It's time to fire Roger Goodell

Do you believe the Rights of those who protest have been violated by the commissineer

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Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

If you work for me, you can protest all you want, but not on my time.

Which begs the question: When is an NFL player not on company time?

They can be and often are penalized for things they say or do in the off season. Why? Because even in the off season they represent the team and the league...
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The NFL is a dying brand. In 20 years, it won't exist as a nationally televised league anymore.

NFL is the most popular sport in the US by far. The game will be “safer” and not the same smashmouth game. Probably won’t be televised
Not because it is not as popular but because the networks can no longer afford it

NFL on Netflix
They need to wear tassels on thier uniform and switch to touch football
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

If you work for me, you can protest all you want, but not on my time.

Which begs the question: When is an NFL player not on company time?

The can be and often are penalized for things they say or do in the off season. Why? Because even in the off season the represent the team and the league...

Does this judgment apply to Presidents too? When a player is disciplined they have evidence derived from an investigation. Let's wait and see what the investigation uncovers, and if The President may have committed a high crime or misdemeanors.

Then he will have his day in "court", that is, a trial in the Senate.

However, let's not forget the President's Party controls all three branches of our government, and the steps leading to a trial will not only be in the Senate, but in the Public Domain.

Not only will the President be in jeopardy, the entire Republican Party will be too.
The NFL is a dying brand. In 20 years, it won't exist as a nationally televised league anymore.

NFL is the most popular sport in the US by far. The game will be “safer” and not the same smashmouth game. Probably won’t be televised
Not because it is not as popular but because the networks can no longer afford it

NFL on Netflix
They need to wear tassels on thier uniform and switch to touch football
You are thinking about Lingerie League
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

If you work for me, you can protest all you want, but not on my time.

Which begs the question: When is an NFL player not on company time?

The can be and often are penalized for things they say or do in the off season. Why? Because even in the off season the represent the team and the league...

Does this judgment apply to Presidents too? When a player is disciplined they have evidence derived from an investigation. Let's wait and see what the investigation uncovers, and if The President may have committed a high crime or misdemeanors.

Then he will have his day in "court", that is, a trial in the Senate.

However, let's not forget the President's Party controls all three branches of our government, and the steps leading to a trial will not only be in the Senate, but in the Public Domain.

Not only will the President be in jeopardy, the entire Republican Party will be too.
If you honestly believe the Senate can get 67 Senators to vote for Trump's removal, you're living in la la land.
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

If you work for me, you can protest all you want, but not on my time.

Which begs the question: When is an NFL player not on company time?

The can be and often are penalized for things they say or do in the off season. Why? Because even in the off season the represent the team and the league...

Does this judgment apply to Presidents too? When a player is disciplined they have evidence derived from an investigation. Let's wait and see what the investigation uncovers, and if The President may have committed a high crime or misdemeanors.

Then he will have his day in "court", that is, a trial in the Senate.

However, let's not forget the President's Party controls all three branches of our government, and the steps leading to a trial will not only be in the Senate, but in the Public Domain.

Not only will the President be in jeopardy, the entire Republican Party will be too.
If you honestly believe the Senate can get 67 Senators to vote for Trump's removal, you're living in la la land.

It is a high hurdle, but never forget that the most important thing to an elected official, and in particular a Senator or Member of the House, is their job. We can expect, if Trump were to be impeached, that the special interests will put maximum pressure on a Senator to vote in their best interests.
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

If you work for me, you can protest all you want, but not on my time.

Which begs the question: When is an NFL player not on company time?

The can be and often are penalized for things they say or do in the off season. Why? Because even in the off season the represent the team and the league...

Does this judgment apply to Presidents too? When a player is disciplined they have evidence derived from an investigation. Let's wait and see what the investigation uncovers, and if The President may have committed a high crime or misdemeanors.

Then he will have his day in "court", that is, a trial in the Senate.

However, let's not forget the President's Party controls all three branches of our government, and the steps leading to a trial will not only be in the Senate, but in the Public Domain.

Not only will the President be in jeopardy, the entire Republican Party will be too.
If you honestly believe the Senate can get 67 Senators to vote for Trump's removal, you're living in la la land.

