Jefferson + Genesis= Equality


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And between the two, Thomas Jefferson, and the Bible, we have democracy and equality.

1.When the king dies…..who becomes king?

The king dies, the prince become king. That’s the way it happened, universally. But wait….the well-read will probably call attention to Hamlet, who missed out on the throne when his dad was whacked by his uncle.

“How was it that King Hamlet's brother, Claudius, succeeded him to the throne when he died and not his son, Prince Hamlet?

In Shakespeare's time, the Danish monarch was elected by their Thing or parliament (it lasted about 500 years, finishing in 1660). In practice, the crown usually descended as it would have under British primogeniture rules, but it was perfectly plausible that a cunning usurper could have stepped into the gap left by the dead king's grieving, depressed son and, with the support of the queen, won the necessary votes.

There's a line where Hamlet alludes to this process in Act 5 Scene 2:

"He that hath killed my king and whored my mother, Popped in between th' election and my hopes, Thrown out his angle for my proper life …" Why didn't Hamlet become king?

OK….so, it’s not 100%....but throughout history, not only does the prince usually assume the throne, but in most cases that is the order of succession worldwide.

2. Except in the Bible.

In chapter 27 of Genesis, there is the story of Jacob and Esau, brothers, with Esau the elder by a heel. The twin’s mother distrusted Esau, and was willing to fool her husband, Isaac, to get the birthright that usually went to the elder, for her favorite, Jacob.

According to Dennis Prager, the commentary does not depict Esau as a bad person, but suggests only that he has other interests, and is unworthy of, and uninterested in, carrying on the Abrahamic monotheistic tradition. In fact, Isaac favored Esau, and liked that he was a hunter who brought home the bacon….well, meat. Actually the kosher rules didn’t apply at the time, so he could have brought bacon….but,

27.3 Take your gear, your quiver and bow, and go out into the open and hunt me some game.

So, Isaac liked Esau better because he set a better table. Prager notes: One might have expected more substance from a biblical patriarch. This, then, is yet another example of the Torah putting truth above hagiography in its portrayal of biblical heroes.

The message in this story is that human intercession may be necessary to bring about what God actually intends, and the boy’s mother tricks her husband in order to do so.

The details can be found in chapter 27, but the point here is that the elder did not assume the inheritance. And that simple fact has led to the expansion of prosperity and equality throughout our entire civilization.

Soooo……America could have continued as the sort of classed society with an aristocracy, as in our previous country, England, or, reorganized as a society where the eldest is not the mandated inheritor.

I'll show where Jefferson enters the picture.....and a very different picture it became.
3. While all recognize primogeniture in the world history, it is defined thus:

the state of being the firstborn child.
the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Primogeniture ensured that the eldest son in a family inherited the largest portion of his father's property upon the father's death. The practice of entail, guaranteeing that a landed estate remain in the hands of only one male heir, was frequently practiced in conjunction with primogeniture.
Georgia constitution abolishes primogeniture and entail ...

Other siblings get a stipend, an allowance, or, if the family is not wealthy enough for that event, must go out an make his or her way in the world.

Effectively, it produces and maintains an aristocracy.

It is no exaggeration to claim that the Bible is the reason for the success of Western Civilization. Whether allegory or actual history, the story of Esau and Jacob, wherein the younger son, who advances the ethical monotheism gets the inheritance, provided the model for Jefferson’s denying primogeniture.
3. While all recognize primogeniture in the world history, it is defined thus:

the state of being the firstborn child.
the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Primogeniture ensured that the eldest son in a family inherited the largest portion of his father's property upon the father's death. The practice of entail, guaranteeing that a landed estate remain in the hands of only one male heir, was frequently practiced in conjunction with primogeniture.
Georgia constitution abolishes primogeniture and entail ...

Other siblings get a stipend, an allowance, or, if the family is not wealthy enough for that event, must go out an make his or her way in the world.

Effectively, it produces and maintains an aristocracy.

It is no exaggeration to claim that the Bible is the reason for the success of Western Civilization. Whether allegory or actual history, the story of Esau and Jacob, wherein the younger son, who advances the ethical monotheism gets the inheritance, provided the model for Jefferson’s denying primogeniture.
The Bible is the reason for war, pestilence, famine, genocide incest to exist because it recognizes it, yet when the law states that you may not kill an intruder during the day and yet people in the US do it that are Christian do you think God punishes them? Does Christ punish them or his Dad or his manifestation of a spirit eat their souls or still their eyesight capabilities? Or do they melt like in Indiana Jones?
Sadly, Jefferson and the religious leaders of the time were unwilling to consider women, blacks and Native Americans to be the equals of white men.

