I've been pondering this question for the last little while, "are Europeans more.civilized than the rest of us"?

Maybe they just wash up before appearing on TV so what you see is not an accurate representation of what their day to day lives are like.

The average European's life goes like this from day to day...

Europeans, particularly rich ones in certain countries, control alot of the goings on of the entire world from offices in Europe. They're globalists, who enjoy the generally pampered safety of their continent. They pay OTHERS to go to war for them They buy off American politicians and invest in our fed and control us via debt. Just like a construction worker might "graduate" from the field and become a deskbound engineer, Europeans have graduated from getting their hands dirty and now use other countries to do their dirty work. It's a pyramid where the U.S. is a level or two below them, kind of like their lieutenant. We are guilty of it too, as we too pass it on to places in South America, Africa, and the Middle East.... but partly because our Democrat (mostly) politicians answer to them. We all know Dems allow themselves to be bought into the globalist machine.
Are republicans not capitalists anymore? It's almost like you've forgotten that "globalization" and "free trade" were republican inventions done for the sake of breaking the political power of Labor. Was it worth it?
Are republicans not capitalists anymore? It's almost like you've forgotten that "globalization" and "free trade" were republican inventions done for the sake of breaking the political power of Labor. Was it worth it?
Unfortunately the D Party supported efforts to break labor. We just saw a recent example of this, with Biden and Ds throwing railroad workers under the bus.
Are republicans not capitalists anymore? It's almost like you've forgotten that "globalization" and "free trade" were republican inventions done for the sake of breaking the political power of Labor. Was it worth it?


Simply doing business with other countries is not globalism. Globalism is the creation of consolidated INTERNATIONAL business and government entities which seek to absorb or control smaller national entities not unlike the Borg on Star Trek TNG do. Assimilation. Very few Republicans seem to support that. Most Democrats do, whether consciously or not.

And "Republicans" like the Bushs and their New World Order were nothing but RINOs, pandering to the gun-toting "patriot" image that true Republicans are attracted to. Fortunately we learned a lot from the bush presidencies about that. Pandering, just like.Dems do with minorites, gays, convicts, etc.
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"You American-haters bore me to tears, Miss Barham. I've dealt with Europeans all my life. I know all about us parvenus from the States who come over here and race around your old cathedral towns with our cameras and Coca-Cola bottles... Brawl in your pubs, paw your women, and act like we own the world. We over-tip. We talk too loud. We think we can buy anything with a Hershey bar. I've had Germans and Italians tell me how politically ingenuous we are. And perhaps so. But we haven't managed a Hitler or Mussolini yet. I've had Frenchmen call me a savage because I only took half an hour for lunch. Hell, Miss Barham, the only reason the French take two hours for lunch is because the service in their restaurants is lousy. The most tedious lot are you British. We crass Americans didn't introduce war into your little island. This war, Miss Barham, to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don't blame it on our Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a going brothel long before we came to town."

-- LCDR Charlie Madison, "The Americanization of Emily"
"You American-haters bore me to tears, Miss Barham. I've dealt with Europeans all my life. I know all about us parvenus from the States who come over here and race around your old cathedral towns with our cameras and Coca-Cola bottles... Brawl in your pubs, paw your women, and act like we own the world. We over-tip. We talk too loud. We think we can buy anything with a Hershey bar. I've had Germans and Italians tell me how politically ingenuous we are. And perhaps so. But we haven't managed a Hitler or Mussolini yet. I've had Frenchmen call me a savage because I only took half an hour for lunch. Hell, Miss Barham, the only reason the French take two hours for lunch is because the service in their restaurants is lousy. The most tedious lot are you British. We crass Americans didn't introduce war into your little island. This war, Miss Barham, to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don't blame it on our Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a going brothel long before we came to town."

-- LCDR Charlie Madison, "The Americanization of Emily"
Ouch. Poetic insults are tough to counter.
So it's been easy to attack socialism, this isn't what I am referring to however. Are they more civilized as a society than those of us in North America? It seems we have all hit a snag with inflation, loss of religion and a push to silence others etc.