It is a high hurdle, but never forget that the most important thing to an elected official, and in particular a Senator or Member of the House, is their job. We can expect, if Trump were to be impeached, that the special interests will put maximum pressure on a Senator to vote in their best interests.
And their best interest is to get re-elected. I'll start taking notice when the House impeaches.
Here is how I see it, having served in the US military.

I was defending the constitution including free speech, the one right all other rights are founded on.

But when I wore the uniform I was representing the US military so did not have the right to use that as a platform for my own personal, historical, political or personal opinions.

Take the uniform off after the game and speak your mind as your heart and soul dictates, but while you are serving the team in uniform, with many different types of people and opinions, serving something greater than your own opinion, you must serve that ideal.

It is called a uniform for a reason.
Here is how I see it, having served in the US military.

I was defending the constitution including free speech, the one right all other rights are founded on.

But when I wore the uniform I was representing the US military so did not have the right to use that as a platform for my own personal, historical, political or personal opinions.

Take the uniform off after the game and speak your mind as your heart and soul dictates, but while you are serving the team in uniform, with many different types of people and opinions, serving something greater than your own opinion, you must serve that ideal.

It is called a uniform for a reason.
On the field and in uniform, you represent the team
You are being paid by the owner and are on the clock
Keep your political opinions to yourself ...especially those that offend the fan base
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

I think the Players Association is going to reject the league's rule and will tell players to continue to kneel if they want to express their first amendment rights. Which I agree with. The rights are there written in the Constitution not for show, but to give the people the teeth to stand against even hurricane force winds against them.

And the reason they are kneeling is still being clearly played out across the country as evidenced in continued videos showing black men being beaten and murdered for no other reason than being black. It has to stop.
I think the players are overplaying their hand
What does it take to get the kneeling to stop?

Cops will kill unarmed people whether they kneel or not. Time to move on

I see it less of overplaying their hand, and more of the message is not being taken in the way they thought or hoped it would. It didn't get people to think about issues with policing, it made people talk about the overt act of kneeling or sitting or whatever during the anthem.

The protesters who want to keep up with this are unable or unwilling to realize what they WANT the message to be is not what a large segment of population perceives the message as presented. Now we are at the point of arguing about the messenger (the act) instead of the message (why they are doing it)

Also Kaepernick getting photographed with those "cops as pigs" socks didn't help his case.

But the players have no idea what a “win” is
What has to be done to get them to stop kneeling?

While kaepernick may have had a legitimate reason to protest, the protest has been twisted to NFL players are anti American

They thought the act would raise consciousness. It didn't.

I disagree with the word "twisted". Guys like Kap thought the message would be seen as X, and a lot of people saw it as Y. that isn't twisting, it's how people took it.
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

I think the Players Association is going to reject the league's rule and will tell players to continue to kneel if they want to express their first amendment rights. Which I agree with. The rights are there written in the Constitution not for show, but to give the people the teeth to stand against even hurricane force winds against them.

And the reason they are kneeling is still being clearly played out across the country as evidenced in continued videos showing black men being beaten and murdered for no other reason than being black. It has to stop.

As others have said on both sides of the debate, the 1st amendment protects you from government interference, not your employer (unless it's the government)

And considering how we only talk about the kneeling and not why they were kneeling, I think the protesters have to find a new way to get their point across. Right now 99% of the argument is about the messenger, and not the message. Smart people would try another tactic, but evidently we are not dealing with smart people.

Only people that don't want to hear the message think it's about the messenger. It never was.

And that makes you as tone deaf as the football players. Just because you protests via method X about Y, doesn't mean people will take X as Z and ignore Y.

What you are not getting through your head, and what they players can't either, is that GASP, some people will hear your message, and will not care about or agree with it. Then add in the fact they think the method of conveying the message is offensive, and then wondering about why it isn't coming across the way they/you want it is kind of daft.
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

I think the Players Association is going to reject the league's rule and will tell players to continue to kneel if they want to express their first amendment rights. Which I agree with. The rights are there written in the Constitution not for show, but to give the people the teeth to stand against even hurricane force winds against them.

And the reason they are kneeling is still being clearly played out across the country as evidenced in continued videos showing black men being beaten and murdered for no other reason than being black. It has to stop.

