Jan 3rd, Democrats opening 85 investigations into Trump and the GOP. Finally, it's about time!!!!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?
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  • #5
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.
Good. The Dems will waste their time with a hundred “investigations” for two years and show America they could care less about issues the country needs addressed.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #9
I bet they do very little of any of that
Oh, no, the Democratic base is jazzed.

Democrats are watching their leadership. Democrats dropped the average age of the house by 10 years. Even a lot of Democrats who were in congress for years lost.

We'll see what happens in January.
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You really are sick and demented. You should be staying away from kids in candy stores.
Good. The Dems will waste their time with a hundred “investigations” for two years and show America they could care less about issues the country needs addressed.
You mean like tax cuts for the middle class, job training and healthcare? Infrastructure? All the things the GOP stopped for the last two years.
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You really are sick and demented. You should be staying away from kids in candy stores.
Haven't Republicans said for years that strangers have the best candy?
Let's just open a new department.

Call it the Investigate the Other Party Department.


That's all these people are good for at this point.
When Republicans investigate Democrats, they find BJ's.

When Democrats investigate Republicans, you get prison terms.
I bet they do very little of any of that
Oh, no, the Democratic base is jazzed.

Democrats are watching their leadership. Democrats dropped the average age of the house by 10 years. Even a lot of Democrats who were in congress for years lost.

We'll see what happens in January.

I know you extremist loons want to believe that the next two years will be nothing but a treasure trove of endless investigations and subpoenas and I’m sure there will be a little bit of that, but Nancy Pelosi is smart enough to know that the country isn’t as bitter, hateful, and insane as you. She knows that the public actually expects her party to accomplish something that will positively affect their households otherwise they will be ushered right back out of the majority in 2020. Your little TDS circle jerk isn’t going to accomplish that so you can rest assured she will be reining in that nonsense.
Derp's hamster has been working overtime

I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You really are sick and demented. You should be staying away from kids in candy stores.
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?

January 1st?

they're not going to wait til they've been sworn in?
I feel like a kid in a candy story.

Hmm, my favorites.

It's about time we found out the truth of what happened to those American soldiers in Niger.

And what has happened in Puerto Rico to those millions of American citizens. About time we found out.

Jared Kushner pops up everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

You really are sick and demented. You should be staying away from kids in candy stores.
Haven't Republicans said for years that strangers have the best candy?

that strangers have the best candy?

That's a lib thing,...

We teach kids not to take candy from strangers.
I bet they do very little of any of that
Oh, no, the Democratic base is jazzed.

Democrats are watching their leadership. Democrats dropped the average age of the house by 10 years. Even a lot of Democrats who were in congress for years lost.

We'll see what happens in January.

I know you extremist loons want to believe that the next two years will be nothing but a treasure trove of endless investigations and subpoenas and I’m sure there will be a little bit of that, but Nancy Pelosi is smart enough to know that the country isn’t as bitter, hateful, and insane as you. She knows that the public actually expects her party to accomplish something that will positively affect their households otherwise they will be ushered right back out of the majority in 2020. Your little TDS circle jerk isn’t going to accomplish that so you can rest assured she will be reining in that nonsense.
Pelosi, along with Obama and other Democrats made the mistake of not investigating how we got into Iraq.

Not just how we were lied into Iraq, but a whole host of uninvestigated irregularities.

12 billion in cash that just disappeared.


How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

Old and rusty tanks, vehicles and armor.

Iraq-Bound Troops Confront Rumsfeld Over Lack of Armor

Why Only One Top Banker Went to Jail for the Financial Crisis

And so much more.

But Obama and Pelosi wanted to "heal" not knowing they were setting us up for Trump.

The new younger members of congress, I suspect, want to know, uh, "things".
Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Those are Trump stuff.

Then there are all the investigations outside of "Trump stuff".

  1. White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
  2. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  3. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  6. Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
  7. White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
  8. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
  9. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
  10. White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
  • The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
  • Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
  • Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
  • Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
These are only a few and I haven't even touched on Russia.

Remember, 85! And I bet there's another dozen by Jan. 1st.

I can't wait!

About time the lawlessness ends.

Trump and the GOP have the American people to answer too.

Does anyone have any favorites?

January 1st?

they're not going to wait til they've been sworn in?
I'm sure his ignorance is not limited to knowing basic things like when congress is sworn in...

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