Jeremiah, Here


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Not to worry. Cooler and wiser heads will emerge when the time is right. I place a lot of confidence in the active duty military and the 19 million veterans in the country and there is lots of leadership there. We outnumber the socialist progressives. They will never prevail.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

I am amazed----I call hubby JEREMIAH----because he tends to PREDICT DOOM AND GLOOM outcomes. I thought I invented the idea after reading DA BIBBLE.
yes---things are really bad now and getting
worse----I have a JEREMIAH FEAR
the Trump will lose
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."
Fantastic post, PC. Thank you.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Not to worry. Cooler and wiser heads will emerge when the time is right. I place a lot of confidence in the active duty military and the 19 million veterans in the country and there is lots of leadership there. We outnumber the socialist progressives. They will never prevail.

I hope you are correct as to the outcome.....but I want to see a police action, not a military one.
They want a military one, with lots of victims that they can point to.

For me...... a big electoral victory, not a close one, is the best outcome.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.

"Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you."

This is the victory you hope for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

To prove how truly insane this is, let's see you defend it.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.

"And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling. "

Got to hand it to AOC>.........she, singlehandedly ended the 'dumb blonde' jokes.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.

"Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you."

This is the victory you hope for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

To prove how truly insane this is, let's see you defend it.

You know as well as I do none of that shit is true. I strongly doubt you even know what the word socialism means. Right now, the Democrats stand to run the table. I know that scares the crap out you and your misinformation campaign isn't playing as well this year as it did in 2016. Again, this is what the Republican party has sown. Step up. You're about to reap the fruits of your labor. :)
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.

"Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you."

This is the victory you hope for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

To prove how truly insane this is, let's see you defend it.

You know as well as I do none of that shit is true. I strongly doubt you even know what the word socialism means. Right now, the Democrats stand to run the table. I know that scares the crap out you and your misinformation campaign isn't playing as well this year as it did in 2016. Again, this is what the Republican party has sown. Step up. You're about to reap the fruits of your labor. :)

Every word in my post is 100% true, correct, and accurate.

I composed it while watching the Democrat Debates.....and, as I said, you cannot defend any or it.
But, like a trained seal, you will vote for it.

One example:

The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

Now.....retract what you said.....and no more vulgarity.
Pc there is nothing to worry about. Put your faith in God not in an elected official. This election will be very close but that's not a bad thing. The sun will continue to rise.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.
You really are a little commie fuck, aren't ya?
This election isn't going to be a landslide not even close. Life will continue. People will get up and work until the bell rings. This new generation of workers is more than up to the task.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.

"Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you."

This is the victory you hope for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

To prove how truly insane this is, let's see you defend it.

You know as well as I do none of that shit is true. I strongly doubt you even know what the word socialism means. Right now, the Democrats stand to run the table. I know that scares the crap out you and your misinformation campaign isn't playing as well this year as it did in 2016. Again, this is what the Republican party has sown. Step up. You're about to reap the fruits of your labor. :)

Every word in my post is 100% true, correct, and accurate.

I composed it while watching the Democrat Debates.....and, as I said, you cannot defend any or it.
But, like a trained seal, you will vote for it.

One example:

The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

Now.....retract what you said.....and no more vulgarity.

No. It wouldn't. Since there hasn't even been a discussion on healthcare outside of Republicans constant attempts at undermining and repealing it, you just repeat right wing media talking points.
And deal with the vulgarity. If you're going to sling BS, expect to be called out on it. Every word of your post is paid Russian trolling. Bet you still can't define socialism.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.
You really are a little commie fuck, aren't ya?

Hey asshat, the 80's called. They want their slogan back.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.
You really are a little commie fuck, aren't ya?

Hey asshat, the 80's called. They want their slogan back.
Commie POS is a commie POS regardless of the decade, punkinpuss.
I am not an optimist about America's future.
When I look at the undeserved gains that Militant Secularism, Leftism, has made up to and including the Democrat- encouraged riots in our streets, it suggests to me that civilizations have a sell-by date, and we may have reached ours.

