therefore the Lord Jesus will gradually win the War For The World.

"The newspapers paint a different picture", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "and I have faith in the news."



"winning" IMO may not be what many are expecting today. It wasn't during the time of Jesus either.
Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.
September 16, 2021

Because God can NOT be defeated and Jesus is God.

Jesus is the Word and "In the beginning was the Word
and . . . the Word was God" {John 1:1} . . .

. . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and He can not
be defeated by Sin, Satan, and Satan's sad selfish self-seeking sapiens.

Would you please seize . . . upon this mighty truth:

Jesus is NOW the most powerful Person in the Universe. John 13:3
John 3:35 John 5:22 Col. 2:9-10 Matt. 28:18 1 Cor. 15:24-25

And He was there when . . .

The Holy Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Spirit} created Andromeda, a galaxy
41,631,870 miles in diameter {67 kiloparsecs} which is only one of a few
hundred billion galaxies in the Universe ~ by the way Andromeda has an
estimated one trillion stars.

Speaking of stars . . .

Astronomers estimate there are between 30 to 70 billion trillion stars in the
Universe. The Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit created it all.

So? So They are powerful. They can not be defeated.

"Now wait just a minute", objected Frail Christian Pessimist, "the Father, the Lord
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lose the War For The World. They fail to Christianize
the world, and defeat evil, before Jesus returns."

Then out spake Braveheart the man of God, "So, Frail, you teach that Jesus and
His Great Commission fails?"

"Yes", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "Jesus' command to His Christian Church
to go and make disciples of all nations will fail."

"But consider this.", replied Braveheart the man of God, "When Jesus commanded
His Christian Church to carry out His Great Commission, He said 'All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to me. THEREFORE go and make disciples
of all nations' and He added 'surely I am with you always to the very end of the age'"

"Where in the Bible does Jesus say all that?", asked Frail Christian Pessimist.

""Matthew 28:16-20", replied Braveheart the man of God.

"Moreover", continued Braveheart the man of God, "Jesus' death on The Cross
and His Resurrection, has NOW defeated all His Enemies, and Sin, and Satan
and . . .

. . . Jesus NOW sits at the right hand of the Father God Almighty, so Jesus NOW
has ALL power to win the War For The World.

"I base my beliefs about the future on what the newspapers say", replied Frail
Christian Pessimist, "and the news headlines say the world is growing more and
more evil all the time."

"So Evil, not Jesus, wins the War For The World?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"Yes, that's exactly right. You are correct", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

"Are you saying that Jesus is a Loser?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"I fear the worst", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

{A wise man once asked:
Can we trust newspapers and news headlines to tell us the truth? Do you, reader,
trust newspapers to tell you the truth?}

"By the way I'm curious, what are your favorite news sources?", asked Braveheart the
man of God.

"I read the news headlines every day on the Internet", replied Frail Christian Pessimist,
"and I listen to the cable news networks a lot. I particularly like Fox News."

"But the Bible is our source", replied Braveheart the man of God, "and all Scripture is given
by inspiration of God {2 Timothy 3:16-20} . . .

. . . and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us . . .

. . . this means . . .

. . . we can successfully carry out our Lord Jesus' Great Commission command, to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"No! We can not do that", replied Frail Christian Pessimist. "Evil is more powerful than Good,
and the Good loses the War For The World. I'm not giving up my newspapers."

Elsewhere on the battlefield . . .

Lieutenant Pale Grasshopper: "Look General, our Christian Army is taking heavy losses
everywhere along our front, on both our flanks, and in our center. We're losing the battle,
sir, and we must speedily retreat right now, General."

General John Strongfaith: "Stand firm. Stay calm. Be strong. Get a hold of yourself
Lieutenant Grasshopper. Have faith in God. Hold on. Take courage. Our heavy casualties
only serve to make our army battle-hardened which makes us stronger. We know how this
war ends. We win it. This Christian Army gradually destroys all it's enemies {1 Cor. 15:24-25}.
Therefore we fight it on out to the end. So advance the entire line forward right now, and do it
with a glad heart."

Back to Braveheart . . .

Braveheart the man of God speaks:

"There is world-changing power in The Blood of The Cross.

There is world-changing power in Jesus' Resurrection.

The Bible says Jesus 'was declared the Son Of God WITH POWER by the Resurrection from the
dead' {Philippians 2:8-9} . . .

. . . and shortly after His Resurrection, Jesus boldly proclaimed that 'All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on earth' {Matthew 28:18}


So Jesus commanded His evangelizing Great Commission SOON AFTER His Resurrection. Why
is this important? Because of the huge enormous power of His Resurrection to change the world.

