It's time to get Franken out of Minnesota....


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
...And make him come to NY! I love this guy! Finally an INTELLIGENT politician discussing the nuances of health care reform! I love this guy!

[ame=]YouTube - Franken Talks Down Angry Mob[/ame]
Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.
Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.

That's all you have? That's it? The video is 10 minutes long and you took out ONE piece of information?
No other state wants this POS. They elected this scumbag and he's theirs for the next 6 years.
It just kills me how those on the reight are insistant that other countries are so much better than us that they can do what we are incapable of.

like 7.5 million is not a good test of this type of system?
No other state wants this POS. They elected this scumbag and he's theirs for the next 6 years.

All those facts just went right through your brain without even one sticking huh?

The republican party is really getting dumbed down to nothing.
I have to say, he was very respectful and maintained a good discussion. Although, I completely disagree with the title of the video. They were not an "angry mob", they were also respectful. Still, I have heard most of his talking points before. He did not really explain why health care costs have increased. He just mentioned two things he thought the government could do to bring costs down: preventative care, and negotiate with pharmaceuticals. There is not enough evidence to convince me preventative care will save much at all, since the cost savings will be offset by the costs for those who never become ill. Negotiating with pharmaceuticals to bring costs down? I think the reason America is the nation's top innovator in medicial advancements is that there are greater incentives, in terms of money, for people to invest in such development. If we begin to cap what we pay for new drugs, I would think the development of new drugs would decrease.
Every Expert in the field will tell you preventative care will bring costs down.

All the other countries with preventative care pay way less than Americans do.

How can you discussthis issue and not know that FACT!
Every Expert in the field will tell you preventative care will bring costs down.

All the other countries with preventative care pay way less than Americans do.

How can you discussthis issue and not know that FACT!

Actually "every expert in the field" does not say this. What is your source for such a statement, just that other countries pay less per capita or less as a percentage of GDP on health care?

Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Increased spending on disease prevention is often suggested as a way of reducing health care spending.[36] Research suggests, however, that in most cases prevention does not produce significant long-term costs savings.[36] Preventive care is typically provided to many people who would never become ill, and for those who would have become ill is partially offset by the health care costs during additional years of life.[36]

Here is the source Wiki cites for this, which refers to other studies
In the Balance -
Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.

Plus, I've heard a rumor that Switzerland is going to be dismantled and will become part of surrounding countries.
What he said is that Minnesota, Wisconsin and Vermont have not for profit health insurance which I find highly interesting. He also said because of the states which do not, it can sometimes cost 3 times more for a procedure in states that have for profit health care and consequently Minnesota et al get less reimbursements for Medicare. Which I suppose translates to these states subsidizing the other states which allow for profit health insurance because we all get the same taxes taken out.
Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.

That's all you have? That's it? The video is 10 minutes long and you took out ONE piece of information?

First up, I probably should have edited my post to make it clear I was referring to Franken as boy wonder and for him to try again. I just wanted to clear that up.

Sorry, but as soon as Franken made a point of saying do not look Canada, but rather Switzerland, he pretty much lost his case. Putting aside for a moment that the U.S has a population of over 300 million (not including illegals), how about just taking in consideration our economy (and the mind boggling deficit) compared to Switzerland's. So Switzerland was a poor example. The U.S. is in deep do-do. The government has proved they cannot run any program efficiently and without corruption. The last thing we need is for them to get more authority.
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Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.

That's all you have? That's it? The video is 10 minutes long and you took out ONE piece of information?

First up, I probably should have edited my post to make it clear I was referring to Franken as boy wonder and for him to try again. I just wanted to clear that up.

Sorry, but as soon as Franken made a point of saying do not look Canada, but rather Switzerland, he pretty much lost his case. Putting aside for a moment that the U.S has a population of over 300 million (not including illegals), how about just taking in consideration our economy (and the mind boggling deficit) compared to Switzerland's. So Switzerland was a poor example. The U.S. is in deep do-do. The government has proved they cannot run any program efficiently and without corruption. The last thing we need is for them to get more authority.

You are intellectually lazy. Switzerland has entirely not for profit private health insurers. To which point he spoke about how Minnesota has only not for profit health insurers. So if we go with not for profit health insurers the cost of medical care theoretically could be halved or cut down by two thirds [in Minnesota's case for Medicare].

This is a huge point.
Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.
What difference does the population matter? Those things are judged on a per capita basis.
Franken is using Switzerland's health care as a benchmark for reform. Switzerland has a population of approximately 7.5 million. Nice job boy wonder. Try again.
What difference does the population matter? Those things are judged on a per capita basis.

I wasn't going to bother to answer, because I am sure you will not sway from your opinion, but I will take a shot at it. So have you considered that our current health system cannot handle the millions of people that would be forced into a public option? The overload will cause long waiting periods for service and refusal of service altogether. Funny how Franken didn't want to use the Canadian or European system as a comparison. Or how about we look at the State of Massachusetts. Projected costs were grossly understated and the system is a failure to the taxpayers.

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