Jeanine Pirro Is A G-D Damn Lunatic Demanding A Halt To All Immigration


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
First, before we get to the article. This needs to be stipulated regarding anything to do with Fox McNews:

They are all God Damn liars, have been proven to be liars, and nothing they say carries any relevance. Fox is the WWE of news. It's entertainment for the truly fucked up and ignorant.

Fox News McJudge Jeanine Pirro wants to stop ALL migration and tourism from the entire world. Everybody stay out. This means you.

She wants the $6 Billion back from Iran (even though it’s their money and it’s sitting in a bank in Qatar untouched), she wants the hostages back (Don’t we all?) and Biden to say the Gaza hospital wasn't bombed by Israel - which he's already said.

She wants the FBI to stop going after people politically, going after Catholics and parents - which they aren't. They're going after criminals and people who make death threats against school board members.

When it comes to “partisan prosecutions” after Fox News themselves had to settle with Dominion for $787.5 Million because they were caught red-handed in their election lies, where you have Fake Elector Architect Kenneth Chesebro and Trump’s chief election lawyer Sidney Powell, who loudly proclaimed that the “Election was stolen” from the rooftops, who herself implemented 60 bogus lawsuits over the election which ended in her being sanctioned, now finally plead guilty to lying about the election and potentially testifying against Trump himself — I think we’re past the point where this appears “partisan.” What it appears now, is criminal.

One to many martinis at those elitist parties huh Jeanine?
First, before we get to the article. This needs to be stipulated regarding anything to do with Fox McNews:

They are all God Damn liars, have been proven to be liars, and nothing they say carries any relevance. Fox is the WWE of news. It's entertainment for the truly fucked up and ignorant.

Fox News McJudge Jeanine Pirro wants to stop ALL migration and tourism from the entire world. Everybody stay out. This means you.

She wants the $6 Billion back from Iran (even though it’s their money and it’s sitting in a bank in Qatar untouched), she wants the hostages back (Don’t we all?) and Biden to say the Gaza hospital wasn't bombed by Israel - which he's already said.

She wants the FBI to stop going after people politically, going after Catholics and parents - which they aren't. They're going after criminals and people who make death threats against school board members.

When it comes to “partisan prosecutions” after Fox News themselves had to settle with Dominion for $787.5 Million because they were caught red-handed in their election lies, where you have Fake Elector Architect Kenneth Chesebro and Trump’s chief election lawyer Sidney Powell, who loudly proclaimed that the “Election was stolen” from the rooftops, who herself implemented 60 bogus lawsuits over the election which ended in her being sanctioned, now finally plead guilty to lying about the election and potentially testifying against Trump himself — I think we’re past the point where this appears “partisan.” What it appears now, is criminal.

One to many martinis at those elitist parties huh Jeanine?


In a world where Jewish people are being killed and tortured every single day,” Degenerates like you put pictures of Hitler attached to every post y'all make. Unbelievable.

Cute post, but not very original.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm................ I've read that someplace before.

Oh! It's Dante plagiarizing itself!

And off topic, as usual.

First, before we get to the article. This needs to be stipulated regarding anything to do with Fox McNews:

They are all God Damn liars, have been proven to be liars, and nothing they say carries any relevance. Fox is the WWE of news. It's entertainment for the truly fucked up and ignorant.

Fox News McJudge Jeanine Pirro wants to stop ALL migration and tourism from the entire world. Everybody stay out. This means you.

She wants the $6 Billion back from Iran (even though it’s their money and it’s sitting in a bank in Qatar untouched), she wants the hostages back (Don’t we all?) and Biden to say the Gaza hospital wasn't bombed by Israel - which he's already said.

She wants the FBI to stop going after people politically, going after Catholics and parents - which they aren't. They're going after criminals and people who make death threats against school board members.

When it comes to “partisan prosecutions” after Fox News themselves had to settle with Dominion for $787.5 Million because they were caught red-handed in their election lies, where you have Fake Elector Architect Kenneth Chesebro and Trump’s chief election lawyer Sidney Powell, who loudly proclaimed that the “Election was stolen” from the rooftops, who herself implemented 60 bogus lawsuits over the election which ended in her being sanctioned, now finally plead guilty to lying about the election and potentially testifying against Trump himself — I think we’re past the point where this appears “partisan.” What it appears now, is criminal.

One to many martinis at those elitist parties huh Jeanine?
Spoken like a true projectionist
First, before we get to the article. This needs to be stipulated regarding anything to do with Fox McNews:

They are all God Damn liars, have been proven to be liars, and nothing they say carries any relevance. Fox is the WWE of news. It's entertainment for the truly fucked up and ignorant.

Fox News McJudge Jeanine Pirro wants to stop ALL migration and tourism from the entire world. Everybody stay out. This means you.

She wants the $6 Billion back from Iran (even though it’s their money and it’s sitting in a bank in Qatar untouched), she wants the hostages back (Don’t we all?) and Biden to say the Gaza hospital wasn't bombed by Israel - which he's already said.

She wants the FBI to stop going after people politically, going after Catholics and parents - which they aren't. They're going after criminals and people who make death threats against school board members.

When it comes to “partisan prosecutions” after Fox News themselves had to settle with Dominion for $787.5 Million because they were caught red-handed in their election lies, where you have Fake Elector Architect Kenneth Chesebro and Trump’s chief election lawyer Sidney Powell, who loudly proclaimed that the “Election was stolen” from the rooftops, who herself implemented 60 bogus lawsuits over the election which ended in her being sanctioned, now finally plead guilty to lying about the election and potentially testifying against Trump himself — I think we’re past the point where this appears “partisan.” What it appears now, is criminal.

One to many martinis at those elitist parties huh Jeanine?
Skrewy: your proposed “stipulation” is, of course, rejected.

Secondly, one is not a “liar” merely because she happens to have expressed an opinion with which some dolt like you happens to disagree.

More substantively, I think zeroing out immigration is a bad idea.

That said, it would be a wonderful idea and outcome to zero out illegal immigration.

Add one more thing to that: it would be even better to make the illegal immigration thing a negative number. Specifically, let’s get our immigration courts repaired. Deport all who are found to have entered here illegally. Terminate the DACA nonsense.

For those who “overstay” their visas here, deportation proceedings are also required.

And as for the alien kids who were brought here at an early age and who don’t have any actual connection to the land of their illegal alien parents, instead of DACA, we (ie, Congress) should create a more coherent legal framework to adjudicate whether we (ie, America) should permit them to stay here. (To be clear, I’d opt FOR a legal framework weighted in favor of allowing such children to remain here and be allowed to seek citizenship in most cases.)

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