We have Victory in Jesus! Jesus NOW has the power to empower His Christian Church to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"Evil is strong and the Christian Church will fail to successfully carry out Jesus' Great Commission",
replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

Braveheart the man of God, in kindness and with compassion now said to Frail Christian Pessimist:

"Frail, I leave you with these Christian victory thoughts: There is no power on this earth that can defeat
the power of The Cross and the power of Jesus' Resurrection . . .

. . . that now empowers Jesus' Christian Church to successfully carry out His Great Commission to
go and make disciples of all nations . . .

. . . therefore the Lord Jesus will gradually win the War For The World.

"The newspapers paint a different picture", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "and I have faith in the news."



How come so many Greeks swallowed Peter's story, and so many Mexican's today are catholics? How come they bought those stories? The Jews who were there say he wasn't the Messiah. So if they didn't buy it, why did people who weren't there?
Because God can NOT be defeated and Jesus is God.

Jesus is the Word and "In the beginning was the Word
and . . . the Word was God" {John 1:1} . . .

. . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us

Jesus is not God. Jesus never claimed to be God. His enemies accused him of claiming equality with God to discredit his teachings because even in first century Judea, just like now all over the world, anyone who claims to be God is insane.

In the beginning was Logos, the Word, (divine reason)
And the Word was with Ho Theos, the God,
And the Word was theos, like God

Theos without the definite article Ho before it means godlike or like God.

In the beginning the metaphor for teaching from God was manna, bread from Heaven. Jesus said he was this bread, a teacher from God, and that this bread, teaching, would become his flesh.

The Actual Body of Christ is made of words from God that form the body of his teaching, his flesh.

The word became flesh just means that the previous metaphor for teaching from God manna, bread from heaven, became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for divine instruction... Thats it.

A miracle!

This is not a good time to be in a drunken stupor. I heard that Jesus is coming ANY MINUTE and all that you are doing is bringing the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people. If he finds out what you've been saying he might get pissed off and toss you alive right into fire lake.

Sober up dude.
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Jesus is not God. Jesus never claimed to be God. His enemies accused him of claiming equality with God to discredit his teachings because even in first century Judea, just like now all over the world, anyone who claims to be God is insane.

In the beginning was Logos, the Word, (divine reason)
And the Word was with Ho Theos, the God,
And the Word was theos, like God

Theos without the definite article Ho before it means godlike or like God.

In the beginning the metaphor for teaching from God was manna, bread from Heaven. Jesus said he was this bread, a teacher from God, and that this bread, teaching, would become his flesh.

The Actual Body of Christ is made of words from God that form the body of his teaching, his flesh.

The word became flesh just means that the previous metaphor for teaching from God manna, bread from heaven, became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for divine instruction... Thats it.

A miracle!

This is not a good time to be in a drunken stupor.

Sober up dude.
This is what he heard at his Sunday morning sermon. It was clearly inspiring to him.

If you have faith

If you don't
This is what he heard at his Sunday morning sermon. It was clearly inspiring to him.

If you have faith
View attachment 540049
If you don't
View attachment 540050

I actually feel sorry for those who have been taken advantage of by real devils, actors and lying frauds, who have been destroying minds and lives in the name of God for centuries by cashing in and enriching themselves on their gullibility, sincere love for Jesus, and desperate need for God.
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I actually feel sorry for those who have been taken advantage of by real devils, actors and lying frauds, who have been destroying minds and lives in the name of God for centuries by cashing in and enriching themselves on their gullibility, sincere love for Jesus, and desperate need for God.
But, it is a great business and I think the more industries in America the better. The NBA is an industry. It generates lots of jobs for lots of Americans, who would be poor otherwise. Same for preachers. And there are a lot of them. It's a huge industry. What would these sharlitans be doing if not preaching the lords word? And if people are buying, who am I to say they can't sell what the public wants.

It's funny the fine line there is between religion and what psychics do

What would these sharlitans be doing if not preaching the lords word? And if people are buying, who am I to say they can't sell what the public wants.

They would be in jail for any other kind of fraud, or making minimum wage digging ditches, muckraking, or any number of menial jobs, but at least it would be honest work.

And they are not selling what the public wants anymore than a snake oil salesman is selling cures. The schnooks that they are deceiving hunger for the truth not lies. Its a scam, a fraud. Criminal.

Who are you to say? Who are you not to say if you know that they are destroying lives for cash?
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Actually, my ancestors defeated him. Thats why he is dead :thup:

Really? Many of their descendants are still dicking around over what to wear and what to eat to this day as if diet and fashion are the way to eternal life..derp.