Jeremiah(Noun) A person who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future; a prophet of doom.
What does jeremiah mean? -

There is no logical, realistic, existential reason for so many Americas to have either signed on to the mayhem, or to have stood by silently while the Bolsheviks took over our streets and schools.

I have said that a 49-state landslide victory for the GOP is the only hope for re-aligning the Democrats, and convincing them to kick the Marxist radicals out of the Democrat Party.

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

So, it was a pleasant surprise to see same from NOQ
"An unambiguous landslide victory for President Trump is the only hope for America
We can't squeak by with an Electoral College victory and think that everything will be fixed. We need to send a message that America wants the chaos to end.

The third scenario is the only acceptable solution to the problems facing America today. We need a landslide. We need the so-called “silent majority” to get loud, get bold, and send a message to the radical left that we’re done letting them control the narrative. We’re done with letting them drive a destructive agenda in our United States of America. That becomes exponentially easier with a landslide victory because fewer sensible Democrats and left-leaning Independents will be sympathetic to or even join the anarchists."

Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you. I think four decades of tax cuts followed by budget deficits and then recessions are enough. We've seen enough of Republicans. To be honest, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourselves. For example, a decade of chances to ingratiate yourselves to the working class by coming up with a healthcare plan instead of just trying to tear the ACA down. But alas, we know Republicans are not capable of governing. Yes, we need a landslide. A clean sweep of as many Republicans as possible, Trump especially. Then, step on the Republican Party's throat. Make sure it can't get up for at least a decade. Who knows, maybe, we just might get something accomplished. And, oh yeah, AOC? People like her are going to be making policy for this country when you are slumped over in your wheelchair drooling.

"Unfortunately for the right wing, there just aren't enough of the old white baby boomers to go around anymore and not enough true believers coming up to make a difference for you."

This is the victory you hope for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

To prove how truly insane this is, let's see you defend it.

You know as well as I do none of that shit is true. I strongly doubt you even know what the word socialism means. Right now, the Democrats stand to run the table. I know that scares the crap out you and your misinformation campaign isn't playing as well this year as it did in 2016. Again, this is what the Republican party has sown. Step up. You're about to reap the fruits of your labor. :)

Every word in my post is 100% true, correct, and accurate.

I composed it while watching the Democrat Debates.....and, as I said, you cannot defend any or it.
But, like a trained seal, you will vote for it.

One example:

The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

Now.....retract what you said.....and no more vulgarity.

No. It wouldn't. Since there hasn't even been a discussion on healthcare outside of Republicans constant attempts at undermining and repealing it, you just repeat right wing media talking points.
And deal with the vulgarity. If you're going to sling BS, expect to be called out on it. Every word of your post is paid Russian trolling. Bet you still can't define socialism.

Every word in my post is 100% true, correct, and accurate.

As you should have learned by now, I never post anything I can't prove.
This is the victory you hope for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

I composed it while watching the Democrat Debates.....and, as I said, you cannot defend any or it.
But, like a trained seal, you will vote for it.
"There are three scenarios for the presidential election. Technically, there are dozens when we look at the likelihood of lawsuits, chaos, and a constitutional crisis in which Congress has to get involved with selecting the next president and vice president, but from an election perspective there are three.

The first scenario is a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris victory.

This is, obviously, the worst case scenario, one for which I do not believe we will survive as a nation. As bad as Hillary Clinton would have been and as bad as President Obama was, this new Democratic Party is so radical, so unhinged, that even a “moderate” like Joe Biden being told to sign their bills if they have control of Congress is an existential threat.

And if Republicans retain control of the Senate and/or take control of the House, Biden or Harris will be urged to spit out executive orders left and right. Our country will be changed for the worse by a Biden victory in ways that go beyond the damage President Obama did during his disastrous tenure in the White House."

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