Jail Him, Or They Lose


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Jail Him, Or They Lose

9 Apr 2023 ~~ By Kevin McCullough

They’ve tried literally everything short of ordering a hit on him, and he still stands. They have exhausted every avenue, option, and possibility, and they are left with a bag of nothing.
They tried a fake dossier, a made-up narrative that the media put on repeat. They accused him of a high crime for a transcript of a phone call. They accused him of advocating violence when his words said precisely the opposite. Now they are trying to say he obstructed justice when he, in fact, followed the request of the FBI to the letter. Now they are trying to say that another phone call is evidence of a felony when again, his exact words prove otherwise. Now they have indicted him for something that if a crime is even evident (and clearly it is not), the statute of limitations ran out years ago. They tried to argue he avoided paying taxes, only for the record to show he followed the tax code with precision. They want to argue now that he intends to
defraud the government of what he owes in taxes, even though during his four years in public office, he refused his $400k salary and returned it in full to the government coffers.
No elected leader has been more maligned, lied about, and attempted to be neutralized as they have with former President Trump.
It took a pandemic and mass blanket ballot distribution, Zuckerberg drop boxes, and vote mules to cause him to lose re-election when he received the most votes of any incumbent in history.
America has also seen an administration that is more committed to pronouns and surgeries for minors (behind their parents’ backs) than they are to the welfare of our entire nation’s future.
And the only way the anti-American forces would defeat him (hence the people) would be to jail him.
A task they will fail at in a humiliating fashion.

It is no secret that Trump has created fear throughout the political establishment… period.
Everything the Deep State and Maoist Democrat Commies have thrown at him has failed.
Who can forget the implied threat by Dick Cheney in his Wyoming ad, in his cowboy gear, that Deep State would kill him if they had to.
Maoist Democrat Commies, now ruling us, have since November 2020, attempted to politically destroy Trump and his family before the 2024 elections...
Notice that there has been nothing of any significance done by the GOP or the MAGA voters to prevent this...
Trump renewed the panic in the Deep State and Fascist Left. JFK was the first to install the fear and they took him out. RFK and ML King re-ignited the fear and they took them out.
The left loses only if Trump ends up in the White House.
If they have not accomplished this politically to destroy Trump, they have only one option left.
Democrats are depending on people
that are stupid as a sack of dead cats.

Oh she knows them .....she does....;)


Jail Him, Or They Lose

9 Apr 2023 ~~ By Kevin McCullough

They’ve tried literally everything short of ordering a hit on him, and he still stands. They have exhausted every avenue, option, and possibility, and they are left with a bag of nothing.
They tried a fake dossier, a made-up narrative that the media put on repeat. They accused him of a high crime for a transcript of a phone call. They accused him of advocating violence when his words said precisely the opposite. Now they are trying to say he obstructed justice when he, in fact, followed the request of the FBI to the letter. Now they are trying to say that another phone call is evidence of a felony when again, his exact words prove otherwise. Now they have indicted him for something that if a crime is even evident (and clearly it is not), the statute of limitations ran out years ago. They tried to argue he avoided paying taxes, only for the record to show he followed the tax code with precision. They want to argue now that he intends to
defraud the government of what he owes in taxes, even though during his four years in public office, he refused his $400k salary and returned it in full to the government coffers.
No elected leader has been more maligned, lied about, and attempted to be neutralized as they have with former President Trump.
It took a pandemic and mass blanket ballot distribution, Zuckerberg drop boxes, and vote mules to cause him to lose re-election when he received the most votes of any incumbent in history.
America has also seen an administration that is more committed to pronouns and surgeries for minors (behind their parents’ backs) than they are to the welfare of our entire nation’s future.
And the only way the anti-American forces would defeat him (hence the people) would be to jail him.
A task they will fail at in a humiliating fashion.

It is no secret that Trump has created fear throughout the political establishment… period.
Everything the Deep State and Maoist Democrat Commies have thrown at him has failed.
Who can forget the implied threat by Dick Cheney in his Wyoming ad, in his cowboy gear, that Deep State would kill him if they had to.
Maoist Democrat Commies, now ruling us, have since November 2020, attempted to politically destroy Trump and his family before the 2024 elections...
Notice that there has been nothing of any significance done by the GOP or the MAGA voters to prevent this...
Trump renewed the panic in the Deep State and Fascist Left. JFK was the first to install the fear and they took him out. RFK and ML King re-ignited the fear and they took them out.
The left loses only if Trump ends up in the White House.
If they have not accomplished this politically to destroy Trump, they have only one option left.
Drama queen...your slip is showing.

Did you see the recent elections in Wisconsin? Good news for Americans...bad news for Trump supporters.

