Zone1 Ivy League Law Professor Says America Needs Fewer Asians

Not what he said, BUT while we are at it, why do we want to import competitors for the higher level jobs too?
I’m all for legal immigration of smart, responsible people who value education who either have valuable skills or will develop them. OTOH, I am adamantly opposed to incentivizing illegal immigration from Central America, where the bulk are uneducated and unskilled.

It‘s a sad commentary on today’s liberals that they want to keep out successful and intelligent people and want to bring in as many adults with 8th grade educations and no skills as possible.
I’m all for legal immigration of smart, responsible people who value education who either have valuable skills or will develop them. OTOH, I am adamantly opposed to incentivizing illegal immigration from Central America, where the bulk are uneducated and unskilled.

It‘s a sad commentary on today’s liberals that they want to keep out successful and intelligent people and want to bring in as many adults with 8th grade educations and no skills as possible.

Smart responsible people who value education, and have valuable skills, will be competing with Americans with the same skills.

Unless we have a shortage of those skills, why import more of them?

Oh, and shortages of skills? That is when workers get to get big raises, and bonuses. So, again, why are we importing these skilled foreigners? It is clearly not to benefit American workers.
Smart responsible people who value education, and have valuable skills, will be competing with Americans with the same skills.

Unless we have a shortage of those skills, why import more of them?

Oh, and shortages of skills? That is when workers get to get big raises, and bonuses. So, again, why are we importing these skilled foreigners? It is clearly not to benefit American workers.
The problem is that the educational system has been so dumbed down in the pursuit of “equity” that we DO have a shortage of skilled workers in the STEM fields.
The problem is that the educational system has been so dumbed down in the pursuit of “equity” that we DO have a shortage of skilled workers in the STEM fields.

Oh? So you mean that employers might have to pay more or even pay to train people?

Or, we could give the jobs to foreigners, at lower wages, and let the Americans just get jobs flipping burgers.

Oh? So you mean that employers might have to pay more or even pay to train people?

Or, we could give the jobs to foreigners, at lower wages, and let the Americans just get jobs flipping burgers.

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What are you talking about? The Asians in CP where I worked were all earning over $100,000 by age 30. Employers are paying plenty for these computer programmers, and if Americans don‘t think a six-figure job by age 30 is good enough, then too bad.
What are you talking about? The Asians in CP where I worked were all earning over $100,000 by age 30. Employers are paying plenty for these computer programmers, and if Americans don‘t think a six-figure job by age 30 is good enough, then too bad.

Good for them. Not good for any American workers.
Good for them. Not good for any American workers.
My concern is more the kowtowing to Spanish speaking immigrants who won’t learn the English language, and now employers are increasingly requiring Americans to be fluent in a foreign language. The Asians at least come to this country and expect they will need to learn English, and do.

My grandparents sure didn’t come to this country and start expecting the government to translate everything into Yiddish!

Anyway, that’s my bigger beef. You come to this country? You adapt to US, not the other way around.
My concern is more the kowtowing to Spanish speaking immigrants who won’t learn the English language, and now employers are increasingly requiring Americans to be fluent in a foreign language. The Asians at least come to this country and expect they will need to learn English, and do.

My grandparents sure didn’t come to this country and start expecting the government to translate everything into Yiddish!

Anyway, that’s my bigger beef. You come to this country? You adapt to US, not the other way around.

IMO, both are bad. Both are problems for American workers and American society.
Never seen a Jewish Nazi like Wax. Conversely, she told Glen Loury that there are not enough black men in prison.
Not what he said, BUT while we are at it, why do we want to import competitors for the higher level jobs too?

Why not? Frankly, we have labor shortages... A lot of companies CAN'T Find good personnel to fill their jobs.

I’m all for legal immigration of smart, responsible people who value education who either have valuable skills or will develop them. OTOH, I am adamantly opposed to incentivizing illegal immigration from Central America, where the bulk are uneducated and unskilled.

and way to not white... that too.

Okay, let's get realistic. You could end the illegal immigration problem in five minutes. All you need to do is go after the white people who hire them.

Not just the sweatshop owner or the farmer hiring illegals at harvest time.
But the Rich person who doesn't want to be bothered raising her own kids, but thinks Lupe is just like a member of the family and that's why they don't pay her tax withholding.
The Middle Class nitwit who suddenly realizes that DIY project isn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look, and goes to the Home Depot to hire a truckload of day laborers.

Get rid of the people paying them, and you get rid of the problem... but then you have the problem is the work they are doing still needs to get done and Americans don't want to do those jobs.

It‘s a sad commentary on today’s liberals that they want to keep out successful and intelligent people and want to bring in as many adults with 8th grade educations and no skills as possible.

It's a sad commentary that you only value people based on their education.
I’m all for legal immigration of smart, responsible people who value education who either have valuable skills or will develop them. OTOH, I am adamantly opposed to incentivizing illegal immigration from Central America, where the bulk are uneducated and unskilled.

It‘s a sad commentary on today’s liberals that they want to keep out successful and intelligent people and want to bring in as many adults with 8th grade educations and no skills as possible.

Speaking from a male point of view... I think they are perfect...

Probably a little young for me... but...

That's not really true. Most Chinese women I know are on the thin side. So are most Filipinas..
I am too old for them, but they are not too young for me.
I volunteered as a college tutor. Asians in general were the better students, and also very appreciate of the time I was donating to help them. Other races, less so.
No Race is superior.

Mostly the best students in China and India have an opportunity to come to USA. This makes the sample uneven.

Penn Law prof vows to fight sanctions for racist comments​

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Controversial Penn Law professor Amy Wax this week launched a Go Fund Me campaign to fight efforts by her dean to impose major sanctions against her.

In six days, more than 700 donors contributed an excess of $115,000 to her defense fund.
Among other things, she has said the country would be better off with fewer Asians and described India as a sh*t hole country.

"There is no racism."

No Race is superior.

Mostly the best students in China and India have an opportunity to come to USA. This makes the sample uneven.
I didn’t say any race was superior. I said the Asian kids I tutored we’re superior STUDENTS to the black kids - they were more respectful, took the tutoring seriously, and made more of an effort.

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