Do you even know the difference between the living and the dead?
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Really? Many of their descendants are still dicking around over what to wear and what to eat as if diet and fashion are the way to eternal life..

Do you even know the difference between the living and the dead?
WTF? :lol:
Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.
September 16, 2021

Because God can NOT be defeated and Jesus is God.

Jesus is the Word and "In the beginning was the Word
and . . . the Word was God" {John 1:1} . . .

. . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and He can not
be defeated by Sin, Satan, and Satan's sad selfish self-seeking sapiens.

Would you please seize . . . upon this mighty truth:

Jesus is NOW the most powerful Person in the Universe. John 13:3
John 3:35 John 5:22 Col. 2:9-10 Matt. 28:18 1 Cor. 15:24-25

And He was there when . . .

The Holy Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Spirit} created Andromeda, a galaxy
41,631,870 miles in diameter {67 kiloparsecs} which is only one of a few
hundred billion galaxies in the Universe ~ by the way Andromeda has an
estimated one trillion stars.

Speaking of stars . . .

Astronomers estimate there are between 30 to 70 billion trillion stars in the
Universe. The Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit created it all.

So? So They are powerful. They can not be defeated.

"Now wait just a minute", objected Frail Christian Pessimist, "the Father, the Lord
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lose the War For The World. They fail to Christianize
the world, and defeat evil, before Jesus returns."

Then out spake Braveheart the man of God, "So, Frail, you teach that Jesus and
His Great Commission fails?"

"Yes", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "Jesus' command to His Christian Church
to go and make disciples of all nations will fail."

"But consider this.", replied Braveheart the man of God, "When Jesus commanded
His Christian Church to carry out His Great Commission, He said 'All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to me. THEREFORE go and make disciples
of all nations' and He added 'surely I am with you always to the very end of the age'"

"Where in the Bible does Jesus say all that?", asked Frail Christian Pessimist.

""Matthew 28:16-20", replied Braveheart the man of God.

"Moreover", continued Braveheart the man of God, "Jesus' death on The Cross
and His Resurrection, has NOW defeated all His Enemies, and Sin, and Satan
and . . .

. . . Jesus NOW sits at the right hand of the Father God Almighty, so Jesus NOW
has ALL power to win the War For The World.

"I base my beliefs about the future on what the newspapers say", replied Frail
Christian Pessimist, "and the news headlines say the world is growing more and
more evil all the time."

"So Evil, not Jesus, wins the War For The World?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"Yes, that's exactly right. You are correct", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

"Are you saying that Jesus is a Loser?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"I fear the worst", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

{A wise man once asked:
Can we trust newspapers and news headlines to tell us the truth? Do you, reader,
trust newspapers to tell you the truth?}

"By the way I'm curious, what are your favorite news sources?", asked Braveheart the
man of God.

"I read the news headlines every day on the Internet", replied Frail Christian Pessimist,
"and I listen to the cable news networks a lot. I particularly like Fox News."

"But the Bible is our source", replied Braveheart the man of God, "and all Scripture is given
by inspiration of God {2 Timothy 3:16-20} . . .

. . . and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us . . .

. . . this means . . .

. . . we can successfully carry out our Lord Jesus' Great Commission command, to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"No! We can not do that", replied Frail Christian Pessimist. "Evil is more powerful than Good,
and the Good loses the War For The World. I'm not giving up my newspapers."

Elsewhere on the battlefield . . .

Lieutenant Pale Grasshopper: "Look General, our Christian Army is taking heavy losses
everywhere along our front, on both our flanks, and in our center. We're losing the battle,
sir, and we must speedily retreat right now, General."

General John Strongfaith: "Stand firm. Stay calm. Be strong. Get a hold of yourself
Lieutenant Grasshopper. Have faith in God. Hold on. Take courage. Our heavy casualties
only serve to make our army battle-hardened which makes us stronger. We know how this
war ends. We win it. This Christian Army gradually destroys all it's enemies {1 Cor. 15:24-25}.
Therefore we fight it on out to the end. So advance the entire line forward right now, and do it
with a glad heart."

Back to Braveheart . . .

Braveheart the man of God speaks:

"There is world-changing power in The Blood of The Cross.

There is world-changing power in Jesus' Resurrection.

The Bible says Jesus 'was declared the Son Of God WITH POWER by the Resurrection from the
dead' {Philippians 2:8-9} . . .

. . . and shortly after His Resurrection, Jesus boldly proclaimed that 'All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on earth' {Matthew 28:18}


So Jesus commanded His evangelizing Great Commission SOON AFTER His Resurrection. Why
is this important? Because of the huge enormous power of His Resurrection to change the world.

