Jan. 6 Rioters Given Unequal Treatment

With all of this lying and just being the real terrorists by denying what has happened over the last several years , you will end up starving and living impoverished when the worse happens. Talking the bullshit will not put food on the table with antiquated financial and economic plans. Even here. And we have people going to bed hungry for some reason now.
You are parroting my post and using my ideas and facts as yours. Just reversing them to apply them to me.

Just like I said, you get all your ideas from fake news and think they are your ideas.

Don't flatter me with suggesting someone would parrot you.
Your problem is you blast one here thinking your some intellectual mountain and know nothing.
You were beaten at the election democratically. You are nothing and know the equivalent. Just another brain dead hate filled Republican fascist .
Yep and the FBI investigation revealed no signs of a planned event. Most are being charged with trespassing.

Yet the left keeps screaming insurrection and those folks were out to overthrow the Government.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. What a pack of partisan idiots.

The FBI is also fully aware that many of the 1/6 crowd are life long left wing homosexual activists... but is not eager to disclose that truth either...
You are parroting my post and using my ideas and facts as yours. Just reversing them to apply them to me.

Just like I said, you get all your ideas from fake news and think they are your ideas.
BLM was started by a Marxist. Blm and antifa, the militant arm of American marxism
Don't flatter me with suggesting someone would parrot you.
Your problem is you blast one here thinking your some intellectual mountain and know nothing.
You were beaten at the election democratically. You are nothing and know the equivalent. Just another brain dead hate filled Republican fascist .
Yes, beaten democratically, which considering we are a Republic makes that a problem.

Yes, your insults are best applied to yourself and the democrats. Just like German fascists who had squads of thugs rioting, the Democrat party has BLM and ANTIFA intimidating the public, beating them, and destroying their businesses.
One whole protester out of thousands of Dem rioters, looters and arsonists you say. 1 wow that's incredible. We are surprised there's even 1. :itsok:
The January 6 insurrectionists being held without bail attacked the police, dumb fuck. They assaulted the cops. Beat them. Crushed them. Hit them with fire extinguishers. Stabbed them with their flagpoles. Bear sprayed them.

So you and Alcohlic Matt's whining about different treatment is disengous in the extreme.
BLM was started by a Marxist. Blm and antifa, the militant arm of American marxism
Blm has never connected to the democrats. They invented themselves again st white persecution and shootings by racist white coppers.
Yes, beaten democratically, which considering we are a Republic makes that a problem.

It's a democracy. Call it what you like but the system is the same system which installed trump. Now it's the systems fault for defeating him. How coincidental.
You don't know shit from sugar.

Yes, your insults are best applied to yourself and the democrats.
What you really mean is they are hard hitting and you can't match it. They hurt when you can't respond equally.

Just like German fascists who had squads of thugs rioting, the Democrat party has BLM and ANTIFA intimidating the public, beating them, and destroying their businesses.

I don't suppose it matters now that the KKK is now a Republican supporters movement and trumps little cabal of proud boys doing his dirty work don't count now. Of course not. Its those evil democrats. Not those holier than thou white supremeist racist hate filled ignorant republicans like you.

Cut the mealy mouthed whining attempting to reposition your guilt and ignorance. You know nothing but hate. Dumb as.
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It's a democracy

Yes, your insults are best applied to yourself and the democrats.
What you really mean is they are hard hitting and you can't match it. They hurt when you can't respond equally I don't suppose it matters now that the KKK is now a Republican supporters movement Cut the mealy mouthed whining attempting to reposition your guilt and ignorance. You know nothing but hate. Dumb as
No, we are a Republic, pure and simple.

Insults? Gee, I simply was replying with facts. You wish to see who can insult best?

KKK? Was and will always be a Democrat institution. In your ignorance you do what the KKK has always done, as a bigot yourself, you stereotype Republicans, then you apply your hate, and then you have BLM and ANTIFA attack us in the streets. The Democrats may claim to be the party of the African American, but in truth you use them. Look at your cities, they are slaves to slums. The African Americans in Democrat run cities are the victims of crime and poverty inflicted upon them by the ruling Democrats governing.