Blacks and Native Americans were considered savages, while women were considered just too dumb to be equals
4. If the Founders, Jefferson in this case, had held to the inheritance protocols of England, we would have suffered under the burden of a classed society, with an aristocracy that limited democracy and equality.

“The fight against aristocracy goes back to the nation's founding and is part of our democratic tradition.
Nobody feared aristocracies more than Thomas Jefferson. In Jefferson's day, aristocracies were far-reaching. European nations had powerful nobles who inherited their status, promoted their own self-interested politics and often considered their interests to be superior to those of the majority. They demanded legal privileges unavailable to others. In contrast, Jefferson hoped to create a society in which all citizens were considered equal.

Americans today agree that hard work ought to be rewarded, but inheritance of great wealth and power works against this core American value. Jefferson hoped to replace a permanent aristocracy with what he called a "natural aristocracy" of talent and virtue, but he recognized this meant giving the children of each generation an equal start.

…Jefferson wrote that "the earth belongs in usufruct to the living" and "the dead have neither powers nor rights over it" -- that is, the dead should not control the opportunities of the next generation. Every child deserves a fair chance.” The Road to a New American Aristocracy | History News Network

Where did he get that idea?

Jacob, not Esau.

5. “Americans today agree that hard work ought to be rewarded…”

That’s ‘Americans’…..not Democrats. Democrats/Progressives have quite an opposite view: earners become serfs, slaves to government, as we see explained here:

3. While all recognize primogeniture in the world history, it is defined thus:

the state of being the firstborn child.
the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Primogeniture ensured that the eldest son in a family inherited the largest portion of his father's property upon the father's death. The practice of entail, guaranteeing that a landed estate remain in the hands of only one male heir, was frequently practiced in conjunction with primogeniture.
Georgia constitution abolishes primogeniture and entail ...

Other siblings get a stipend, an allowance, or, if the family is not wealthy enough for that event, must go out an make his or her way in the world.

Effectively, it produces and maintains an aristocracy.

It is no exaggeration to claim that the Bible is the reason for the success of Western Civilization. Whether allegory or actual history, the story of Esau and Jacob, wherein the younger son, who advances the ethical monotheism gets the inheritance, provided the model for Jefferson’s denying primogeniture.
The Bible is the reason for war, pestilence, famine, genocide incest to exist because it recognizes it, yet when the law states that you may not kill an intruder during the day and yet people in the US do it that are Christian do you think God punishes them? Does Christ punish them or his Dad or his manifestation of a spirit eat their souls or still their eyesight capabilities? Or do they melt like in Indiana Jones?

The bible isn't the reason for wars, pestilence, genocide, etc. Our sin nature is the reason for the aforementioned. Thats all.
3. While all recognize primogeniture in the world history, it is defined thus:

the state of being the firstborn child.
the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Primogeniture ensured that the eldest son in a family inherited the largest portion of his father's property upon the father's death. The practice of entail, guaranteeing that a landed estate remain in the hands of only one male heir, was frequently practiced in conjunction with primogeniture.
Georgia constitution abolishes primogeniture and entail ...

Other siblings get a stipend, an allowance, or, if the family is not wealthy enough for that event, must go out an make his or her way in the world.

Effectively, it produces and maintains an aristocracy.

It is no exaggeration to claim that the Bible is the reason for the success of Western Civilization. Whether allegory or actual history, the story of Esau and Jacob, wherein the younger son, who advances the ethical monotheism gets the inheritance, provided the model for Jefferson’s denying primogeniture.
The Bible is the reason for war, pestilence, famine, genocide incest to exist because it recognizes it, yet when the law states that you may not kill an intruder during the day and yet people in the US do it that are Christian do you think God punishes them? Does Christ punish them or his Dad or his manifestation of a spirit eat their souls or still their eyesight capabilities? Or do they melt like in Indiana Jones?

The bible isn't the reason for wars, pestilence, genocide, etc. Our sin nature is the reason for the aforementioned. Thats all.
And with the Ten Commandments on public display those righteous in piety can't seem to follow the rules either.
3. While all recognize primogeniture in the world history, it is defined thus:

the state of being the firstborn child.
the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Primogeniture ensured that the eldest son in a family inherited the largest portion of his father's property upon the father's death. The practice of entail, guaranteeing that a landed estate remain in the hands of only one male heir, was frequently practiced in conjunction with primogeniture.
Georgia constitution abolishes primogeniture and entail ...

