Jerrymandered little league team loses title


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Why must Chicago turn everything into a criminal conspiracy? Last year's Little League champs, Chicago's Jackie Robinson West, must forfeit it's title because the team manager cheated. You almost gotta laugh that they got away with showing a bogus boundary map even to the point of being invited to the White House by that expert in bogus documents, Barry Hussein. Barry calls Chicago his adopted home town but he would never have played on a little league because he throws like a girl. Eligibility to to play was defined by the league with a "boundary map" but it's alleged that the manager conspired with a league rep. and recruited players from the entire state to form what they called a "super team". It only took a year for the league to catch on.
Chicago politics 101 being taught on the baseball field now? Don't the Dems think their lock on the school system is indoctrinating enough young minds?

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