More insults? Ouch, you hurt me so much.
Guilt and ignorance, this is where you show how stupid you are, how can I have guilt if I have ignorance as you state?

"Dumb as", did you mean, dumb ass? Or were you going to say I am dumb as an elephant?

And as a typical fascist, you are dictating how I am to post? You are the epitome of that which you claim to hate
No, we are a Republic, pure and simple.

Insults? Gee, I simply was replying with facts. You wish to see who can insult best?

KKK? Was and will always be a Democrat institution. In your ignorance you do what the KKK has always done, as a bigot yourself, you stereotype Republicans, then you apply your hate, and then you have BLM and ANTIFA attack us in the streets. The Democrats may claim to be the party of the African American, but in truth you use them. Look at your cities, they are slaves to slums. The African Americans in Democrat run cities are the victims of crime and poverty inflicted upon them by the ruling Democrats governing.

More insults? Ouch, you hurt me so much.
Guilt and ignorance, this is where you show how stupid you are, how can I have guilt if I have ignorance as you state?

"Dumb as", did you mean, dumb ass? Or were you going to say I am dumb as an elephant?

And as a typical fascist, you are dictating how I am to post? You are the epitome of that which you claim to hate

What's the difference between a republic and a democracy with reference to the voting system?
Have the guts to prove it.

You continue to own my replies and reverse it onto me. Very immature indeed.

While beavering away in your decades old dictionary which has never been used, quote the origins of fascism.
Let's see how your courage is building now.
What's the difference between a republic and a democracy with reference to the voting system?
Have the guts to prove it.

You continue to own my replies and reverse it onto me. Very immature indeed.

While beavering away in your decades old dictionary which has never been used, quote the origins of fascism.
Let's see how your courage is building now.
I need courage to reply to you? And again you take what I say, and act as if you thought of it. By your words and rules, you are immature.

And you want a lesson in facism and our republic? I will simply quote John Adams. You should read the quote and think about it. And remember, we are not a Democracy and for good reason.

I do not say that Democracy has been more pernicious, on the whole, and in the long run, than Monarchy or Aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as Aristocracy or Monarchy. But while it lasts it is more bloody than either.
Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy Yet, that did not commit suicide.
It is in vain to Say that Democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy. It is not true in Fact and no where appears in history. Those Passions are the same in all Men under all forms of Simple Government, and when unchecked, produce the same Effects of Fraud Violence and Cruelty. When clear Prospects are opened before Vanity, Pride, Avarice or Ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate Phylosophers and the most conscientious Moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves, Nations and large Bodies of Men, never


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Liberals claim to support protestors, yet they cheer when January 6 protestors are criminally charged.

---GOP Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz decried on Newsmax the unequal treatment given to the Jan. 6 rioters.---

Do you not understand the difference between protesting peacefully and storming our nation's capitol building to perform a clown coup?
I need courage to reply to you? And again you take what I say, and act as if you thought of it. By your words and rules, you are immature.

And you want a lesson in facism and our republic? I will simply quote John Adams. You should read the quote and think about it. And remember, we are not a Democracy and for good reason.

Don't bother quoting anything but the real origins and meanings of the word.
Here's a clue. It originated with right wing extremists.
Hardly a left wing Democrat party!
Keep making excuses. I'll wait.
What's the difference between a republic and a democracy with reference to the voting system?
You're ignorant not to know the difference.

In a democracy, majority votes (50% + 1) win every election and every legislative issue.

In a democracy, the majority party controls all legislation voting outcomes.

In our republic, the Presidential election is determined by the electoral college which is wisely designed to protect rural America from being ruled by large urban areas.

In our republic, the minority is protected by the Senate filibuster and occasional requirements for votes much higher than 50% + 1.

I suggest you read out Constitution.

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