Other siblings get a stipend, an allowance, or, if the family is not wealthy enough for that event, must go out an make his or her way in the world.

Effectively, it produces and maintains an aristocracy.

It is no exaggeration to claim that the Bible is the reason for the success of Western Civilization. Whether allegory or actual history, the story of Esau and Jacob, wherein the younger son, who advances the ethical monotheism gets the inheritance, provided the model for Jefferson’s denying primogeniture.
The Bible is the reason for war, pestilence, famine, genocide incest to exist because it recognizes it, yet when the law states that you may not kill an intruder during the day and yet people in the US do it that are Christian do you think God punishes them? Does Christ punish them or his Dad or his manifestation of a spirit eat their souls or still their eyesight capabilities? Or do they melt like in Indiana Jones?

The bible isn't the reason for wars, pestilence, genocide, etc. Our sin nature is the reason for the aforementioned. Thats all.
And with the Ten Commandments on public display those righteous in piety can't seem to follow the rules either.

Nope, they can't. Not one person is without sin.
3. While all recognize primogeniture in the world history, it is defined thus:

the state of being the firstborn child.
the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Primogeniture ensured that the eldest son in a family inherited the largest portion of his father's property upon the father's death. The practice of entail, guaranteeing that a landed estate remain in the hands of only one male heir, was frequently practiced in conjunction with primogeniture.
Georgia constitution abolishes primogeniture and entail ...

Other siblings get a stipend, an allowance, or, if the family is not wealthy enough for that event, must go out an make his or her way in the world.

Effectively, it produces and maintains an aristocracy.

It is no exaggeration to claim that the Bible is the reason for the success of Western Civilization. Whether allegory or actual history, the story of Esau and Jacob, wherein the younger son, who advances the ethical monotheism gets the inheritance, provided the model for Jefferson’s denying primogeniture.
The Bible is the reason for war, pestilence, famine, genocide incest to exist because it recognizes it, yet when the law states that you may not kill an intruder during the day and yet people in the US do it that are Christian do you think God punishes them? Does Christ punish them or his Dad or his manifestation of a spirit eat their souls or still their eyesight capabilities? Or do they melt like in Indiana Jones?

The bible isn't the reason for wars, pestilence, genocide, etc. Our sin nature is the reason for the aforementioned. Thats all.

The Leftist sure do love blaming the Bible, religion, and morality, don't they.
6. Before the more educated carp about Jefferson certainly not being the first to deny primogeniture, let me admit to it.

Salic law (Lat. Lex Salica) was an important body of traditional law codified for governing the Salian Franks in the early Middle Ages during the reign of King Clovis I in the 6th century. The Salic Law codified inheritance, crime, and murder. Judicial interpretation was by a jury of peers. The most formative (geo-)political aspect of Salic inheritance law for Europe's history was its equal division of land amongst all living male children in opposition to primogeniture. Included in the Salian Code judicial torture, trial by combat, and wergild (monetary reparations by the guilty).”
See “Justinian’s Flea,” by Rosen.

7. But….I’ll bet that as well-read as Jefferson was, this had more influence on his reasoning than Salic Law:

27.15 Rebekah then took the best clothes of her older son Esau, which were there in the house, and had her younger son Jacob put them on;

27.16 and she covered his hands and the hairless part of his neck with the skins of the kids.

27.17 Then she put in the hands of her son Jacob the dish and the bread that she had prepared.

Jefferson simply wrote the law the way he saw most justified. Equality.
To avoid any misunderstandings, the term 'equality' under Democrat terminology no longer has the same meaning as it did originally.

Democrats see it tinged with this context:

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

The animals who demand a certain sort of cake have more of that 'equality' than any animals who don't choose to put their efforts into that demand.

Go figure.
The Leftist sure do love blaming the Bible, religion, and morality, don't they.
The rightist like to claim sanctimonious = pretentious and intellectually dishonest.

Caught you lying again.

In post #13, our pal Brownie wrote the very opposite:
"Nope, they can't. Not one person is without sin."

I didn't see any 'rightist' disagree with him.

Then, you pop up to present the view of Lucifer's press agent, Saul Alinsky: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

By that he, and you, refer to the Bible.

And, of course, we on the Right do strive in that direction, always with the clear intention but not the expectation of total success.

I always liked this quote:
Our ideals resemble the stars, which illuminate the night. NO one will ever be able to touch them. But the men, who, like the sailors on the ocean, take them for guidelines, will undoubtedly reach their goal.

Carl Schurz

Now, try to stop being so dishonest.

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