It's time for patriots to stand up for Trump.

Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and a bum.
Hillary is a war criminal, traitor and all-in-all evil bitch.
Thank GOD Trump won.
The divine intervention we needed to take our country back
from the globalists like Joe and Hill.
Even if that were true she would still be the better choice. Thats why she won the popular election. No doubt something that sticks in the craw of the fat ass currently in the WH.
Even if Trump never did another thing he has already done better the 44 and his demented sidekick. I can't imagine how bad things would be if that thing from hell had won.
Drumpf is the worst potus in history and its not even close. The only thing he has done better than the GREAT OBAMA is fuck up in a major way.
Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and a bum.
Hillary is a war criminal, traitor and all-in-all evil bitch.
Thank GOD Trump won.
The divine intervention we needed to take our country back
from the globalists like Joe and Hill.
Remember the time she threatened to unleash the military on Americans on American soil?
Even if Trump never did another thing he has already done better the 44 and his demented sidekick. I can't imagine how bad things would be if that thing from hell had won.
Drumpf is the worst potus in history and its not even close. The only thing he has done better than the GREAT OBAMA is fuck up in a major way.
Roflol. Yeah the guy was a real gutless wonder. If only he had drawn one more line in the sand. But he did tell the Russians he would be more flexible after the election. Used the IRS to do his dirty work. Confiscated reporters email and computers. But hey he was great for you I guess your definition of great is not what most people's is.
He'll be a one-termer, I think. There's really no meaningful difference between he and Biden anyway. The establishment would prefer Biden, actually. The last couple of years I'd thought there was no way he wouldnlt get re-elected, especially given that he's enjoying the Kim Jong Um type of blind, trained worship by so many in the American electorate.

But now, I think the establishment just would prefer Biden.

So, yeah. One term, final answer.

Personally I'm voting for the principled third party candidate.
Even if Trump never did another thing he has already done better the 44 and his demented sidekick. I can't imagine how bad things would be if that thing from hell had won.
Drumpf is the worst potus in history and its not even close. The only thing he has done better than the GREAT OBAMA is fuck up in a major way.
Roflol. Yeah the guy was a real gutless wonder. If only he had drawn one more line in the sand. But he did tell the Russians he would be more flexible after the election. Used the IRS to do his dirty work. Confiscated reporters email and computers. But hey he was great for you I guess your definition of great is not what most people's is.
Theres a reason 95% of the nation wishes Obama was still POTUS. Drumpfs such a fuck up that former repub potus is thinking about backing Biden. Drumpf is such a bitch that he feels he has to protect himself from americans by building a higher fence outside of an existing fence..

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