Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
RAMADI has just fallen to ISIS with the take over of the central government Headquarters. RAMADI is the provincial capital of Al Anbar province. It is the fourth to be taken by ISIS since 2014, although ISIS lost control of Baquba and Tikrit in 2015. So now ISIS controls two provincial capitals in Iraq, Mosul and RAMADI. Ramadi is 60 miles from Baghdad. Hundreds of US troops are stationed at Al Assad Airbase within 20 miles of Ramadi.

IS group seizes government compound in Iraq's Ramadi
BAGHDAD (AP) — Islamic State militants on Friday captured the main government compound in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's western Anbar province, after fierce clashes with security forces.

Ramadi's Mayor Dalaf al-Kubaisi says the militants raised the black flag of the IS group over the area after troops were forced to withdraw from the compound, which houses most of the city's government offices.

He said the IS militants, who also seized other parts of the city, are now attacking the Anbar Operation Command, the military headquarters for the province.

Dalaf said at least 10 policemen were killed in the fighting and dozens of other security forces were wounded. He said IS militants killed several captured policemen and army officers in the city, where most civilians have fled.

U.S. troops saw some of the heaviest fighting of the eight-year Iraq intervention in Anbar, and Ramadi was a major insurgent stronghold. The IS group captured the nearby city of Fallujah and parts of Ramadi in January 2014, months before its main sweep across northern and western Iraq.

The IS assault on the Ramadi government compound began with three nearly simultaneous suicide car bombings. Two Humvees previously seized from the Iraqi army were used in Friday's attack, al-Kubaisi said.

Dozens of families were forced to flee their homes in the area, said Athal al-Fahdawi, an Anbar councilman.

The head of Anbar's provincial council, Sabah Karhout, appealed to the central government in Baghdad to send reinforcements and urged the U.S.-led coalition to increase airstrikes against the militants in Ramadi.

"The city is undergoing vicious attack by Daesh and we are in dire need of any kind of assistance," Karhout said, using the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

Obama's light military footprint has helped this to happen. There needs to be a far more aggressive Air Campaign and larger number of US and coalition troops on the ground. Intervention weakly done produces mixed results at best.
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.
What's so successful about losing a city where our Marines paid dearly to take it from the terrorists during the war?

That's not an attaboy unless you're actually on the terrorists' side.....
Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!

That would be Bush who overthrew Saddam. We left that country to care for themselves, they asked us to leave, remember?
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.

RAMADI is a provincial capital and it did not have to fall to ISIS. The loss of a provincial capital is not some little thing. It is a major set back, and Obama's current military strategy in Iraq allowed it to happen!
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.
What's so successful about losing a city where our Marines paid dearly to take it from the terrorists during the war?

That's not an attaboy unless you're actually on the terrorists' side.....
I dont think you read or comprehended my post correctly.
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.

RAMADI is a provincial capital and it did not have to fall to ISIS. The loss of a provincial capital is not some little thing. It is a major set back, and Obama's current military strategy in Iraq allowed it to happen!
Whats your security clearance to have evaluated the intelligence and formed this thorough analysis?
Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!

That would be Bush who overthrew Saddam. We left that country to care for themselves, they asked us to leave, remember?

Nope, Most Iraqi's wanted us to stay. We left because we could not get an immunity deal from the Iraqi's for US troops from the Iraqi justice system. But that was no reason to leave and abandon the country. Obama has US troops back in the country to the tune of 4,500, but its not enough as this clearly shows.

Saddam had to be removed just like Hitler had to be removed. No argument there. Only a fool would endorse Saddam after what he did to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran!
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.

RAMADI is a provincial capital and it did not have to fall to ISIS. The loss of a provincial capital is not some little thing. It is a major set back, and Obama's current military strategy in Iraq allowed it to happen!
Whats your security clearance to have evaluated the intelligence and formed this thorough analysis?

First that's private, second even to those without security clearance or even much direct knowledge of the situation, its obvious through public sources that the mission is underfunded and has failed to accomplish very basic things after 11 months.
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.

RAMADI is a provincial capital and it did not have to fall to ISIS. The loss of a provincial capital is not some little thing. It is a major set back, and Obama's current military strategy in Iraq allowed it to happen!
Whats your security clearance to have evaluated the intelligence and formed this thorough analysis?
Who knows might be common fucking sense,provincial capital and all
Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!

That would be Bush who overthrew Saddam. We left that country to care for themselves, they asked us to leave, remember?

Nope, Most Iraqi's wanted us to stay. We left because we could not get an immunity deal from the Iraqi's for US troops from the Iraqi justice system. But that was no reason to leave and abandon the country. Obama has US troops back in the country to the tune of 4,500, but its not enough as this clearly shows.

Saddam had to be removed just like Hitler had to be removed. No argument there. Only a fool would endorse Saddam after what he did to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran!
He had to be removed so he was in absolute control for 24 years? Sure thing little buddy, sure thing. And when the government tells a foreign army to leave, as Bush planned for, it's polite if you go home as requested. That has to do with people being able to govern their own nations but we know, you want the US to rule the world instead.
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.

RAMADI is a provincial capital and it did not have to fall to ISIS. The loss of a provincial capital is not some little thing. It is a major set back, and Obama's current military strategy in Iraq allowed it to happen!
Whats your security clearance to have evaluated the intelligence and formed this thorough analysis?
Who knows might be common fucking sense,provincial capital and all
Common sense can apply the blame right at Obamas feet for Isis taking over an Iraqi city?

I dont think so.

I think youd need major.security clearance to wage that sort of critical analysis.
Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!

That would be Bush who overthrew Saddam. We left that country to care for themselves, they asked us to leave, remember?
We could say the same thing. Why didnt Clinton do more with Bin Ladin .. IF he would have taken him out 9/11 might not have happened..

Let's see...

Pull our troops out and let ISIS have all of that up-to-date equipment, effectively arming them..... check

Call them a J V team, and ignore them while they grow....check

Allow them to take over vast areas by advocating overthrowing the governments of Syria and Libya.... check

Nope, doesn't look like seeing that takes a security clearance..... It just requires that you take your head out of your ass and look around occasionally......
Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!

That would be Bush who overthrew Saddam. We left that country to care for themselves, they asked us to leave, remember?
We could say the same thing. Why didnt Clinton do more with Bin Ladin .. IF he would have taken him out 9/11 might not have happened..
Why wasn't Hitler killed as a baby? That's history for you but you can't blame Obama for the door Bush opened and Iraq failed to shut.
RW's want American taxpayers to pay for everything.

Way to go Obama, save my money, let em fight their own damn battles.
Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.
What's so successful about losing a city where our Marines paid dearly to take it from the terrorists during the war?

That's not an attaboy unless you're actually on the terrorists' side.....
I dont think you read or comprehended my post correctly.

You are expecting a Rightie to comprehend?

Can we expect future way to go obama threads based on each successful strike against isis, or naw?

Just asking.
What's so successful about losing a city where our Marines paid dearly to take it from the terrorists during the war?

That's not an attaboy unless you're actually on the terrorists' side.....
I dont think you read or comprehended my post correctly.

You are expecting a Rightie to comprehend?


The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

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