Jeb Bush and our Dis-honest Media


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
There really is no controversy, difference of opinion, or substantive issue remaining about the invasion of Iraq.

(a) Knowing what we knew then, the decision to go in was eminently questionable, but the President and a majority of Congress agreed to do it, including a few notables like Kerry, HRC, Biden, and so on.

(b) As a great philosopher once pointed out, the Problem is not What we Don't Know, but rather, what we "know" that isn't true. After the invasion, we learned that Saddam didn't have the stockpiles of WMD's, the people were not going to welcome the American Military as liberators, and they were not ready to embrace a "democratically elected" government unless it was THEIR PREFERRED government, and so on. Disaster ensued.

(c) Knowing what we know now, any sane person would have declined to go in, continued to rely on sanctions to keep Saddam bottled up and impotent, and history would be re-written.

No controversy at all. EVERYBODY involved agrees, including Jeb Bush.

A "mistake" is a decision that is faulty, given the information at hand.

Consider: Babe Ruth is sitting on the bench due to a bad cold. It is late in the game - ninth inning. Yankees are down a run with the bases loaded and two outs. The opposing pitcher is a right-hander that Ruth has hit mercilessly throughout his career. Miller Huggins calls on Babe to pinch hit.

He strikes out to end the game.

Was it a "mistake" to use Ruth? NO! It was the right call. Just because it turned out badly does not make the decision a "mistake."

Although going into Iraq to depose Saddam turned out badly, it was not a managerial MISTAKE; it was a valid decision based on the best information available at the time, and it turned out badly.

And of course, if you believe that "Bush lied," you are an idiot.

The media circus surrounding Jeb Bush's statements and clarifications is nothing more than a MSM campaign to discredit the most promising looking Republican of the moment - a campaign that will continue through the first Tuesday in November next year.

P.S., I have no love for "Bush-45," but this news dustup is asinine.
Mr Bush: Knowing what we know now, would you have still invaded Iraq?
Jeb: Of course I would

Note to Jeb: The questions are going to get a lot tougher
Mr Bush: Knowing what we know now, would you have still invaded Iraq?
Jeb: Of course I would

Note to Jeb: The questions are going to get a lot tougher

At least he is taking questions...unlike the wicked witch of Benghazi

Think if Jeb just started pounding his fists and screaming "What difference does it make now?" the media would praise him for his pluck like they did the ice queen?
Bush didn't listen to the question. He heard "if you had the same information as was available then, would you make the same decision? "

He doesn't listen. That's why his positions on immigration and common core are unacceptable. He listens only to the voices in his head. That's why he should never be president. Most of the country knows that now.
Mr Bush: Knowing what we know now, would you have still invaded Iraq?
Jeb: Of course I would

Note to Jeb: The questions are going to get a lot tougher

At least he is taking questions...unlike the wicked witch of Benghazi

Hillary has testified many times and Republicans found no evidence of wrongdoing

Of course Jebby is dishonest. He is a politician after all...and the worst kind...a welfare/warfare statist elitist.

The old media is dishonest too.

No wonder America is in so much trouble.
Mr Bush: Knowing what we know now, would you have still invaded Iraq?
Jeb: Of course I would

Note to Jeb: The questions are going to get a lot tougher

And he's already started on the usual flip-flopping.
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There really is no controversy, difference of opinion, or substantive issue remaining about the invasion of Iraq.

(a) Knowing what we knew then, the decision to go in was eminently questionable, but the President and a majority of Congress agreed to do it, including a few notables like Kerry, HRC, Biden, and so on.

(b) As a great philosopher once pointed out, the Problem is not What we Don't Know, but rather, what we "know" that isn't true. After the invasion, we learned that Saddam didn't have the stockpiles of WMD's, the people were not going to welcome the American Military as liberators, and they were not ready to embrace a "democratically elected" government unless it was THEIR PREFERRED government, and so on. Disaster ensued.

(c) Knowing what we know now, any sane person would have declined to go in, continued to rely on sanctions to keep Saddam bottled up and impotent, and history would be re-written.

No controversy at all. EVERYBODY involved agrees, including Jeb Bush.

A "mistake" is a decision that is faulty, given the information at hand.

Consider: Babe Ruth is sitting on the bench due to a bad cold. It is late in the game - ninth inning. Yankees are down a run with the bases loaded and two outs. The opposing pitcher is a right-hander that Ruth has hit mercilessly throughout his career. Miller Huggins calls on Babe to pinch hit.