We have Victory in Jesus! Jesus NOW has the power to empower His Christian Church to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"Evil is strong and the Christian Church will fail to successfully carry out Jesus' Great Commission",
replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

Braveheart the man of God, in kindness and with compassion now said to Frail Christian Pessimist:

"Frail, I leave you with these Christian victory thoughts: There is no power on this earth that can defeat
the power of The Cross and the power of Jesus' Resurrection . . .

. . . that now empowers Jesus' Christian Church to successfully carry out His Great Commission to
go and make disciples of all nations . . .

. . . therefore the Lord Jesus will gradually win the War For The World.

"The newspapers paint a different picture", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "and I have faith in the news."


People have been writing such storied about Jesus forever.

Early Christian Writings is the most complete collection of Christian texts before the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The site provides translations and commentary for these sources, including the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers, and some non-Christian references.
Amen. Evidence all around us to this day.

Who do they rail against? Mohammed? Buddha?

No, still Jesus Christ. There's a reason for that. There always will be, until the end of time, Amen.
Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.
September 16, 2021

Because God can NOT be defeated and Jesus is God.

Jesus is the Word and "In the beginning was the Word
and . . . the Word was God" {John 1:1} . . .

. . . and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and He can not
be defeated by Sin, Satan, and Satan's sad selfish self-seeking sapiens.

Would you please seize . . . upon this mighty truth:

Jesus is NOW the most powerful Person in the Universe. John 13:3
John 3:35 John 5:22 Col. 2:9-10 Matt. 28:18 1 Cor. 15:24-25

And He was there when . . .

The Holy Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Spirit} created Andromeda, a galaxy
41,631,870 miles in diameter {67 kiloparsecs} which is only one of a few
hundred billion galaxies in the Universe ~ by the way Andromeda has an
estimated one trillion stars.

Speaking of stars . . .

Astronomers estimate there are between 30 to 70 billion trillion stars in the
Universe. The Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit created it all.

So? So They are powerful. They can not be defeated.

"Now wait just a minute", objected Frail Christian Pessimist, "the Father, the Lord
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lose the War For The World. They fail to Christianize
the world, and defeat evil, before Jesus returns."

Then out spake Braveheart the man of God, "So, Frail, you teach that Jesus and
His Great Commission fails?"

"Yes", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "Jesus' command to His Christian Church
to go and make disciples of all nations will fail."

"But consider this.", replied Braveheart the man of God, "When Jesus commanded
His Christian Church to carry out His Great Commission, He said 'All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to me. THEREFORE go and make disciples
of all nations' and He added 'surely I am with you always to the very end of the age'"

"Where in the Bible does Jesus say all that?", asked Frail Christian Pessimist.

""Matthew 28:16-20", replied Braveheart the man of God.

"Moreover", continued Braveheart the man of God, "Jesus' death on The Cross
and His Resurrection, has NOW defeated all His Enemies, and Sin, and Satan
and . . .

. . . Jesus NOW sits at the right hand of the Father God Almighty, so Jesus NOW
has ALL power to win the War For The World.

"I base my beliefs about the future on what the newspapers say", replied Frail
Christian Pessimist, "and the news headlines say the world is growing more and
more evil all the time."

"So Evil, not Jesus, wins the War For The World?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"Yes, that's exactly right. You are correct", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

"Are you saying that Jesus is a Loser?", asked Braveheart the man of God.

"I fear the worst", replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

{A wise man once asked:
Can we trust newspapers and news headlines to tell us the truth? Do you, reader,
trust newspapers to tell you the truth?}

"By the way I'm curious, what are your favorite news sources?", asked Braveheart the
man of God.

"I read the news headlines every day on the Internet", replied Frail Christian Pessimist,
"and I listen to the cable news networks a lot. I particularly like Fox News."

"But the Bible is our source", replied Braveheart the man of God, "and all Scripture is given
by inspiration of God {2 Timothy 3:16-20} . . .

. . . and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us . . .

. . . this means . . .

. . . we can successfully carry out our Lord Jesus' Great Commission command, to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"No! We can not do that", replied Frail Christian Pessimist. "Evil is more powerful than Good,
and the Good loses the War For The World. I'm not giving up my newspapers."

Elsewhere on the battlefield . . .

Lieutenant Pale Grasshopper: "Look General, our Christian Army is taking heavy losses
everywhere along our front, on both our flanks, and in our center. We're losing the battle,
sir, and we must speedily retreat right now, General."