Jail Him, Or They Lose

9 Apr 2023 ~~ By Kevin McCullough

They’ve tried literally everything short of ordering a hit on him, and he still stands. They have exhausted every avenue, option, and possibility, and they are left with a bag of nothing.
They tried a fake dossier, a made-up narrative that the media put on repeat. They accused him of a high crime for a transcript of a phone call. They accused him of advocating violence when his words said precisely the opposite. Now they are trying to say he obstructed justice when he, in fact, followed the request of the FBI to the letter. Now they are trying to say that another phone call is evidence of a felony when again, his exact words prove otherwise. Now they have indicted him for something that if a crime is even evident (and clearly it is not), the statute of limitations ran out years ago. They tried to argue he avoided paying taxes, only for the record to show he followed the tax code with precision. They want to argue now that he intends to
defraud the government of what he owes in taxes, even though during his four years in public office, he refused his $400k salary and returned it in full to the government coffers.
No elected leader has been more maligned, lied about, and attempted to be neutralized as they have with former President Trump.
It took a pandemic and mass blanket ballot distribution, Zuckerberg drop boxes, and vote mules to cause him to lose re-election when he received the most votes of any incumbent in history.
America has also seen an administration that is more committed to pronouns and surgeries for minors (behind their parents’ backs) than they are to the welfare of our entire nation’s future.
And the only way the anti-American forces would defeat him (hence the people) would be to jail him.
A task they will fail at in a humiliating fashion.

It is no secret that Trump has created fear throughout the political establishment… period.
Everything the Deep State and Maoist Democrat Commies have thrown at him has failed.
Who can forget the implied threat by Dick Cheney in his Wyoming ad, in his cowboy gear, that Deep State would kill him if they had to.
Maoist Democrat Commies, now ruling us, have since November 2020, attempted to politically destroy Trump and his family before the 2024 elections...
Notice that there has been nothing of any significance done by the GOP or the MAGA voters to prevent this...
Trump renewed the panic in the Deep State and Fascist Left. JFK was the first to install the fear and they took him out. RFK and ML King re-ignited the fear and they took them out.
The left loses only if Trump ends up in the White House.
If they have not accomplished this politically to destroy Trump, they have only one option left.


Dummy, Trump has only ever won one election and was voted out of office in 2020.

From electoral perspective Democrats don't mind you Republicans going all in on this amoral degenerate loser again.

Trump's legal problems are caused by no one but Trump himself shitting on laws and conventions, no grand conspiracies required.
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Aks yourself: WHY does every allegation against TRUMP did "stuff" it, never goes anywhere? Ask yourself that,
....never goes anywhere?

You are tlaking about a guy that was a twice impeached....one term President...who has just been indicted and is subject of two more investigations.

WTF does it take for you to admit some "going"??? What has to happen?
WTF does it take for you to admit some "going"??? What has to happen?
What has to happen?

What kind of a dumbass question is that?

You stupid assholes have been trying for SEVEN YEARS to nail Trump, and you can't do it. What's up with that?

Now you're just beating your head against a brick wall.
What has to happen?

What kind of a dumbass question is that?

You stupid assholes have been trying for SEVEN YEARS to nail Trump, and you can't do it. What's up with that?

Now you're just beating your head against a brick wall.

I'm surprised they haven't tried to have him killed yet. Of course that's still a possibility if things look too bad for them at the 11th hour.

Remember, it isn't just the democrats and progressives that hate him with the purest form of hate possible. It's also foriegn powers. China doesn't want him, neither does the world economic forum, world health organisation, nato and others. He wouldn't play ball with them or follow their agendas. That's why the moment he was out as president they all started coming out of the woodwork and why our country (and many other western civilization countries) began a very rapid change and decline.
Trump renewed the panic in the Deep State and Fascist Left. JFK was the first to install the fear and they took him out. RFK and ML King re-ignited the fear and they took them out.
The left loses only if Trump ends up in the White House.
If they have not accomplished this politically to destroy Trump, they have only one option left.
I'm confused (abut highlighted)

Other than that, I have no issue with what you are saying. But if the statute of limitations has run out, how can they drag him into court?

Please don't forget to elaborate on your (highlighted) remarks
He's a threat to the globalists/war mongers/cia/fbi/shadow govt, the same way JFK was.
I didn't know JFK was

why do u say that?

I always did realize he wasn't much of a dimrat... and esp by today's standards (lack thereof)
I'm surprised they haven't tried to have him killed yet. Of course that's still a possibility if things look too bad for them at the 11th hour.

Remember, it isn't just the democrats and progressives that hate him with the purest form of hate possible. It's also foriegn powers. China doesn't want him, neither does the world economic forum, world health organisation, nato and others. He wouldn't play ball with them or follow their agendas. That's why the moment he was out as president they all started coming out of the woodwork and why our country (and many other western civilization countries) began a very rapid change and decline.
well said

What Trump has done is shown the whole world just what *&^%$# these people really are, these "leaders" who are leading their people into the abyss.

I recall the words of Scripture : "You will be hated by all because of [Me]" (said our Lord)

and no, all you libs out there, I dO NOT care if that sounds like comparing Trump to Jesus

All I will say to that is

Get lost

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