J&J just paid out $230 million for their role in New York's Opioid epidemic.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
It isn't just China and the Mexican Drug Cartels. The drug makers are complicit in the opioid epidemic that has been going on for many years in America. The Opioid/Fentanyl death toll rivals the Covid-19 death toll, but we never hear a peep about it from our WORTHLESS TV MEDIA.

The problem I have with this lawsuit is the fact that a Non-injured party, state and county government, are the ones who filed it.

These plaintiffs have a bottomless pit of money to wage war against J&J , in this case, so there is no way really for J&J to win. Even if they took it through the courts and the countless appeals and won every step of the way, the company would just win a Pyrrhic victory as they would be ruined by the legal expenses. The politicians on the other side, are enduring no personal jeopardy.
It isn't just China and the Mexican Drug Cartels. The drug makers are complicit in the opioid epidemic that has been going on for many years in America. The Opioid/Fentanyl death toll rivals the Covid-19 death toll, but we never hear a peep about it from our WORTHLESS TV MEDIA.

This is the tip of the iceberg. J&J is a rogue operation that should have been put out of business long ago.

Covid-19 vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson has a LONG history of crimes, fines and violations in the medical “product” business

1995: J&J incurs a $7.5 million fine for destroying documents to cover up an investigation into wrongful marketing of its Retin-A acne cream to remove wrinkles.

1996: J&J pays out an undisclosed settlement on false claims over false condom protection claims to protect against HIV and other STDs.

2001: J&J pays out a cool $860 million in a class action lawsuit for misleading customers about prematurely discarding its 1-Day Acuvue soft contact lens. J&J recommended they should be worn only once, but then it was discovered the lenses were no different than the regular Acuvue lens that last two weeks.

2010: J&J shells out an $81 million settlement for misbranding its anti-epileptic drugTopamax to treat psychiatric disorders, plus they hired outside physicians to join their sales force to promote the drug for unapproved conditions. Just one year later, J&J paid $85 million for similar charges against its Natrecor, a deadly heart drug.

2011: Several of J&J’s BABY products were discovered to contain carcinogenic ingredients.

2013: The U.S. Justice Department charged J&J $2.2 billion in criminal fines for marketing its autism and anti-psychotic drug Risperdal for unapproved uses.
Covid-19 vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson has a LONG history of crimes, fines and violations in the medical “product” business
The Opioid epidemic is bullshit. I mean absolute complete bullshit. 95% plus of the overdoses are people taking illegal drugs.

They aren’t people taking pain medication on advice of their doctors to treat various medical conditions. They aren’t people who are desperate for relief from chronic pain.

The RW loves to talk about propaganda, but spews it constantly themselves. This is a perfect example.

As we cracked down on Opioid medications, suicides with a stated reason of unendurable pain increased. That isn’t debatable. Those are the actual factual statistics.

And they are still rising. People are taking their own lives because they are enduring unimaginable unendurable pain. Pain that isn’t being treated. Why? Opioid crisis! We have to get people off of medications that help them!

When Obama was pushing for the ACA, also known as Obamacare. The Republicans had a valid point. Your care should be between you and your Doctor. Nobody else. Now of course, the Republicans are all in on getting Opioid usage down. Fuck the Doctor and what he says. Screw all that between you and your doctor stuff. Get tough on this shit and it will go away.

It’s going away. Through suicides.

We sent those people off to fight. And when they got hurt, we decided that they could just take the pain, you know, for their own good.

People like to pound the table and scream that nobody should be a cop with the current levels of public support. Nobody should join the Military. They’ll chew you up, and when you get out battered and broken, they will just tell you to take a hot bath and meditate the pain away.

The Opioid Crisis is the second biggest CT crap that we’ve endured and I honestly hope and pray that God takes those pushing this crap, and has their children in unendurable pain. So they can see what it looks like when someone you love is in agony. The concerned and sad face from the Doctor who says that they can’t do anything. The FDA/DEA limits on pain medication have been exceeded.

You idiots scream Deep State, but then cheer the deep state when they sentence millions of our fellow citizens to agony.
It isn't just China and the Mexican Drug Cartels. The drug makers are complicit in the opioid epidemic that has been going on for many years in America. The Opioid/Fentanyl death toll rivals the Covid-19 death toll, but we never hear a peep about it from our WORTHLESS TV MEDIA.

Oh the poor Pharmaceutical industry who makes $200 billion a year profit on the drugs to cure a chemical imbalance alone and for being present at every school shooting since the mid 50's. But I don't think you will hear that from any elected piece of shit. $200 billion is plenty to butter the hands on both sides of the political spectrum plus democRats love blaming it on a piece of steel to disarm us, which will never happen. and do you know why it will never happen? Because we don't live in England or from down under. It's just a shame there will always be tyrants and in America this type of disarm us all will get these fucks killed. I'm not saying this type of thinking is wrong. It's just justice. Right Joe who puts his pants on one leg at a time? Right. Oh yea I almost forgot. There is no one on Earth that knows what a chemical imbalance is.

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