No, I don't think so. I think most people, at their heart, are needs and wants people. Most people struggle to make decent arguments, they like to think of themselves as geniuses who haven't been heard yet.
Are republicans not capitalists anymore? It's almost like you've forgotten that "globalization" and "free trade" were republican inventions done for the sake of breaking the political power of Labor. Was it worth it?

Can't have free trade when labor unions tell you where you can or can't work. It's also hard to have free trade when labor unions drive the price of their goods and services up so high, that average consumers can't afford them.

Have you never wondered why any average working Joe can go into any store and afford the same amenities rich folks can afford? Wide screen televisions, oven ranges, air conditioners, and stereo systems? It's because labor unions priced themselves so high, the only natural thing to do would be for corporations to outsource their labor to countries where they have no unions.

Why do you union-lovers hate middle-class working Joe?
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Simply doing business with other countries is not globalism. Globalism is the creation of consolidated INTERNATIONAL business and government entities which seek to absorb or control smaller national entities not unlike the Borg on Star Trek TNG do. Assimilation. Very few Republicans seem to support that. Most Democrats do, whether consciously or not.

And "Republicans" like the Bushs and their New World Order were nothing but RINOs, pandering to the gun-toting "patriot" image that true Republicans are attracted to. Fortunately we learned a lot from the bush presidencies about that. Pandering, just like.Dems do with minorites, gays, convicts, etc.
Changing the definition of what a republican is is pretty disingenuous when "RINO's" still make up the bulk of the party leadership. These socialism for the rich champions can still get an American working man to vote himself into the poorhouse.
Can't have free trade when labor unions tell you where you can or can't work. It's also hard to have free trade when labor unions drive the price of their goods and services up so high, that average consumers can't afford them.

Have you never wondered why any average working Joe can go into any store and afford the same amenities rich folks can afford? Wide screen televisions, oven ranges, air conditioners, and stereo systems? It's because labor unions priced themselves so high, the only natural thing to do would be for corporations to outsource their labor to countries where they have no unions.

Why do you union-lovers hate middle-class working Joe?
Inflation has created a real cycle of problems too. It is a real challenge, the economic experts should desire low to no inflation even if it depresses profits. You need a thriving middle class again.
Can't have free trade when labor unions tell you where you can or can't work. It's also hard to have free trade when labor unions drive the price of their goods and services up so high, that average consumers can't afford them.

Have you never wondered why any average working Joe can go into any store and afford the same amenities rich folks can afford? Wide screen televisions, oven ranges, air conditioners, and stereo systems? It's because labor unions priced themselves so high, the only natural thing to do would be for corporations to outsource their labor to countries where they have no unions.

Why do you union-lovers hate middle-class working Joe?
Save it RINO. That argument is as stale as trickle down and "job creators".
Inflation has created a real cycle of problems too. It is a real challenge, the economic experts should desire low to no inflation even if it depresses profits. You need a thriving middle class again.

We spent too much. The whole world spent far too much because of a virus that came out of China in 2020. President Trump didn't really drive up the spending that much, until the pandemic hit us. Then we had massive bailouts, which was what everyone wanted.

But then Biden came along. And even though the pandemic waned, he and the Democrats spent, and spent, and spent, increasing inflation exponentially.
Changing the definition of what a republican is is pretty disingenuous when "RINO's" still make up the bulk of the party leadership. These socialism for the rich champions can still get an American working man to vote himself into the poorhouse.
Right. The Republican party is just being infiltrated much slower than the Democratic party was. The Dems tolerance of Communism and other types of social and moral decay led to them being taken over much faster.
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Right. The Republican party is just being infiltrated much slower than the Democratic party was. The Dems tolerance of Communism and other types social and moral decay led to them being taken over much faster.

Democrats and progressives have always been about the redistribution of wealth, while the Republican Party has always been about individual liberty, less taxes, and rewards based on self-reliance and hard work.

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