James O’Keefe drops part two on Ilhan Omar — The Cash Exchange


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010

Read the rest at link

  • Source: “She’s [Ilhan Omar] The One Who Came Up with All This [Pay-For-Vote], the Community. She’s the One.”
  • Osman Ali Dahquane: “The Money Comes from the Candidates Running for office.”
  • Osman Ali Dahquane: “A Lot of People Will go to Jail If this Continues this way…If This Continues This Direction, Many People Will Go to Prison, Or No One Will Vote in the City of Minneapolis. It is very, very corrupt.”
  • Osman Ali Dahquane: “The Black Guy [Antone Meton-Meaux] Has Most of the Money…But, We Took the Money From Him, And We Voted for Ilhan…They [Ilhan Omar’s Political Machine] Spent A Lot Money. I Was Given Money, So I Could Vote…$800.”
  • Project Veritas Insider Omar Jamal: "Some of the Techniques that He [Omar Staffer Ali Gainey Isse] Uses To Exchange Money for Votes; And that’s Not A Secret. It’s Open, And Everybody Knows About It.”
  • Insider Omar Jamal: Ilhan Omar Operatives Escort Voters into Booths. “They Help Us [Voters] at the Voting Booth. They [Poll Workers] Allow Them To Help Us…They [Operatives] Go Inside With Us and Help Us…They [Operatives] Do the Voting.

Democrats just keep proving that they have no integrity. It's at the point where even a seemingly plausible explanation of their corrupt practices will be hard to accept. It's like the whole party has turned into Hillary or Nadler or Schiff or Schumer. They're all total monkey see monkey do jive turkeys. Bad people. MAGA
Democrats just keep proving that they have no integrity. It's at the point where even a seemingly plausible explanation of their corrupt practices will be hard to accept. It's like the whole party has turned into Hillary or Nadler or Schiff or Schumer. They're all total monkey see monkey do jive turkeys. Bad people. MAGA
Democrats and Repubs have been caught trying to cheat yet you can only see the Democrats doing it. How myopic.
Prosecutors recommended that she report her concerns to local law enforcement for investigation. “The County Attorney’s Office has no information about whether this individual, or Project Veritas, contacted local law enforcement about their allegations,” they said.
Omar perpetrated san Immigration crime by marrying her brother.
She funneled campaign funds to her husband.
She has been rebuked / censured for remarks.
Now she has been caught committing the crime of attempting to rig the election.

She and her brother should be arrested, her citizenship stripped, and sent back to Somalia.
Democrats just keep proving that they have no integrity. It's at the point where even a seemingly plausible explanation of their corrupt practices will be hard to accept. It's like the whole party has turned into Hillary or Nadler or Schiff or Schumer. They're all total monkey see monkey do jive turkeys. Bad people. MAGA
Democrats and Repubs have been caught trying to cheat yet you can only see the Democrats doing it. How myopic.

The entire mail in mess is by the democrats.

I have no idea what other cheating you are talking about, but comparatively it may as well not exist.
Democrats just keep proving that they have no integrity. It's at the point where even a seemingly plausible explanation of their corrupt practices will be hard to accept. It's like the whole party has turned into Hillary or Nadler or Schiff or Schumer. They're all total monkey see monkey do jive turkeys. Bad people. MAGA
Democrats and Repubs have been caught trying to cheat yet you can only see the Democrats doing it. How myopic.
That women is a shill among the shills. When the Islamic people are strong enough here, it is going to be a different environment. By the Islamic codes of Sharia Law, the squads values that she is part of now, is not kosher to hers.

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