January 6, 2021

You are confused asshole.

In protesting the Democrat filth stealing an election from the American people the Patriots shoved a couple of Capitol police thugs, overturned a couple of benches and took selfies in Nancy Pelosi office.

The insurrection and disrespect was the goddamn Negroes burning down dozens of government buildings, destroying hundreds of businesses, looting hundreds of stores, attacking literally thousands of police and murdering almost three dozen people.

That is fucking disrespect you moron.
Do you ever get tired of your never ending racism?

it is right up there with being a poor loser to an extent the Democrats, marching around in pink pussy hats, can only dream of. The only “steal” was, and continues to be, Trump and his cult one year later, still trying to over turn an election and setting the groundwork for the next..
You are confused asshole.

In protesting the Democrat filth stealing an election from the American people the Patriots shoved a couple of Capitol police thugs, overturned a couple of benches and took selfies in Nancy Pelosi office.

The insurrection and disrespect was the goddamn Negroes burning down dozens of government buildings, destroying hundreds of businesses, looting hundreds of stores, attacking literally thousands of police and murdering almost three dozen people.

That is fucking disrespect you moron.
You know I'm right and that pisses you off to no end. If you stay on the Trumpism train you will eventually have to jettison every belief you ever held dear.
Lol..wrong moron. Unlike you and your ilk, Democrats never advocated for the violent overthrow of the US government or a terrorist attack on the US Capitol. It took you Trumpers to launch a violent insurrection.
Did you forget about the Civil War, you fucking dummy.
The intent was to get Congress to investigate before certifying. We all know why it did not happen.
Why should congress investigate an election? The states certified their results and without any credible evidence of wrongdoing congress is duty bound to certify the results. Congress really has no power to do anything else. Having said that you should know that I know that you know that Biden won fair and square. You're just in on the con like the rest of these bozos.
No, a bunch of violent sore losers who wanted to overturn an election and halt the peaceful transfer of power.

Sorry to tell you but that's the truth.:dunno:

Anifa, Chaz, your weekly attacks on government buildings.

STFU clown.

The Trumpist insurrection was meant to halt the peaceful transfer of power. Only a fool, and a desperate fool at that, would equate riots in Portland and Seattle to the Trumpist coup attempt.
Just because the insurrection was poorly planned and executed does not diminish the intent.
Yeah, that's one of the silliest things about the right wing dismissal of the insurrectionists. When you see a guy with zip tie restraints and say, "it was just a riot"...clearly they are being dishonest since the intent was to apprehend someone.

The hilarious thing is that mods here seem to think just that....that because nobody was apprehended and executed...no harm/no foul.

Its incredible.
How about some historic perspective? The Feds apparently assume no responsibility for the shooting death of an unarmed protester last Jan 6 and the "Justice" Dept and the media are fine with that concept. It wasn't that long ago that we had a domestic terrorist gang blowing up recruitment centers and government buildings and corporate headquarters. Bill Ayers was guilty of felony murder in the deaths of fellow gang members who were blown up by a bomb intended for a Ft. Dix dance as well as hundreds of terrorist acts but wouldn't you know, a friendly judge found the FBI guilty of "illegal surveillance" and Ayers went free. Whether or not the FBI engaged in illegal acts is still debatable but the fact remains that Ayers did what he did and still ended up as Obama's political adviser and a college professor. What's the moral of the story? Left wing terrorists get a free ride but mom and pop right wing demonstrators get labeled as terrorists and are held without bail.
The democrats will repeat their call to fight, the democrats will repeat the lies over and over and over. The same as the jews were called demons in Germany. Over and over the Germans called the jews evil and those destroying Germany.

Are democrats this stupid, that evil? They certainly are no different than the NAZI's when it comes to hate and propaganda.

I think once the ball starts rolling, at the least the NAZIs, the Democrats lose control

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