Jeepers Creepers - 2001


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The quite inventive and very unusual modern American horror film Jeepers Creepers is the first in a series of films featuring colorful stories about voyeuristic American teens venturing into a dominion ruled by a hideous man-creature who comes to life miraculously every now and then like a Scarecrow to kidnap, mutilate, and sew up human bodies like a sculptor. The creature is called the Creeper. This is the first American horror film featuring a purely original monster-psycho since Swamp Thing.



The Creeper appears to young Trish and her brother Derry while they're driving around in an American road by a farm-like clearing, driving an ugly truck with a nasty horn sound. The Creeper is then seen by the two dumping what seems to be dead bodies down a large pipe thing by what seems to be his eerie mansion residence.


Trish and Derry try to get away from this man-creature Creeper and call the police for help, not sure what to do. However, they're approached by and confront two elderly sage-like women, one white and one black, who warn then to think clearly about the menacing consciousness about this Creeper man-creature!


Not both of these sage-women turn out to be lucky or fortunate omen deliverers, but I won't spoil the plot here with the revelation.


While incidentally/ironicallty the Creeper is similar in appearance to the Swamp Thing, it has a much more muscular and vicious demeanor in Jeepers Creepers. This original film is better than the two sequels (Jeepers Creepers 2, Jeepers Creepers 3), though all three horror films do a superior job in presenting the Creeper as a thing of great modern deformity.


The Creeper wields a hatchet or axe and has bat-like wings and wears a trench-coat and hat and is altogether mysterious. I compare him to a horror-film avatar like the Candyman or the Boogeyman. He's pure evil and he's got a real touch for dark drama.


I give this inventive American horror film 5/5 stars, which is loud praise, since I doubt I've given any other film review on USMB 5/5 stars, but this one, an underrated gem, is a real demo masterpiece! It's a great Blu-ray too obviously. Man, what happened to those fantastic Hitachi Plasma HD-TVs?


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
I believe the director was convicted of molesting a young boy......

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