Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life'


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
This is just one of the reasons that I don't support the entertainment industry anymore. This and because they are annoyingly superficial and totally out of touch with the real world.


LOS ANGELES – When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum.

Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War.

“Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” Reyes told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face.”

This week, Fonda had a simple message for Reyes and the page's fans.

“Get a life."

Read more: Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life' | Fox News
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

Hollywood should "get a life" since they are obsessed with constantly making/scoring political points. Why exactly would this woman want to play Nancy Reagan ?? I can think of only one...for the publicity it would bring with the veterans.
Still fighting Hanoi Jane?

We should be boycotting those who were involved in getting us into that stupid excuse for a war
ain't she cute???

Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

Hollywood should "get a life" since they are obsessed with constantly making/scoring political points. Why exactly would this woman want to play Nancy Reagan ?? I can think of only one...for the publicity it would bring with the veterans.

"Hollywood" is a private sector industry composed of individuals motivated by profit and attention. Kool-ade consumers parrot the noise of Fox - another member of an industry motivated by profit and the need for attention - that what comes out of Hollywood is all left wing propaganda. Believing such flapdoodle is what provides strength to conservatives.

The great irony here is those who support and thus advertise the 'boycott' are doing a great service to the movie, its producers and all who will profit by it. I suspect one of Steven Spielberg's great characters would characterize this by saying, "dumb is dumb".
Fonda Calls Nam Photo 'An Unforgivable Mistake'

Jane Fonda was always an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War. In 1972, the Academy Award-winning actress and activist traveled to North Vietnam and was photographed laughing and clapping along with Vietnamese soldiers. What followed was a long-lasting wave of criticism and international outrage that earned Fonda the nickname "Hanoi Jane."

Jane Fonda Calls Vietnam Photo 'An Unforgivable Mistake' (VIDEO)

there's our sweetheart - a real trooper :razz:

Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

Hollywood should "get a life" since they are obsessed with constantly making/scoring political points. Why exactly would this woman want to play Nancy Reagan ?? I can think of only one...for the publicity it would bring with the veterans.

"Hollywood" is a private sector industry composed of individuals motivated by profit and attention. Kool-ade consumers parrot the noise of Fox - another member of an industry motivated by profit and the need for attention - that what comes out of Hollywood is all left wing propaganda. Believing such flapdoodle is what provides strength to conservatives.

The great irony here is those who support and thus advertise the 'boycott' are doing a great service to the movie, its producers and all who will profit by it. I suspect one of Steven Spielberg's great characters would characterize this by saying, "dumb is dumb".

Hollywood is full of kooks and likes to prop them up like they are "main stream". So, to call FOX out for harboring "Kool-ade" drinkers as a contrast to the daft loons who work in the entertainment industry is pretty laughable. :lol::lol:

As far as news articles goes...I read them all even Huffington Post and share things that I have seen in print (from all points of view). So, not sure what point your a trying to make with that.
The photograph I can forgive. Her handing those little pieces of paper our soldiers gave her begging for help? No. I have never heard her apologise for betraying those men by handing those little papers into the communist hands. She betrayed our soldiers and our nation with that act of betrayal.

Today I learned that Snopes has put up a denial for her and claims she never did get handed those little pieces of paper begging for help ( from our soldiers who were prisoners of war ) and she never handed them to the communists. She doesn't admit to anything. She has denied it. Who am I going to believe? Jane? Or our own soldiers who were prisoners of war enduring the most horrific abuse - who were desperate for help - who even scribbled their requests on tiny pieces of paper for her - never imagining she would hand it to their tormentors. The communists. But she did. That was the ultimate act of betrayal to a group of men who were dependent upon her to help them. Instead she assisted their tormentors.

Exactly when should americans forget about that? Any idea on when that should be? Maybe someone ought to confront Snopes and let them know they are sick of their website being used to falsify the facts in order to hide the truth about traitors such as Jane Fonda. - Jeri
The photograph I can forgive. Her handing those little pieces of paper our soldiers gave her begging for help? No. I have never heard her apologise for betraying those men by handing those little papers into the communist hands. She betrayed our soldiers and our nation with that act of betrayal.

Today I learned that Snopes has put up a denial for her and claims she never did get handed those little pieces of paper begging for help ( from our soldiers who were prisoners of war ) and she never handed them to the communists. She doesn't admit to anything. She has denied it. Who am I going to believe? Jane? Or our own soldiers who were prisoners of war enduring the most horrific abuse - who were desperate for help - who even scribbled their requests on tiny pieces of paper for her - never imagining she would hand it to their tormentors. The communists. But she did. That was the ultimate act of betrayal to a group of men who were dependent upon her to help them. Instead she assisted their tormentors.

Exactly when should americans forget about that? Any idea on when that should be? Maybe someone ought to confront Snopes and let them know they are sick of their website being used to falsify the facts in order to hide the truth about traitors such as Jane Fonda. - Jeri

You still trying to sell that bullshit story?

Every time someone mentions Fonda a wingnut pulls up that fable
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So you'd prefer to believe the american prisoners of war all lied when they say they handed her those little pieces of paper - to inform her of their being tortured - a plea for help & she responded by handing those little pieces of white paper to their captors, eh?

I believe the prisoners of war. They had no reason to lie and later the stories of that torture came out for the entire world to hear about. It validates their claim about Jane. I believe them.
So you'd prefer to believe the american prisoners of war all lied when they say they handed her those little pieces of paper - to inform her of their being tortured - a plea for help & she responded by handing those little pieces of white paper to their captors, eh?

I believe the prisoners of war. They had no reason to lie and later the stories of that torture came out for the entire world to hear about. It validates their claim about Jane. I believe them.

Put up or shut up
Give me their names

Its a bullshit story that Wingnuts refuse to let die no matter how many times it has been debunked
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Jane handed the evidence to the communists ( who were torturing our soldiers - pows - ) Their word is enough for me. I'm an american and support the viet nam vets and their testimonies. Sorry to hear you don't.

- Jeremiah
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.
i am a vet and i have a fucking life libb !! fuck you and that stupid commy bitch !! i wonder how many vets don't have a life because of the propaganda and hatred she spewed to boost the enemies moral in Nam.
Still fighting Hanoi Jane?

We should be boycotting those who were involved in getting us into that stupid excuse for a war
what she did was no help to the young men that were in that war at the time !! fuck the politics.... she supported the people that were killing our boys. i would love to spit right into the bitches face !!
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Jane handed the evidence to the communists ( who were torturing our soldiers - pows - ) Their word is enough for me. I'm an american and support the viet nam vets and their testimonies. Sorry to hear you don't.

- Jeremiah

You have no credible proof

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