General John Strongfaith: "Stand firm. Stay calm. Be strong. Get a hold of yourself
Lieutenant Grasshopper. Have faith in God. Hold on. Take courage. Our heavy casualties
only serve to make our army battle-hardened which makes us stronger. We know how this
war ends. We win it. This Christian Army gradually destroys all it's enemies {1 Cor. 15:24-25}.
Therefore we fight it on out to the end. So advance the entire line forward right now, and do it
with a glad heart."

Back to Braveheart . . .

Braveheart the man of God speaks:

"There is world-changing power in The Blood of The Cross.

There is world-changing power in Jesus' Resurrection.

The Bible says Jesus 'was declared the Son Of God WITH POWER by the Resurrection from the
dead' {Philippians 2:8-9} . . .

. . . and shortly after His Resurrection, Jesus boldly proclaimed that 'All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on earth' {Matthew 28:18}


So Jesus commanded His evangelizing Great Commission SOON AFTER His Resurrection. Why
is this important? Because of the huge enormous power of His Resurrection to change the world.

We have Victory in Jesus! Jesus NOW has the power to empower His Christian Church to go and
make disciples of all nations."

"Evil is strong and the Christian Church will fail to successfully carry out Jesus' Great Commission",
replied Frail Christian Pessimist.

Braveheart the man of God, in kindness and with compassion now said to Frail Christian Pessimist:

"Frail, I leave you with these Christian victory thoughts: There is no power on this earth that can defeat
the power of The Cross and the power of Jesus' Resurrection . . .

. . . that now empowers Jesus' Christian Church to successfully carry out His Great Commission to
go and make disciples of all nations . . .

. . . therefore the Lord Jesus will gradually win the War For The World.

"The newspapers paint a different picture", replied Frail Christian Pessimist, "and I have faith in the news."



Well when you average atheist is still waiting for some evidence of any God, your considerations are pure piffle , lies and myths.

Go back to the beginning and get that immaculate conception to where it becomes believable. Then we'll start.
Amen. Evidence all around us to this day.

Who do they rail against? Mohammed? Buddha?

No, still Jesus Christ. There's a reason for that. There always will be, until the end of time, Amen.
Mohammed didn't claim to be the son of god. Neither did Buddha.
Amen. Evidence all around us to this day.

Who do they rail against? Mohammed? Buddha?

No, still Jesus Christ. There's a reason for that. There always will be, until the end of time, Amen.

Who are you talking about?
Jesus is not God. Jesus never claimed to be God. His enemies accused him of claiming equality with God to discredit his teachings because even in first century Judea, just like now all over the world, anyone who claims to be God is insane.

In the beginning was Logos, the Word, (divine reason)
And the Word was with Ho Theos, the God,
And the Word was theos, like God

Theos without the definite article Ho before it means godlike or like God.

In the beginning the metaphor for teaching from God was manna, bread from Heaven. Jesus said he was this bread, a teacher from God, and that this bread, teaching, would become his flesh.

The Actual Body of Christ is made of words from God that form the body of his teaching, his flesh.

The word became flesh just means that the previous metaphor for teaching from God manna, bread from heaven, became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for divine instruction... Thats it.

A miracle!

This is not a good time to be in a drunken stupor. I heard that Jesus is coming ANY MINUTE and all that you are doing is bringing the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people. If he finds out what you've been saying he might get pissed off and toss you alive right into fire lake.

Sober up dude.
You're a funny guy. I considered for a moment putting you on Ignore
and forgetting forever that you exist, but I got a chuckle outta your
last ending paragraphs.

God bless.

I don't use alcohol or drugs of any kind, not ever.
the strongest substance I use is decaf coffee.
I even stopped drinking soft drinks like Pepsi Cola (caffeine).


Jesus is not God. Jesus never claimed to be God. His enemies accused him of claiming equality with God to discredit his teachings because even in first century Judea, just like now all over the world, anyone who claims to be God is insane.

In the beginning was Logos, the Word, (divine reason)
And the Word was with Ho Theos, the God,
And the Word was theos, like God

Theos without the definite article Ho before it means godlike or like God.

In the beginning the metaphor for teaching from God was manna, bread from Heaven. Jesus said he was this bread, a teacher from God, and that this bread, teaching, would become his flesh.

The Actual Body of Christ is made of words from God that form the body of his teaching, his flesh.

The word became flesh just means that the previous metaphor for teaching from God manna, bread from heaven, became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for divine instruction... Thats it.

A miracle!

This is not a good time to be in a drunken stupor. I heard that Jesus is coming ANY MINUTE and all that you are doing is bringing the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people. If he finds out what you've been saying he might get pissed off and toss you alive right into fire lake.

Sober up dude.

In the beginning* was the Word,

and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.


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