Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC’s Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

Your mother needs to get you away from the Internet. You genuinely need to get out and get a life. Who are you trying to impress with that "Snowflake" B.S.? You're so clueless, you screw with people that vote the same way you do. To quote a friend of mine: Your IQ and shoe size are about the same.
REmember when Trump supposedly tweeted something from a neo-nazi web site, and how the Left/Media reacted? I guess it is different when they do it. Because, reasons.
1. No I do not remember that, but I am sure you can provide me with a link to it.....

2. ANYONE who uses a neo-Nazi web cite as a legitimate source should be shunned and shamed, and the snowflakes on this board who always bitch about those who disagree with them using web sited THEY deem as legit should condemn MSNBC for even daring to reference a neo-Nazi web site in an attempt to attack Trump. Hypocrites? Fake News? Take your pick - it all fits here...

Your mother needs to get you away from the Internet.

THAT is your response?! Bwuhahahaha!

This is a great demonstration of what happens when you let emotion override the situation, and you just say the 1st thing that comes to mind, like when Barry made the racist uninformed comment about his college professor buddy's situation.

Obama turned out to be in the wrong, his comment looked racist, he was embarrassed, and he ended up holding a 'Beer Summit' instead of apologizing to the officer like he should have.

Next time take a minute to calm down, collect your thoughts, and come up with a more adult response, if you can.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

Trump needs to reject support from neo-nazis. We really need the patriot act back so we can round them up.
Trump needs to reject support from neo-nazis. We really need the patriot act back so we can round them up.

1. Trump has already condemned neo-nazis. You want him to chisel it on mount Rushmore/ What's enough, what does it take for you libtards to get it?

2. You seriously think the US govt needs the Patriot Act to spy on Americans? Obama illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on the US Senate, and illegally spied on the USSC. You think the Patriot Act had any impact / relevance on all of that? You think all of that has STOPPED?

3. Spy on them and round them up? Why stop with the Neo-Nazis? Why not the KKK, White Supremacists, NRA, TEA Party, New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, ACLU...? Who gets to decide the 'WHO'? We have already seen Obama illegally decide the WHO via 'partisanship'...

4. And Round them up for what? Ideology? Beliefs? I am with you on the idea of stopping criminals, but who gets to decide who the criminals are. 'Lady Justice' in the US DOJ no longer wears a blindfold so there can be no bias in enforcing the law. That blindfold is off, and she is a card-carrying member of the DNC-elite, ignoring Democrat crimes, protecting Liberals from indictment, and going after Conservatives / GOP with a passion. The DOJ'...and 'Justice' broken in this country, and it is on full display.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

Trump needs to reject support from neo-nazis. We really need the patriot act back so we can round them up.

Vile lefties need to stop given air to the neo-nazi.

If it wasn't for the free press that the vile media gives them, how many people would even know they still exist? INcluding the couple of dozens young guys each generation who are open to joining them?
Trump needs to reject support from neo-nazis. We really need the patriot act back so we can round them up.

1. Trump has already condemned neo-nazis. You want him to chisel it on mount Rushmore/ What's enough, what does it take for you libtards to get it?


Nothing would/will ever be enough. They do not make these accusations based on any real cause, but just to smear their enemies.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

I find it FRIGGIN' SICK how Trump cultists refuse to accept the reality. Trump's first statement was not powerful enough. It did not condemn the freaks that showed up. The fact that these freaks killed someone elevates this and makes it necessary to condemn them. It was a Neo-Nazi who drove his car into counter-protestors. Not the counter-protestors. Using their web-site is a legitimate method. It shows how weak the effort was.

Trump's second attempt was no better. The first thing he did was talk about what a great job he is doing. Then he talks about Charlottesville. This is 2 days after wheedling and cajoling him to take a stand and condemn the freak show. Imagine George W Bush, the day after 9/11, starting out by talking about the great job he is doing and then there is this little thing called 9/11.