He strikes out to end the game.

Was it a "mistake" to use Ruth? NO! It was the right call. Just because it turned out badly does not make the decision a "mistake."

Although going into Iraq to depose Saddam turned out badly, it was not a managerial MISTAKE; it was a valid decision based on the best information available at the time, and it turned out badly.

And of course, if you believe that "Bush lied," you are an idiot.

The media circus surrounding Jeb Bush's statements and clarifications is nothing more than a MSM campaign to discredit the most promising looking Republican of the moment - a campaign that will continue through the first Tuesday in November next year.

P.S., I have no love for "Bush-45," but this news dustup is asinine.
Even given the information at the time, there are two objections:
1. the timing
B. Number of troops.

I was in favor of invading, based solely on Iraq's continuous disregard for the terms of the cease-fire and blocking of insepections. Actual WMDs were irrelevant.
However...I believed the Afghanistan situation should have been resolved first.
And we should have sent at least twice as many troops. In the rush to Baghdad, we could not completely hold the cities we passed through, and so power vacuums were created which allowed local leaders, such as al-Sadr, to organize a resistance.
Mr Bush: Knowing what we know now, would you have still invaded Iraq?
Jeb: Of course I would

Note to Jeb: The questions are going to get a lot tougher

Keep at em big guy, getting rid of Jeb would be uber cool

One clown at a time.....

You have your work cut out for you, there are a lot of clown Republican candidates.

You made the right choice in party focus though. There are nothing but clowns on the democrat side, no point
There really is no controversy, difference of opinion, or substantive issue remaining about the invasion of Iraq.

(a) Knowing what we knew then, the decision to go in was eminently questionable, but the President and a majority of Congress agreed to do it, including a few notables like Kerry, HRC, Biden, and so on.

(b) As a great philosopher once pointed out, the Problem is not What we Don't Know, but rather, what we "know" that isn't true. After the invasion, we learned that Saddam didn't have the stockpiles of WMD's, the people were not going to welcome the American Military as liberators, and they were not ready to embrace a "democratically elected" government unless it was THEIR PREFERRED government, and so on. Disaster ensued.

(c) Knowing what we know now, any sane person would have declined to go in, continued to rely on sanctions to keep Saddam bottled up and impotent, and history would be re-written.

No controversy at all. EVERYBODY involved agrees, including Jeb Bush.

A "mistake" is a decision that is faulty, given the information at hand.

Consider: Babe Ruth is sitting on the bench due to a bad cold. It is late in the game - ninth inning. Yankees are down a run with the bases loaded and two outs. The opposing pitcher is a right-hander that Ruth has hit mercilessly throughout his career. Miller Huggins calls on Babe to pinch hit.

He strikes out to end the game.

Was it a "mistake" to use Ruth? NO! It was the right call. Just because it turned out badly does not make the decision a "mistake."

Although going into Iraq to depose Saddam turned out badly, it was not a managerial MISTAKE; it was a valid decision based on the best information available at the time, and it turned out badly.

And of course, if you believe that "Bush lied," you are an idiot.

The media circus surrounding Jeb Bush's statements and clarifications is nothing more than a MSM campaign to discredit the most promising looking Republican of the moment - a campaign that will continue through the first Tuesday in November next year.

P.S., I have no love for "Bush-45," but this news dustup is asinine.
Blame "the media," typical lame dodge from the right
Mr Bush: Knowing what we know now, would you have still invaded Iraq?
Jeb: Of course I would

Note to Jeb: The questions are going to get a lot tougher

Keep at em big guy, getting rid of Jeb would be uber cool

One clown at a time.....

You have your work cut out for you, there are a lot of clown Republican candidates.

You made the right choice in party focus though. There are nothing but clowns on the democrat side, no point

I find a bottle of seltzer water to be most effective
Although going into Iraq to depose Saddam turned out badly, it was not a managerial MISTAKE; it was a valid decision based on the best information available at the time, and it turned out badly.

And of course, if you believe that "Bush lied," you are an idiot.

I disagree. It was a willful manipulation and propagation of the data that supported their invasion policy and willfully ignoring the data that didn't not only by the WH but also by the compliant (so called liberal) media.

It can be said Bush didn't lie simply because he had skillful speechwriters. Others in his administration did not and lied their asses off.
seeing the tile of this thread had to mention the fact the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA which is why the news was suppresed from the american people that George Bush was a former CIA director when he ran for POTUS.

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