Leaked Audio Shows Conservative Patriot Richard Spencer Betrayed By Gays


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Audio tape reveals Richard Spencer is, as everyone knew, a racist

So the organizer of the Charlottesville rally, the man who organized plenty of fine people to come to Virginia to defend white culture against racism and Christian persecution, himself was betrayed by one of his own.

"In an audio recording first put online by right-wing pundit and provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos (GAY), white nationalist Richard Spencer can allegedly be heard ranting about Jewish people and mixed-race people. The audio — purportedly from an emergency meeting that took place on August 13, 2017, the day after the far-right “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, disintegrated into violence, resulting in the murder of a counterprotester named Heather Heyer — features Spencer screaming racist and anti-Semitic slurs he has generally avoided using in public in an effort to more politely argue for “the creation of a White Ethno-State.”

Spencer was rightfully pissed because of how the media unfairly portrayed his march, and how they made that Heather Heyer chick into some victim who was killed by a white supremacist -- so yea, he may have called biracial blacks, "octoroons" and attacked Jews and said that people like him are superior and should rule everyone else -- but he was obviously just upset and angry -- and this liberal homosexual Milo guy recorded it for the explicit purpose to try to take down a patriot like Spencer.

This is because Spencer is obviously the most prominent and most successful of the young “alt-right” patriots attempting to inject overtly racist (patriotic) ideas into mainstream political thought -- which is exactly why he was targeted by the Deep State with this smear campaign -- the Deep State was scared of Spencer because he was making significant progress with his watered-down terminology like “peaceful ethnic cleansing" and using Donald Trump’s campaign as a vehicle to make the case for a seemingly kinder, gentler white nationalism. The bigger point is that the media has banned many other white nationalists while inviting on Richard Spencer in order to prop him up and then smear him to make him appear like he is some unhinged racist -- jus so they can try to discredit white nationalism and the need for a white ethno-state as our founders envisioned.

Lord knows I always sing karaoke with people that publicly hate me. :lol:

Milo is simply looking for another 15 minutes of fame now that the bloom has fallen off the rose.
the so called " alt-right" and Spencer are not doing anything that everyone else isn't doing


Vox lies and might be sued by the Covington catholic smirkers

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