J6 Committee now claiming they never had access to any security footage

Really, Oldstyle. And maybe, if it just stayed as far as The Savior's speech at the Elipse and thousands of people protesting outside the courtyard of the Capitol, you might have a leg to stand on here. But that's not how it ended up. And we both know that's not why everyone was there. Every person in that crowd wanted to see a coup. It was a riot even before the speech at the Elipse ended. The integrity of our election system is sacrosanct. We, as a society, accept the outcome of our free and fair elections. You lose, you move on. The peaceful transfer of power. That's the way it works. But one man whipped an entire group of people up to think he alone had been robbed of his rightful place as king. Why?..not because it was stolen. Almost 40 court cases by that point found ZERO evidence of any widespread fraud. It was because this charlatan convinced this group of people (a sentiment that others on the right had been playing on for years) that their race's power in a future world would be watered down and eroded. That they would have to answer to people that didn't look like them or come from where they came from.

What happened on January 6th, WAS a thing you'd see in the third world.
And it can never happen again.
OK...you demand that we "move on" from "free and fair" elections, Jack but was that election really free and fair when the FBI, Main Stream Media, Big Tech and the Democratic Party colluded to hide what the Biden's had been doing from the American people?

You've never seen me here claiming election "fraud" because I've always maintained that election fraud is almost impossible to prove and not worth wasting time on. What happened with the Hunter Biden laptop however is something that CAN be proven!

And you never addressed those people who were in the Capital Building that day but did NOTHING violent! Why should someone protesting peacefully what they honestly viewed as a stolen election be put in prison for years? Why on earth was the evidence of that peaceful protest hidden from their defense attorneys? THAT is what can never happen again!
The committee did not used any footage to prosecute anyone.
That's a bullshit claim, Boo! The left used violent footage and hid other footage to paint a picture of something that wasn't a reflection of reality. Then they had the Biden Justice Department go after ANYONE who was in the Capital building that day regardless of what they actually did simply because they were conservatives! People pled guilty to charges that they really weren't guilty of because they faced prison sentences that were extreme. Would they have been advised by counsel to do so if the Committee had released ALL of the footage...some of which would have proved some of those protesters didn't do anything violent?
OK...you demand that we "move on" from "free and fair" elections, Jack but was that election really free and fair when the FBI, Main Stream Media, Big Tech and the Democratic Party colluded to hide what the Biden's had been doing from the American people?

You've never seen me here claiming election "fraud" because I've always maintained that election fraud is almost impossible to prove and not worth wasting time on. What happened with the Hunter Biden laptop however is something that CAN be proven!

And you never addressed those people who were in the Capital Building that day but did NOTHING violent! Why should someone protesting peacefully what they honestly viewed as a stolen election be put in prison for years? Why on earth was the evidence of that peaceful protest hidden from their defense attorneys? THAT is what can never happen again!
Yes. It was. Move on. The media, big tech, etc played a HUGE hand in Donald Trump's 2016 win. Without the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc (all of whom you people were praising to the high heavens then), he doesn't win...period.

As far as January 6th goes, it's guilt by association. You were there. If you were there, you bought the lie. You weren't protesting that day. You were there to see that the results of the election were thrown out. You wanted to be part of history. You wanted to tell your children and grandchildren you were there that day when it happened.
No bullshit to sling here. Your time is just about up.

Kreskin, your tin foil hat is interfering with your mind reading abilities.


See how brainless you are? You're talking to me like I'm a Republican, and I'm not. I have nothing to do with gerrymandering, or any other kind of mandering.

suppression, legislation, and a war on culture are all you have left.

Looney tunes. I'm not interested in culture, I'm interested in the Constitution.

Unlike the fool leftards who are all about social engineering.

That ammo will be gone within the next two election cycles.

Dude, why don't you focus on something important.

Like Dark Money.

Or something.

Accept it..and move on. :)
No fucking way, retarded shit for brains leftard.

When leftfucks try to trample my boundaries, I STRADDLE them so no one can get to them without getting through me.

I staying right here. I ain't going anywhere. Not gonna budge an inch.

This is MY turf, and when you're on it you play by MY rules, and if you don't like it you're welcome to try to dislodge me. Good luck with that.
Yes. It was. Move on. The media, big tech, etc played a HUGE hand in Donald Trump's 2016 win. Without the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc (all of whom you people were praising to the high heavens then), he doesn't win...period.

As far as January 6th goes, it's guilt by association. You were there. If you were there, you bought the lie. You weren't protesting that day. You were there to see that the results of the election were thrown out. You wanted to be part of history. You wanted to tell your children and grandchildren you were there that day when it happened.

Guilt by association then?

This is your new America?

Remember, as you're losing:

Your game. Your rules.

You will hate it.
Kreskin, your tin foil hat is interfering with your mind reading abilities.

See how brainless you are? You're talking to me like I'm a Republican, and I'm not. I have nothing to do with gerrymandering, or any other kind of mandering.

Looney tunes. I'm not interested in culture, I'm interested in the Constitution.

Unlike the fool leftards who are all about social engineering.

Dude, why don't you focus on something important.

Like Dark Money.

Or something.

No fucking way, retarded shit for brains leftard.

When leftfucks try to trample my boundaries, I STRADDLE them so no one can get to them without getting through me.

I staying right here. I ain't going anywhere. Not gonna budge an inch.

