Jersey Joe Biden heading for turbulent water???


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
It'd be the schittz for Jersey Joe & his backers as he was heading to the white house he ran into a Trumpical storm that washed him away far to sea.

Just sayin'.
Meh. The democrats always pull the same stunt. Totally meaningless.

A better question "is the Biden presidency legitimate or illegitimate?"

Or, will Trump unleash a "special prosecutor" to investigate the Biden's money-laundering schemes?

We need Joe taking tough questions, especially under oath.
There has already been an investigation by Congress into the Biden flap and nothing was found that was illegal...Hunter's taxes are being investigated yet that has nothing to do with Joe he exposed his taxes and his past unlike the current president who is still hiding his..
The counting of the ballots is just a dog and pony show. Congress made the law to finish the election if a state of territory didn't certify their election results for the EC there are no provisions to eliminate the certified EC votes from states that have certified their votes. The only option is for Congress to pass a resolution to investigate the election. I hope they do so they can prove that there was no mass cheating on the scale needed for someone to win..
It'd be the schittz for Jersey Joe & his backers as he was heading to the white house he ran into a Trumpical storm that washed him away far to sea.

Just sayin'.
The only turbulence Dementia Joe has is in his basement trying to figure out where in the hell he is.

The Deep state and media are in complete control, I can assure you.
Not only did Biden cheat America to win the election but he's also a criminal shakedown artist that is owned by China and a couple other countries. Beyond that, he just doesn't have any Presidential qualities. Nobody takes him seriously. His VP is contemptable. And where other Presidents like Bush who went to the Crawford ranch, Trump to Mar a Largo and Clinton to Epstein's Island for a DC getaway, Biden will probably scurry back to his basement and hide. Hell, I think even Biden realizes he's in way over his head. Over half of America laughs at him and his buffoonery.
Not only did Biden cheat America to win the election but he's also a criminal shakedown artist that is owned by China and a couple other countries. Beyond that, he just doesn't have any Presidential qualities. Nobody takes him seriously. His VP is contemptable. And where other Presidents like Bush who went to the Crawford ranch, Trump to Mar a Largo and Clinton to Epstein's Island for a DC getaway, Biden will probably scurry back to his basement and hide. Hell, I think even Biden realizes he's in way over his head. Over half of America laughs at him and his buffoonery.
But who does not take Dementia Joe seriously?

Not only did Biden cheat America to win the election but he's also a criminal shakedown artist that is owned by China and a couple other countries. Beyond that, he just doesn't have any Presidential qualities. Nobody takes him seriously. His VP is contemptable. And where other Presidents like Bush who went to the Crawford ranch, Trump to Mar a Largo and Clinton to Epstein's Island for a DC getaway, Biden will probably scurry back to his basement and hide. Hell, I think even Biden realizes he's in way over his head. Over half of America laughs at him and his buffoonery.
But who does not take Dementia Joe seriously?

Hell, Bill Maher and Michael Moore don't even take him for anything more that an imbecile.
It'd be the schittz for Jersey Joe & his backers as he was heading to the white house he ran into a Trumpical storm that washed him away far to sea.

Just sayin'.
What an embarrassment for Republicans

History will record them as corrupt politicians trying to steal an election
It'd be the schittz for Jersey Joe & his backers as he was heading to the white house he ran into a Trumpical storm that washed him away far to sea.

Just sayin'.
What an embarrassment for Republicans

History will record them as corrupt politicians trying to steal an election
I am NOT saying this will happen to Jersey Joe but it's MUCH more than OBVIOUS that something is going on in BOTH houses of congress, plus the silence in the Trump camp is absolutely deafening. I remember well that Alfonzo Gore got the yoyo treatment as the Bushwhacker bushwhacked another one.

Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia

Then there was the impeachment of slick Wally Clintoon which went absolutely nowhere just like the impeachment of Donaldo Trumpet went absolutely nowhere.


With a PERFECTLY DIVIDED American constituency(can't happen unless rigged/odds too high) plus the aid of rigged election devices(BOTH Gore/Bush & Biden/Trump) the American constituency is then 101% impotent like flat on their backs KO'd colder than a cucumber fart. With elected officials having no fear of being voted out of office what so ever(divided constituency keeps them in office forever) they just do what they want to do & come election time put on a show to keep the American constituency entertained. I keep telling my fellow Americans to go third party & break the strangle hold that the profe$$ional politician$ of the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) have on them, but the vast majority of the American constituency appears to have been struck dumber than a box of rocks. Like my dad once told me & I quote; "Kid there's two kinds of people in this world. Those that learn the hard way & those that never learn at all."

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