James Younger 7 y-o child at center of Save James case goes to school as a boy for first time


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The boy at the center of a custody battle where his mother intended to transition him into a girl, a case which garnered international attention last month, is reportedly now attending school as a boy.
James Younger, 7-y-o child at center of Save James case, goes to school as boy for first time

Yes it is good news and thanks to we the ppl who shared it and saved this kid UNLIKE this FK N BOARD WHO PUT IT IN CONSPIRACY WHEN IT WAS FIRST PUBLISHED!! and kept it from public view because some leftist dumbass mod hides shit like that inn RUBBER ROOM or conspiracy take your pic..

That's what is meant when we tell you ass holes you vote for Clinton you vote for child rape and support it bitch!! It's a fact and it's been medically proven Cintons did it. Then had the nerve to laugh about it.

Just think those who hide these types of articles in conspiracy or rubber room MUST DO IT or support this type of behavior they love it. NAMBALA backs those who hide chit like this in conspiracy.......

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