As others have said on both sides of the debate, the 1st amendment protects you from government interference, not your employer (unless it's the government)

And considering how we only talk about the kneeling and not why they were kneeling, I think the protesters have to find a new way to get their point across. Right now 99% of the argument is about the messenger, and not the message. Smart people would try another tactic, but evidently we are not dealing with smart people.

Only people that don't want to hear the message think it's about the messenger. It never was.


Figures you would. you are another poster who thinks they know everything, and get all uppity when the peasants don't kowtow to your "knowledge",.
Kap's protest is well within the meaning of the First Amendment:

Freedom of Expression and "the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of their grievance", was in effect when members of the community of the NFL brought attention to the world of the wrongful murders of African Americans.

I think the Players Association is going to reject the league's rule and will tell players to continue to kneel if they want to express their first amendment rights. Which I agree with. The rights are there written in the Constitution not for show, but to give the people the teeth to stand against even hurricane force winds against them.

And the reason they are kneeling is still being clearly played out across the country as evidenced in continued videos showing black men being beaten and murdered for no other reason than being black. It has to stop.
I think the players are overplaying their hand
What does it take to get the kneeling to stop?

Cops will kill unarmed people whether they kneel or not. Time to move on

I see it less of overplaying their hand, and more of the message is not being taken in the way they thought or hoped it would. It didn't get people to think about issues with policing, it made people talk about the overt act of kneeling or sitting or whatever during the anthem.

The protesters who want to keep up with this are unable or unwilling to realize what they WANT the message to be is not what a large segment of population perceives the message as presented. Now we are at the point of arguing about the messenger (the act) instead of the message (why they are doing it)

Also Kaepernick getting photographed with those "cops as pigs" socks didn't help his case.

But the players have no idea what a “win” is
What has to be done to get them to stop kneeling?

While kaepernick may have had a legitimate reason to protest, the protest has been twisted to NFL players are anti American

They thought the act would raise consciousness. It didn't.

I disagree with the word "twisted". Guys like Kap thought the message would be seen as X, and a lot of people saw it as Y. that isn't twisting, it's how people took it.

Wrong as usual Marty, Kap's message was clear; the Y was Trump's effort to cloud the issue. No one with an IQ over 85 really believes Trump's propaganda on this issue, and most other issues; however those with an IQ of 85 or more who claim something other than a protest on lethal racism are damn liars.
I think the Players Association is going to reject the league's rule and will tell players to continue to kneel if they want to express their first amendment rights. Which I agree with. The rights are there written in the Constitution not for show, but to give the people the teeth to stand against even hurricane force winds against them.

And the reason they are kneeling is still being clearly played out across the country as evidenced in continued videos showing black men being beaten and murdered for no other reason than being black. It has to stop.
I think the players are overplaying their hand
What does it take to get the kneeling to stop?

Cops will kill unarmed people whether they kneel or not. Time to move on

I see it less of overplaying their hand, and more of the message is not being taken in the way they thought or hoped it would. It didn't get people to think about issues with policing, it made people talk about the overt act of kneeling or sitting or whatever during the anthem.

The protesters who want to keep up with this are unable or unwilling to realize what they WANT the message to be is not what a large segment of population perceives the message as presented. Now we are at the point of arguing about the messenger (the act) instead of the message (why they are doing it)

Also Kaepernick getting photographed with those "cops as pigs" socks didn't help his case.

But the players have no idea what a “win” is
What has to be done to get them to stop kneeling?

While kaepernick may have had a legitimate reason to protest, the protest has been twisted to NFL players are anti American

They thought the act would raise consciousness. It didn't.

I disagree with the word "twisted". Guys like Kap thought the message would be seen as X, and a lot of people saw it as Y. that isn't twisting, it's how people took it.

Wrong as usual Marty, Kap's message was clear; the Y was Trump's effort to cloud the issue. No one with an IQ over 85 really believes Trump's propaganda on this issue, and most other issues; however those with an IQ of 85 or more who claim something other than a protest on lethal racism are damn liars.

Kap's message was lost on people from day 1, without Trump being involved at all, because he was seen as attacking the anthem, and not seen as protesting something else.

It got worse when he got caught with the cops as pigs socks.

That you don't see or get it is not surprising. That you go all "fuh fuh fuh, Trump, fuh fuh fuh" isn't either.

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