The fact is that Melania did a better job of condemning the white supremacists. The German chancellor did a better job of calling them out. She beat Trump by days and also holds the same position that Hitler held.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
What makes you think only the KKK is against illegal immigrants?
The same self-delusion that makes him think he doesn't "take sides."

then kindly tell the people here what "side" I took.
Get off Your High Horse. It Makes Your Ass Looks Big

I already did, which is clearly stated. So you're lying about that too, Pinocchio.
I find it FRIGGIN' SICK how Trump cultists refuse to accept the reality. Trump's first statement was not powerful enough.
Of course it wasn't, lil' snowflake! It was NEVER going to be enough and still won't be. Trump can do nothing right, according to butt-hurt snowflakes, and never will.

After the Ft. Hood attack Barry called it a case of 'workplace violence'. Obama worshippers had no problem with that.

After his racist professor friend got pulled in to the police station and Barry, admittedly having no clue what was going on, racistly declared it was 'obvious the police had acted stupidly'. Snowflakes were ok with that and attacked the policeman as a racist because Barry said so....only to find out the Policeman was the best they had and actually taught racial diversity classes to the new policemen. Still Barry could do no wrong, and when he held a 'Beer Summit' to white wash the entire incident instead of giving the policeman a much deserved apology, that was ok with snowflakes. Obama NEVER issued an official apology.

The libtard media declared Trump did not / would not condemn the KKK, neo-nazis, and white Supremacists...and he did. Instead of admitting they were wrong, and still driven by hate, you pathetic snowflakes now scream "Took too Long', 'Not Enough'....

Where was the condemnation when Susan Rice hit the Sunday Talk shows calling Benghazi a 'protest gone bad', when Barry and Hillary were lying there asses off calling it a protest until FORCED to admit it was a terrorist attack (Oh yes, bring on the denial)?

The BS and hypocrisy from the left, as usual, is off the charts

Your mother needs to get you away from the Internet.

THAT is your response?! Bwuhahahaha!

This is a great demonstration of what happens when you let emotion override the situation, and you just say the 1st thing that comes to mind, like when Barry made the racist uninformed comment about his college professor buddy's situation.

Obama turned out to be in the wrong, his comment looked racist, he was embarrassed, and he ended up holding a 'Beer Summit' instead of apologizing to the officer like he should have.

Next time take a minute to calm down, collect your thoughts, and come up with a more adult response, if you can.

You're what 13 or 14? No more or you need some help. Look, when you spend as much time as you have on the Internet, unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, it becomes a serious problem.

Calling people names on the Internet does nothing to further your cause. It doesn't win you friends; it doesn't change anybody's mind. And, if you want to call someone out, you should PM them, be prepared to travel, and occasionally get your ass kicked. Otherwise, what you're doing is pure chickensh!+ that does more harm to the cause than your enemies can do to you.

What? You think you spew a few bad words and I'll fulfill your fantasy and actually join the left? Do you think that the few dim bulbs that you seek accolades from weren't played by Trump?

Does a boulder have to hit you on the head before you realize that these rallies with people wearing swastikas are the beginning of the end for many of your cherished fantasies? And, the bottom line is, Trump got caught lying. He either has to man up or face a gradual erosion of his support base.

i genuinely think that a guy spending so much of his time on the Internet that he logs 1200 posts a month on one site is having a hard time coping. Obviously, you don't have an organization you belong to where you can network with people and interact. So, you act out here with that superiority complex. But, it's the mark of a coward. It's like a child rattling a lion's cage with a stick.

You should get out and try your bad ass shtick in front of real people. If you want to find out how well it works, PM some folks you don't like and tell them to name the time and place. Let me know how that works out for you. It doesn't impress me.

I work with people that try to make a difference - in other peoples lives and in the future of their community. Imagine if people, like yourself, were actually working for the preservation, protection, advancement and defense of their race, culture and nation.

Instead of the petulant child - bad ass wannabe sthick, suppose you cleaned up your act and pretended to be mature. Debate people with a few facts. Then get out, leave the comfort of your computer and help someone out. The guy you help to get a job and get his life back on track might have your six when the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device. Your views are then relevant when you have people on your side.

Ignore this advice and you will continue to live as a depressed and frustrated - and insignificant nobody that pecks on a keyboard because he has a fear of reality. And if I see that and recognize it, how many other posters do you think see it?