This is MY turf, and when you're on it you play by MY rules, and if you don't like it you're welcome to try to dislodge me. Good luck with that.
Dark money??? LOL. Most of it comes from the right hand side of the aisle. Look, I get it. You aren't interested in playing nice in the sandbox.
Again, you're only making yourself irrelevant quicker. I don't care which political party you affiliate with, you're overuse of the word "left" tells
me you are a card carrying member of Alt-Right Nation.

I'm glad we sane people outnumber you.
Dark money??? LOL. Most of it comes from the right hand side of the aisle. Look, I get it. You aren't interested in playing nice in the sandbox.
Again, you're only making yourself irrelevant quicker. I don't care which political party you affiliate with, you're overuse of the word "left" tells
me you are a card carrying member of Alt-Right Nation.

I'm glad we sane people outnumber you.
Most of it comes from the right hand side of the aisle.

or is that just your opinion?
Dark money??? LOL. Most of it comes from the right hand side of the aisle.


Look, I get it. You aren't interested in playing nice in the sandbox.

Damn straight.

Again, you're only making yourself irrelevant quicker. I don't care which political party you affiliate with, you're overuse of the word "left" tells
me you are a card carrying member of Alt-Right Nation.

You're full of shit. I was a hippie half my.life. I used to have hair down to my butt before it all fell out.

I'm glad we sane people outnumber you.
You're not sane, you're a fucked up little leftard lemming. Which AUTOMATICALLY makes you a liar and a hypocrite.

Now please, get out of my face with your bullshit. I'm not interested.

or is that just your opinion?
"In the 2020 election cycle, there were more than $1 billion in undisclosed spending; of that money, $514 million was spent to help Democrats and $200 million was spent to help Republicans.[8] A New York Times analysis found that after a decade spent attacking undisclosed political spending on the right, the Democratic Party "embraced dark money with fresh zeal," spending over $1.5 billion in undisclosed cash in the 2020 election cycle and outspending the Republican Party.[9]"


or is that just your opinion?
Fact. Since you apparently need to be told to wipe your ass after you take a shit..here ya go. :)
Hint..you'll need to do some picking through the hyperlinks

Fact. Since you apparently need to be told to wipe your ass after you take a shit..here ya go. :)
Hint..you'll need to do some picking through the hyperlinks

Can I borrow your crystal ball?

I don't see Democrats or Republicans mentioned.

"Total Grants to Political Groups since 2008: $1,154,917,601
(Includes grants to politically active nonprofits, their affiliates and pass-through groups that have been uncovered by OpenSecrets. Last updated in June, 2015.)"
Yes. It was. Move on. The media, big tech, etc played a HUGE hand in Donald Trump's 2016 win. Without the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc (all of whom you people were praising to the high heavens then), he doesn't win...period.

As far as January 6th goes, it's guilt by association. You were there. If you were there, you bought the lie. You weren't protesting that day. You were there to see that the results of the election were thrown out. You wanted to be part of history. You wanted to tell your children and grandchildren you were there that day when it happened.

Difference in supporting social media on an open playing field than social media controlled by the FBI/DOJ.

As for Jan 6, people wanted a real investigation into the election, we already know Barr lied when he claim to have investigated.
People have now witnessed the government lying about the Russia collusion, COVID and now Jan 6, you would be a fool to think they are being honest about elections.
Well, here's where the legwork comes in. Look at the list of donations and you'll have to follow the organization.
Hint..you'll be able to tell what side of the political aisle they fall on. :)
so, you linked to a haystack, and want me to find the needle?

Difference in supporting social media on an open playing field than social media controlled by the FBI/DOJ.

As for Jan 6, people wanted a real investigation into the election, we already know Barr lied when he claim to have investigated.
People have now witnessed the government lying about the Russia collusion, COVID and now Jan 6, you would be a fool to think they are being honest about elections.
Except there's no evidence of that happening. And the DOJ???..well, I remember quite clearly in the case of the Democrat candidate, that they "released" important information on emails they already had two weeks before the 2016 election. While at the same time, keeping very quiet the fact that the Republican candidate was under investigation for his campaign's ties to Russia...so...there's that.

Hey, if your handpicked AG that called out the dogs on Randy Weaver says your claim is bullshit...you really don't have much to stand on. :)
The lies keep coming. They're shitting their pants now that the media has access to all the footage. LOL!

The entire committee needs to be investigated and prosecuted if this is true. He's basically saying they made rulings and conclusions without examining any evidence.

They don't have a choice.
The Tucker releases hit them over the head with a 50 lb. hammer. We all knew they withheld evidence. The Tucker files proves it.
So they have to say "they didn't know" - if they admit it - they are admitting to falsifying evidence, and withholding evidence from the accused. Both seriously illegal, and prosecutable.
Except there's no evidence of that happening. And the DOJ???..well, I remember quite clearly in the case of the Democrat candidate, that they "released" important information on emails they already had two weeks before the 2016 election. While at the same time, keeping very quiet the fact that the Republican candidate was under investigation for his campaign's ties to Russia...so...there's that.

Hey, if your handpicked AG that called out the dogs on Randy Weaver says your claim is bullshit...you really don't have much to stand on. :)

Are you talking about the FBI text messages between the lovers on having an insurance policy to prevent TRUMP from winning? I didn't think that stuff came out till after Hillary lost the election.
Are you talking about the FBI text messages between the lovers on having an insurance policy to prevent TRUMP from winning? I didn't think that stuff came out till after Hillary lost the election.
You’re referring to a narrative made from cherry picked messages.

Conservatives have been saying that’s a bad thing.

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