Jan 6th Committee Can Hide Evidence Collected For Decades


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
So that's really all this has been. A coverup:


"The full records of the closed-door testimonies and other information gathered by the January 6 Committee could remain hidden for decades, thanks to the its secretive nature and to laws protecting committee records.​
The committee, which was entirely one-sided against former President Donald Trump after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took the unprecedented step of blocking minority party nominees, followed the equally problematic practice of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) in conducting his impeachment investigation into Trump in a restricted room of the House Intelligence Committee, thereby controlling the flow of information.​
Witnesses, such as Breitbart News’ own Ken Klukowski, a former Trump administration attorney, complained that the committee was intentionally distorting their testimony, and demanded the full record be made public.​
But that is unlikely, as the Los Angeles Times notes, because of several laws the committee can hide behind:​
The final report by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection will provide the most comprehensive account yet of what led to the worst attack on the Capitol in more than 200 years. But it’s not likely to include all of the evidence the panel collected in its 18-month investigation.​
Congress is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act, and House rules, which lawmakers approve with each new Congress, set an at minimum two-decade timeline before the public can see records that are preserved.​
That means that potentially millions of pages of depositions, cellphone and text records, emails, staff notes and analysis by outside organizations compiled as part of the committee’s investigation that don’t make it into the official final report or aren’t released before the end of the year won’t become public for decades — if they ever do at all."​

We no longer have a representative republic of the people, for the people.

Our system is closer to a feudal system of LORDS & serfs where dissent is not tolerated while UNiparty rulers are accountable to no one but the NWO
This is why President Trump doesn't have to concern himself with the libs criminally prosecuting him.

There is something called "discovery" in any court case and that would force them to open their briefcases and show their shredded newspapers.
If the Klanocrats had nothing to hide, then they would not hide their report.
Wow, look at all of the Left Wing Knuttjobs on the Democrat Jan 6 committee.
Sociopaths....Schiff and Raskin
Pathological liars
Paranoid losers

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