I'm off to help someone who is less fortunate. And when you are ready to face your demons, PM me. Help is as easy as asking for it.
The same self-delusion that makes him think he doesn't "take sides."

If you want to be a smart ass, that is your prerogative, then kindly tell the people here what "side" I took.
You took the side of cop killers and brownshirt Nazi thugs.

WTH does that mean? I'm the guy who will tell you that the nazis are the ones who developed Trump's political agenda on the wall, deportations, etc. They have a right to be racist, but that don't mean I'm swapping spit with them - I just think if Trump wants to use their ideas, he should stand beside them. They stood beside him... and he knew it.
You mean you aren't on the side of the counter protestors? Which side are you on?

I've never supported the freaking left, the counter-protestors, antifa, or multiculturalists in general (I have some more accurate names for the dirtbags on the left.)

I agree that the problems exist. I've just watched the white groups trip over their penises so many times that it makes me want to vomit. I'll tell you less experienced guys something:

You need to watch the movie Betrayed with Tom Berenger It's a very old movie about the movement that pretty accurately records the divisions in the white activist movement back in the 1980s. IF you watch it, you can see the differences in the basic political groups. Today, the names have changed a bit, but you will be able to see the issues that the rank and file in the movement never get to be a part of. It is the best movie Hollywood ever put out about the white activist groups.

Doozies, Who Do Not See, Do See Nazi

Was Donald Trump in that movie? If we follow your shallow and slippery logic, of course he was!
The libtard media falsely claimed Trump refused to condemn the KKK, Neo Nazis, and white supremacists....except Trump did, leaving them to look like sh!t...

Then to try to save face they claimed he did not do so fast enough...

They're like a buncha damn 2 year olds ... "p
Rattle and Prattle

In Jurinalism School, they have to wear diapers. That's why, after they graduate, they smell like sh!t.
I find it FRIGGIN' SICK how Trump cultists refuse to accept the reality. Trump's first statement was not powerful enough.
Of course it wasn't, lil' snowflake! It was NEVER going to be enough and still won't be. Trump can do nothing right, according to butt-hurt snowflakes, and never will.

After the Ft. Hood attack Barry called it a case of 'workplace violence'. Obama worshippers had no problem with that.

After his racist professor friend got pulled in to the police station and Barry, admittedly having no clue what was going on, racistly declared it was 'obvious the police had acted stupidly'. Snowflakes were ok with that and attacked the policeman as a racist because Barry said so....only to find out the Policeman was the best they had and actually taught racial diversity classes to the new policemen. Still Barry could do no wrong, and when he held a 'Beer Summit' to white wash the entire incident instead of giving the policeman a much deserved apology, that was ok with snowflakes. Obama NEVER issued an official apology.

The libtard media declared Trump did not / would not condemn the KKK, neo-nazis, and white Supremacists...and he did. Instead of admitting they were wrong, and still driven by hate, you pathetic snowflakes now scream "Took too Long', 'Not Enough'....

Where was the condemnation when Susan Rice hit the Sunday Talk shows calling Benghazi a 'protest gone bad', when Barry and Hillary were lying there asses off calling it a protest until FORCED to admit it was a terrorist attack (Oh yes, bring on the denial)?

The BS and hypocrisy from the left, as usual, is off the charts

You are the snowflake. Your only defense of Trump is Democrats did it. That is so pathetic. I never voted for Obama and I will never vote for Trump. Trump is as bad as Obama but he works the opposite extreme street that Obama works. The damage that Trump is doing increases the odds that Democrats will take the White House in 2020.

Your mother needs to get you away from the Internet.

THAT is your response?! Bwuhahahaha!

This is a great demonstration of what happens when you let emotion override the situation, and you just say the 1st thing that comes to mind, like when Barry made the racist uninformed comment about his college professor buddy's situation.

Obama turned out to be in the wrong, his comment looked racist, he was embarrassed, and he ended up holding a 'Beer Summit' instead of apologizing to the officer like he should have.

Next time take a minute to calm down, collect your thoughts, and come up with a more adult response, if you can.

You're what 13 or 14? No more or you need some help. Look, when you spend as much time as you have on the Internet, unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, it becomes a serious problem.

