Jeff Sessions Failed His Biggest Test


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
No wonder Alabama residents are looking for someone else (Tuberville) to represent them.

---During his 20 years in the U.S. Senate, Jeff Sessions was a solid conservative who was right on issues such as stopping illegal immigration. He was the first U.S. senator to endorse Donald Drumpf for president and was rewarded with one of the most coveted appointments in the new administration. Drumpf appointed Sessions to be U.S. attorney general.
Unfortunately, Sessions was a cowardly leader of the Department of Justice. He permitted Deep State operatives to remain in key positions. He recused himself from the Russia investigation, allowing his deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, to appoint Robert Mueller as Special Counsel.---

Since he is now running for the senate again, he should be judged on how good of a senator he was. His performance as AG is irrelevant because he is not going to be AG.
Jeff really let down Trump voters in a way they will never forget nor forgive.....he allowed a major slowdown of Trump's agenda and I lost all respect for him....
While I think Session screwed TRUMP over by recusing, I do keep in mind at the time the overwhelming majority of elected republicans were encouraging him to do so and they all fell for the Russia, Mueller is a stand up guy, scam investigation. Keep in mind how they attacked Nunes for trying to expose the unmasking. Gowdy, Ryan, Graham and many others knew the Russia investigation was a hoax, but they all went along with. Now that things are coming out, it will make it hard for them to explain why they didn't do anything earlier, which is why they will not hold anyone accountable.

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