January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
My Happyi Place
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.

....and impeach him...again!

We got him this time!
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.

The Joke6 Committee can whine and make up stupid phrases like "roadmap to justice" :laughing0301: all they want.

It's entertaining.

Democriminals cheat. Nothing more needs to be said.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.
If the US needs a brand new gallos, I will build it for free.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.
Very good.
If the Ultrapartisan Jan 6 Committee did anything different, I'd be surprised.

And since the DOJ said in advance that they will do as they please regardless, it was sort of pointless- particularly as they preempted the people's soap operas today for this bullshit.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.
When a committee comprised entirely of individuals who absolutely hate the former president, tries to act as though they are an unbiased body seeking justice, they do no more than demonstrate that they are akin to a kangaroo court from a banana republic.
January 6th. Committee Refers Four Republican Congressmen To Ethics Committee.

In their final report, and by Unanimous Vote of all members present, the January 6th. Committee has referred the following Congressmen to the House Ethics Committee.

Andy Biggs (R-Az.)

Jim Jordan (R-OH.)

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Scott Perry (R-PA.)

Missing is Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) who is leaving Congress.

Te fhour Congressmen ignored Congressional Subpoena's to appear before the 01-06 Committee chaired by Congressman Benie Thompson (D-MS).

Rep. Jordan who will become Chair of the House Judiciary Committee has declared his intention to investigate the DOJ and the F.B.I. and will issue subpeonas of his own, which raises the question of how can person who ignored a Congressional Subpeona have the utter gall to threaten others with subpeonas if he himself ignored a subpeona issued for him?
No need, if convicted. He will be ineligible for office.

U.S. Constitutional Requirements for Presidential Candidates​

The president must:

  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Be at least 35 years old
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

Gee it doesn't say anything about a conviction does it?....
When a committee comprised entirely of individuals who absolutely hate the former president, tries to act as though they are an unbiased body seeking justice, they do no more than demonstrate that they are akin to a kangaroo court from a banana republic.

The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward aided and gave comfort to the Insurrection. The committee acted on the facts. Your typical Con response is not surprising.
No need, if convicted. He will be ineligible for office.

Where did you get that idea? That conviction would make Trump "ineligible"?

Although I can't see the DOJ actually having a public trial of President Trump. That would subject them to discovery as well as giving President Trump a forum to rebut the charges. Neither of which they intend to do in a 1000 years.

U.S. Constitutional Requirements for Presidential Candidates​

The president must:

  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Be at least 35 years old
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

Gee it doesn't say anything about a conviction does it?....
Nope. It doesn't. You have to look elsewhere for that. Good luck!

U.S. Constitutional Requirements for Presidential Candidates​

The president must:

  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Be at least 35 years old
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

Gee it doesn't say anything about a conviction does it?....

The Traitor is seriously damaged His own actions dictated the Committee's referrals. After his NFT fiasco, support for the Traitor is sinking faster than a gradiuate of his fake university.
Where did you get that idea? That conviction would make Trump "ineligible"?

Although I can't see the DOJ actually having a public trial of President Trump. That would subject them to discovery as well as giving President Trump a forum to rebut the charges. Neither of which they intend to do in a 1000 years.

Giving Aid and Comfort to Insurrectionists.

Conspiracy to Defraud the U.S. Government.

Lying to the F.B.I.

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