Calling people names on the Internet does nothing to further your cause. It doesn't win you friends; it doesn't change anybody's mind. And, if you want to call someone out, you should PM them, be prepared to travel, and occasionally get your ass kicked. Otherwise, what you're doing is pure chickensh!+ that does more harm to the cause than your enemies can do to you.

What? You think you spew a few bad words and I'll fulfill your fantasy and actually join the left? Do you think that the few dim bulbs that you seek accolades from weren't played by Trump?

Does a boulder have to hit you on the head before you realize that these rallies with people wearing swastikas are the beginning of the end for many of your cherished fantasies? And, the bottom line is, Trump got caught lying. He either has to man up or face a gradual erosion of his support base.

i genuinely think that a guy spending so much of his time on the Internet that he logs 1200 posts a month on one site is having a hard time coping. Obviously, you don't have an organization you belong to where you can network with people and interact. So, you act out here with that superiority complex. But, it's the mark of a coward. It's like a child rattling a lion's cage with a stick.

You should get out and try your bad ass shtick in front of real people. If you want to find out how well it works, PM some folks you don't like and tell them to name the time and place. Let me know how that works out for you. It doesn't impress me.

I work with people that try to make a difference - in other peoples lives and in the future of their community. Imagine if people, like yourself, were actually working for the preservation, protection, advancement and defense of their race, culture and nation.

Instead of the petulant child - bad ass wannabe sthick, suppose you cleaned up your act and pretended to be mature. Debate people with a few facts. Then get out, leave the comfort of your computer and help someone out. The guy you help to get a job and get his life back on track might have your six when the excrement interacts with the electric oscillating device. Your views are then relevant when you have people on your side.

Ignore this advice and you will continue to live as a depressed and frustrated - and insignificant nobody that pecks on a keyboard because he has a fear of reality. And if I see that and recognize it, how many other posters do you think see it?

I'm off to help someone who is less fortunate. And when you are ready to face your demons, PM me. Help is as easy as asking for it.
n00bi b00bi

We don't need no Netiquette Nannies
We don't need no thought control

Web Wizard!
Whiz on the other side of the Wall

Your mother needs to get you away from the Internet.

THAT is your response?! Bwuhahahaha!

This is a great demonstration of what happens when you let emotion override the situation, and you just say the 1st thing that comes to mind, like when Barry made the racist uninformed comment about his college professor buddy's situation.

Obama turned out to be in the wrong, his comment looked racist, he was embarrassed, and he ended up holding a 'Beer Summit' instead of apologizing to the officer like he should have.

Next time take a minute to calm down, collect your thoughts, and come up with a more adult response, if you can.
The Grim Sweeper

We're supposed to humor him, not humiliate him. Now I have to clean his ashes off the screen!
They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
What makes you think only the KKK is against illegal immigrants?
The same self-delusion that makes him think he doesn't "take sides."

then kindly tell the people here what "side" I took.
Get off Your High Horse. It Makes Your Ass Looks Big

I already did, which is clearly stated. So you're lying about that too, Pinocchio.

I'm not lying about a damn thing. It's all easily verifiable... and who in the Hell are you to be checking out my ass of all things? That says a LOT about you.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

Trump needs to reject support from neo-nazis. We really need the patriot act back so we can round them up.

Sounds good until you are not in control and the so - called "Patriot Act" gets used against you.

Your mother needs to get you away from the Internet.

THAT is your response?! Bwuhahahaha!

This is a great demonstration of what happens when you let emotion override the situation, and you just say the 1st thing that comes to mind, like when Barry made the racist uninformed comment about his college professor buddy's situation.

Obama turned out to be in the wrong, his comment looked racist, he was embarrassed, and he ended up holding a 'Beer Summit' instead of apologizing to the officer like he should have.

Next time take a minute to calm down, collect your thoughts, and come up with a more adult response, if you can.
The Grim Sweeper

We're supposed to humor him, not humiliate him. Now I have to clean his ashes off the screen!

Your dumb ass couldn't humiliate Hillary Clinton much less someone on the same side of the political spectrum as yourself.

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